< Proverbs 22 >

1 A good name is more to be desired than great wealth, and to be respected is better than silver and gold.
נבחר שם מעשר רב מכסף ומזהב חן טוב׃
2 The man of wealth and the poor man come face to face: the Lord is the maker of them all.
עשיר ורש נפגשו עשה כלם יהוה׃
3 The sharp man sees the evil and takes cover: the simple go straight on and get into trouble.
ערום ראה רעה ויסתר ופתיים עברו ונענשו׃
4 The reward of a gentle spirit and the fear of the Lord is wealth and honour and life.
עקב ענוה יראת יהוה עשר וכבוד וחיים׃
5 Thorns and nets are in the way of the twisted: he who keeps watch over his soul will be far from them.
צנים פחים בדרך עקש שומר נפשו ירחק מהם׃
6 If a child is trained up in the right way, even when he is old he will not be turned away from it.
חנך לנער על פי דרכו גם כי יזקין לא יסור ממנה׃
7 The man of wealth has rule over the poor, and he who gets into debt is a servant to his creditor.
עשיר ברשים ימשול ועבד לוה לאיש מלוה׃
8 By planting the seed of evil a man will get in the grain of sorrow, and the rod of his wrath will be broken.
זורע עולה יקצור און ושבט עברתו יכלה׃
9 He who is kind will have a blessing, for he gives of his bread to the poor.
טוב עין הוא יברך כי נתן מלחמו לדל׃
10 Send away the man of pride, and argument will go out; truly fighting and shame will come to an end.
גרש לץ ויצא מדון וישבת דין וקלון׃
11 He whose heart is clean is dear to the Lord; for the grace of his lips the king will be his friend.
אהב טהור לב חן שפתיו רעהו מלך׃
12 The eyes of the Lord keep knowledge, but by him the acts of the false man will be overturned.
עיני יהוה נצרו דעת ויסלף דברי בגד׃
13 The hater of work says, There is a lion outside: I will be put to death in the streets.
אמר עצל ארי בחוץ בתוך רחבות ארצח׃
14 The mouth of strange women is a deep hole: he with whom the Lord is angry will go down into it.
שוחה עמקה פי זרות זעום יהוה יפול שם׃
15 Foolish ways are deep-seated in the heart of a child, but the rod of punishment will send them far from him.
אולת קשורה בלב נער שבט מוסר ירחיקנה ממנו׃
16 He who is cruel to the poor for the purpose of increasing his profit, and he who gives to the man of wealth, will only come to be in need.
עשק דל להרבות לו נתן לעשיר אך למחסור׃
17 Let your ear be bent down for hearing my words, and let your heart give thought to knowledge.
הט אזנך ושמע דברי חכמים ולבך תשית לדעתי׃
18 For it is a delight to keep them in your heart, to have them ready on your lips.
כי נעים כי תשמרם בבטנך יכנו יחדו על שפתיך׃
19 So that your faith may be in the Lord, I have made them clear to you this day, even to you.
להיות ביהוה מבטחך הודעתיך היום אף אתה׃
20 Have I not put in writing for you thirty sayings, with wise suggestions and knowledge,
הלא כתבתי לך שלשום במועצות ודעת׃
21 To make you see how certain are true words, so that you may give a true answer to those who put questions to you?
להודיעך קשט אמרי אמת להשיב אמרים אמת לשלחיך׃
22 Do not take away the property of the poor man because he is poor, or be cruel to the crushed ones when they come before the judge:
אל תגזל דל כי דל הוא ואל תדכא עני בשער׃
23 For the Lord will give support to their cause, and take the life of those who take their goods.
כי יהוה יריב ריבם וקבע את קבעיהם נפש׃
24 Do not be friends with a man who is given to wrath; do not go in the company of an angry man:
אל תתרע את בעל אף ואת איש חמות לא תבוא׃
25 For fear of learning his ways and making a net ready for your soul.
פן תאלף ארחתו ולקחת מוקש לנפשך׃
26 Be not one of those who give their hands in an agreement, or of those who make themselves responsible for debts:
אל תהי בתקעי כף בערבים משאות׃
27 If you have nothing with which to make payment, he will take away your bed from under you.
אם אין לך לשלם למה יקח משכבך מתחתיך׃
28 Let not the old landmark be moved which your fathers have put in place.
אל תסג גבול עולם אשר עשו אבותיך׃
29 Have you seen a man who is expert in his business? he will take his place before kings; his place will not be among low persons.
חזית איש מהיר במלאכתו לפני מלכים יתיצב בל יתיצב לפני חשכים׃

< Proverbs 22 >