< Numbers 24 >
1 Now when Balaam saw that it was the Lord's pleasure to give his blessing to Israel, he did not, as at other times, make use of secret arts, but turning his face to the waste land,
Der Bileam saa, at det behagede Herren, at han velsignede Israel, da gik han ikke hen, som de andre Gange, at søge Spaadomme; men han rettede sit Ansigt mod Ørken.
2 And lifting up his eyes, he saw Israel there, with their tents in the order of their tribes: and the spirit of God came on him.
Og Bileam opløftede sine Øjne og saa Israel, som var lejret efter dets Stammer; og Guds Aand kom over ham.
3 And moved by the spirit, he said, These are the words of Balaam, son of Beor, the words of the man whose eyes are open:
Og han tog til sit Sprog og sagde: Det siger Bileam, Beors Søn, og det siger den Mand, hvis Øje er tillukket,
4 He says, whose ears are open to the words of God, who has seen the vision of the Ruler of all, falling down, but having his eyes open:
det siger den, som hører Guds Taler, den, som ser den Almægtiges Syn, den, der sank ned, og hvem Øjnene bleve aabnede paa:
5 How fair are your tents, O Jacob, your houses, O Israel!
Hvor skønne ere dine Telte, Jakob! og dine Boliger, Israel!
6 They are stretched out like valleys, like gardens by the riverside, like flowering trees planted by the Lord, like cedar-trees by the waters.
Ligesom Bække udbrede de sig, som Haverne ved en Flod, som Aloetræer, Herren har plantet, som Cedrene ved Vandet.
7 Peoples will be in fear before his strength, his arm will be on great nations: his king will be higher than Agag, and his kingdom made great in honour.
Der skal flyde Vand af hans Spande, og hans Afkom skal være ved de mange Vande, og hans Konge skal blive mægtigere end Agag, og hans Rige skal ophøjes.
8 It is God who has taken him out of Egypt; his horns are like those of the mountain ox; the nations warring against him will be his food, their bones will be broken, they will be wounded with his arrows.
Gud er den, som førte ham ud af Ægypten, de have megen Styrke, som Enhjørningen; han skal fortære Hedningerne, sine Fjender, og bryde deres Ben og saare dem med sine Pile.
9 He took his sleep stretched out like a lion, and like a she-lion: by whom will his rest be broken? May a blessing be on everyone who gives you blessing, and a curse on everyone by whom you are cursed.
Han har bøjet sig, lagt sig som en Løve og som en Løvinde, hvo tør jage ham op? velsignet være de, som dig velsigne, og forbandet være de, som dig forbande.
10 Then Balak was full of wrath against Balaam, and angrily waving his hands he said to Balaam, I sent for you so that those who are against me might be cursed, but now, see, three times you have given them a blessing.
Da optændtes Balaks Vrede imod Bileam, og han slog sine Hænder sammen; og Balak sagde til Bileam: Jeg kaldte dig til at forbande mine Fjender, og se, du har velsignet nu tre Gange.
11 Go back quickly to the place you came from: it was my purpose to give you a place of honour, but now the Lord has kept you back from honour.
Og nu, fly du til dit Sted; jeg havde sagt: Jeg vil ære dig, men se, Herren har forhindret dig fra den Ære.
12 Then Balaam said to Balak, Did I not say to the men you sent to me,
Og Bileam sagde til Balak: Talede jeg ikke ogsaa til dine Bud, som du sendte til mig, og sagde:
13 Even if Balak gave me his house full of silver and gold, it would not be possible for me to go outside the orders of the Lord, doing good or evil at the impulse of my mind; whatever the Lord says I will say?
Dersom Balak vilde give mig sit Hus, fuldt af Sølv og Guld, saa kunde jeg ikke overtræde Herrens Ord, til at gøre godt eller ondt efter mit eget Hjerte; det som Herren vil tale, det vil jeg tale.
14 So now I will go back to my people: but first let me make clear to you what this people will do to your people in days to come.
Og nu se, jeg drager til mit Folk; gak hid, jeg vil raade dig, hvad dette Folk skal gøre ved dit Folk i de sidste Dage.
15 Then he went on with his story and said, These are the words of Balaam, the son of Beor, the words of him whose eyes are open:
Og han tog til sit Sprog og sagde: Det siger Bileam, Beors Søn, det siger den Mand, hvis Øje er tillukket;
16 He says, whose ear is open to the words of God, who has knowledge of the Most High, who has seen the vision of the Ruler of all, falling down and having his eyes open:
det siger den, som hører Guds Taler, og som ved den Højestes Vidskab, den, som ser den Almægtiges Syn, den, der sank ned, og hvem Øjnene bleve aabnede paa:
17 I see him, but not now: looking on him, but not near: a star will come out of Jacob, and a rod of authority out of Israel, sending destruction to the farthest limits of Moab and on the head of all the sons of Sheth.
Jeg ser ham, dog ikke nu, jeg skuer ham, men ikke nær; der opgaar en Stjerne af Jakob, og der hæver sig et Spir af Israel, og det knuser Moabs Hjørner og ødelægger alle Seths Børn.
18 Edom will be his heritage, and he will put an end to the last of the people of Seir.
Og Edom skal være hans Ejendom, og Sejr, hans Fjende, skal være hans Ejendom; men Israel skal gøre kraftige Gerninger.
19 And Israel will go on in strength, and Jacob will have rule over his haters.
Af Jakob skal een herske, og de overblevne skal han udrydde af Stæderne.
20 Then, turning his eyes to Amalek, he went on with his story and said, Amalek was the first of the nations, but his part will be destruction for ever.
Og der han saa Amalekiterne, da tog han til sit Sprog og sagde: Amalek er det første af Hedningefolkene; men i hans sidste Tid skal han gaa til Grunde.
21 And looking on the Kenites he went on with his story and said, Strong is your living-place, and your secret place is safe in the rock.
Og der han saa Keniterne, da tog han til sit Sprog og sagde: Fast er din Bolig, og bygget paa Klippen er din Rede.
22 But still the Kenites will be wasted, till Asshur takes you away prisoner.
Thi mon Kain skal hjemfalde til, Undergang, indtil Assur fører dig i Fangenskab?
23 Then he went on with his story and said, But who may keep his life when God does this?
Og han tog til sit Sprog og sagde: Ve! hvo skal blive ved Live, naar Gud beskikker det?
24 But ships will come from the direction of Kittim, troubling Asshur and troubling Eber, and like the others their fate will be destruction.
Og Skibe fra Kithims Egn skulle komme, og de skulle undertrykke Assur og undertrykke Eber, ja ogsaa han skal gaa til Grunde.
25 Then Balaam got up and went back to his place: and Balak went away.
Og Bileam stod op og gik og vendte tilbage til sit Sted; og Balak gik ogsaa sin Vej.