< Philemon 1 >

1 Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon, our dear helper in the faith,
Jesus Christ hang in thong a tak keima Paul le i suapui Timothy in ka it mama uh le ka naseppui uh a hi Philemon,
2 And to Apphia, our sister, and to Archippus, our brother in God's army, and to the church in your house:
Ka it mama uh Apphia, ka ngalkap seppui Archippus le na inn a om pawlpi te tung ah:
3 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I Pa Pathian le Topa Jesus Christ tung pan thuthiamna le thinnopna hong om tahen.
4 I give praise to God at all times and make prayer for you,
Ka thunget na theampo ah nangma hong phawk tawntung in ka Pathian tung lungdam ka ko hi,
5 Hearing of the love and the faith which you have to the Lord Jesus and to all the saints;
Banghangziam cile, Topa Jesus le mithiangtho te tung ah na nei itna le upna thu ka za hi;
6 That the faith which you have in common with them may be working with power, in the knowledge of every good thing in you, for Christ.
Christ Jesus sung ah, nasung a om napha theampo heakna hang in na upna sia ngualdang na hil ciang vang nei tu in thu kong ngetsak hi.
7 For I had great joy and comfort in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been made strong again through you, brother.
Banghangziam cile, suapui pa awng, na itna sung ah, lungdamna le hanthotna lian mama nei khu hi, banghangziam cile mithiangtho te thinsung ah, nangma hang in thathak hong dim hi.
8 And so, though I might, in the name of Christ, give you orders to do what is right,
Tua ahikom Christ sung ah hangsantak in thu kong piak tu hunnuam hong suak hi.
9 Still, because of love, in place of an order, I make a request to you, I, Paul, an old man and now a prisoner of Christ Jesus:
Ahihang kum tam zo le tu zong in Jesus Christ hang in thong a tak keima Paul in, itna taw in kong thum nuam zaw hi.
10 My request is for my child Onesimus, the child of my chains,
Kolhawng taw hen na ka thuak lai in ka nei ka tapa Onesimus atu kong thum hi:
11 Who in the past was of no profit to you, but now is of profit to you and to me:
A bosa hun sung ah nang atu in bangma phatuam ngawl hi, ahihang tu in nangma le keima atu in phatuam mama hi:
12 Whom I have sent back to you, him who is my very heart:
Ama kong heakkik sak hi: tua ahikom, ka thinsung laingil bang in na sang in:
13 Though my desire was to keep him with me, to be my servant in the chains of the good news, in your place:
Lungdamna thu hang in kolhawng taw ka om laitak in, nangma tang in hong khoi tu in ama sia ka kung ah omsak nuam khi hi:
14 But without your approval I would do nothing; so that your good works might not be forced, but done freely from your heart.
Ahitazong, na thukim na sia, kong sawl hamtang hang hi ngawl in, nangma thinsung suak in na khensat a hi thei natu in, nong heakpui ngawl in bangma ka ngamta nuam bua hi.
15 For it is possible that for this reason he was parted from you for a time, so that you might have him for ever; (aiōnios g166)
Hun tomno sung a tai na thu sia a tawntung in na nei kik thei natu hi zaw tu hi; (aiōnios g166)
16 No longer as a servant, but more than a servant, a brother, very dear to me specially, but much more to you, in the flesh as well as in the Lord.
Tu in ama sia sila bang hi ngawl in, sila sang in a sangzaw in ama na sang in, ama sia keima atu, a tuan in ka it suapui hi a, cilesa lam le Topa lam ah nangma atu in bangza in pha seseam tu ziam?
17 If then you take me to be your friend and brother, take him in as myself.
Tua ahikom naseppui bangin nong ngaisun a hile, keima nong san tu bangin, ama na sangkik in.
18 If he has done you any wrong or is in debt to you for anything, put it to my account.
Nang tung ah khial a hile, a hibale nangtung ah bat hong nei a hile, keima bat bang in hong ngaisutsak tan;
19 I, Paul, writing this myself, say, I will make payment to you: and I do not say to you that you are in debt to me even for your life.
Keima Paul in ka khut tatak tawma in hong at khi hi, keima in hong lokik tu khi hi: ahihang keima tung tatak ma ah nangma in zong hong ba ni hi, kong ci bua hi.
20 So brother, let me have joy of you in the Lord: give new life to my heart in Christ.
Hi hi, suapui pa, Topa sung ah nangma hang in lungdamna hong neisak tan: Topa sung ah ka thinsung laingil thathak hong dimsak tan.
21 Being certain that you will do my desire, I am writing to you, in the knowledge that you will do even more than I say.
Thu ni na hi na sung ah muanna nei in na tung ah lai hong at khi hi, kong son za sang a tam zaw seam tu ni hi, ci kong he hi.
22 And make a room ready for me; for I am hoping that through your prayers I will be given to you.
Tabang cikteak ma in ka ngia natu mun hong puakholsak tan: banghangziam cile na thungetna uh hang in note kung ah hong theng thei tu khi hi, ci zong lametna ka nei hi.
23 Epaphras, my brother-prisoner in Christ Jesus, sends you his love;
Christ Jesus hang in ka thongtakpui Epaphras;
24 And so do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my brother-workers.
Ka naseppui Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas le Lucas te in hong nukset hi.
25 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. So be it.
I Topa Jesus Christ i hesuakna na tha taw hong om tahen. Amen.

< Philemon 1 >