< Numbers 11 >
1 Now the people were saying evil against the Lord; and the Lord, hearing it, was angry and sent fire on them, burning the outer parts of the tent-circle.
Men Folket knurrede højlydt for HERREN over deres usle Kår; og da HERREN hørte det, blussede hans Vrede op, og HERRENs Ild brød løs iblandt dem og åd om sig i den yderste Del af Lejren.
2 And the people made an outcry to Moses, and Moses made prayer to the Lord, and the fire was stopped.
Da råbte Folket til Moses, og Moses gik i Forbøn hos HERREN. Så dæmpedes Ilden.
3 So that place was named Taberah, because of the fire of the Lord which had been burning among them.
Derfor kaldte man dette Sted Tabera, fordi HERRENs Ild brød løs iblandt dem.
4 And the mixed band of people who went with them were overcome by desire: and the children of Israel, weeping again, said, Who will give us flesh for our food?
Men den sammenløbne Hob, som fandtes iblandt dem, blev lysten. Så tog også Israeliterne til at græde igen, og de sagde: "Kunde vi dog få Kød at spise!
5 Sweet is the memory of the fish we had in Egypt for nothing, and the fruit and green plants of every sort, sharp and pleasing to the taste:
Vi mindes Fiskene, vi fik at spise for intet i Ægypten, og Agurkerne, Vandmelonerne, Porrerne, Hvidløgene og Skalotterne,
6 But now our soul is wasted away; there is nothing at all: we have nothing but this manna before our eyes.
og nu vansmægter vi; her er hverken det ene eller det andet, vi ser aldrig andet end Manna."
7 Now the manna was like a seed of grain, like small clear drops.
Mannaen lignede Horianderfrø og så ud som Bellium.
8 The people went about taking it up from the earth, crushing it between stones or hammering it to powder, and boiling it in pots, and they made cakes of it: its taste was like the taste of cakes cooked with oil.
Folket gik rundt og sankede den op; derpå malede de den i Håndkværne eller stødte den i Mortere; så kogte de den i Gryder og lavede Kager deraf; den smagte da som Bagværk tillavet i Olie.
9 When the dew came down on the tents at night, the manna came down with it.
Når Duggen om Natten faldt over Lejren, faldt også Mannaen ned over den.
10 And at the sound of the people weeping, every man at his tent-door, the wrath of the Lord was great, and Moses was very angry.
Og Moses hørte, hvorledes alle Folkets Slægter græd, enhver ved Indgangen til sit Telt; da blussede HERRENs Vrede voldsomt op, og det vakte også Moses's Mishag.
11 And Moses said to the Lord, Why have you done me this evil? and why have I not grace in your eyes, that you have put on me the care of all this people?
Da sagde Moses til HERREN: "Hvorfor har du handlet så ilde med din Tjener, og hvorfor har jeg ikke fundet Nåde for dine Øjne, siden du har lagt hele dette Folk som en Byrde på mig?
12 Am I the father of all this people? have I given them birth, that you say to me, Take them in your arms, like a child at the breast, to the land which you gave by an oath to their fathers?
Mon det er mig, der har undfanget hele dette Folk, mon det er mig, der har født det, siden du forlanger, at jeg i min Favn skal bære det hen til det Land, du tilsvor dets Fædre, som en Fosterfader bærer det diende Barn?
13 Where am I to get flesh to give to all this people? For they are weeping to me and saying, Give us flesh for our food.
Hvor skal jeg gå hen og skaffe hele dette Folk Kød? Thi de græder rundt om mig og siger: Skaf os Kød at spise?
14 I am not able by myself to take the weight of all this people, for it is more than my strength.
Jeg kan ikke ene bære hele dette Folk, det er mig for tungt.
15 If this is to be my fate, put me to death now in answer to my prayer, if I have grace in your eyes; and let me not see my shame.
Hvis du vil handle således med mig, så dræb mig hellere, om jeg har fundet Nåde for dine Øjne, så at jeg ikke skal være nødt til at opleve sådan Elendighed!"
16 And the Lord said to Moses, Send for seventy of the responsible men of Israel, who are in your opinion men of weight and authority over the people; make them come to the Tent of meeting and be there with you.
HERREN svarede Moses: "Kald mig halvfjerdsindstyve af Israels Ældste sammen, Mænd, som du ved hører til Folkets Ældste og Tilsynsmænd, før dem hen til Åbenbaringsteltet og lad dem stille sig op hos dig der.
17 And I will come down and have talk with you there: and I will take some of the spirit which is on you and put it on them, and they will take part of the weight of the people off you, so that you do not have to take it by yourself.
Så vil jeg stige ned og tale med dig der, og jeg vil tage noget af den Ånd, der er over dig, og lade den komme over dem, for at de kan hjælpe dig med at bære Folkets Byrde, så du ikke ene skal bære den.
18 And say to the people, Make yourselves clean before tomorrow and you will have flesh for your food: for in the ears of the Lord you have been weeping and saying, Who will give us flesh for food? for we were well off in Egypt: and so the Lord will give you flesh, and it will be your food;
Men til Folket skal du sige: Helliger eder til i Morgen, så skal I få Kød at spise! I har jo grædt højlydt for HERREN og sagt: Kunde vi dog få Kød at spise! Vi havde det jo bedre i Ægypten! Derfor vil HERREN give eder kød at spise;
19 Not for one day only, or even for five or ten or twenty days;
og ikke blot een eller to eller fem eller ti eller tyve Dage skal I spise det,
20 But every day for a month, till you are tired of it, turning from it in disgust: because you have gone against the Lord who is with you, and have been weeping before him saying, Why did we come out of Egypt?
men en hel Måned igennem, indtil det står eder ud af Næsen, og I væmmes derved, fordi I har ringeagtet HERREN, der er i eders Midte, og grædt for hans Åsyn og sagt: Hvorfor drog vi dog ud af Ægypten!"
21 Then Moses said, The people, among whom I am, are six hundred thousand men on foot; and you have said, I will give them flesh to be their food for a month.
Moses svarede: "600000 Fodfolk tæller det Folk, jeg bar om mig, og du siger: Jeg vil skaffe dem Kød, så de har nok at spise en hel Måned!
22 Are flocks and herds to be put to death for them? or are all the fish in the sea to be got together so that they may be full?
Kan der slagtes så meget Småkvæg og Hornkvæg til dem, at det kan slå til, eller kan alle Fisk i Havet samles sammen til dem, så det kan slå til?"
23 And the Lord said to Moses, Has the Lord's hand become short? Now you will see if my word comes true for you or not.
HERREN svarede Moses: "Er HERRENs Arm for kort? Nu skal du få at se, om mit Ord går i Opfyldelse for dig eller ej."
24 And Moses went out and gave the people the words of the Lord: and he took seventy of the responsible men of the people, placing them round the Tent.
Da gik Moses ud og kundgjorde Folket HERRENs Ord. Og han samlede halvfjerdsindstyve af Folkets Ældste og lod dem stille sig rundt om Teltet.
25 Then the Lord came down in the cloud and had talk with him, and put on the seventy men some of the spirit which was on him: now when the spirit came to rest on them, they were like prophets, but only at that time.
Så steg HERREN ned i Skyen og talede til ham; og han tog noget af den Ånd, der var over ham, og lod den komme over de halvfjerdsindstyve Ældste, og da Ånden hvilede over dem, kom de i profetisk Henrykkelse noget, som ikke siden hændtes dem.
26 But two men were still in the tent-circle one of them named Eldad and the other Medad: and the spirit came to rest on them; they were among those who had been sent for, but they had not gone out to the Tent: and the prophet's power came on them in the tent-circle.
Imidlertid var to Mænd blevet tilbage i Lejren, den ene hed Eldad, den anden Medad. Også over dem kom Ånden, thi de hørte til dem, der var optegnede, men de var ikke gået ud til Teltet, og nu kom de i profetisk Henrykkelse inde i Lejren.
27 And a young man went running to Moses and said, Eldad and Medad are acting as prophets in the tent-circle.
Da løb en ung Mand ud og fortalte Moses det og sagde: "Eldad og Medad er kommet i profetisk Henrykkelse inde i Lejren."
28 Then Joshua, the son of Nun, who had been Moses' servant from the time when he was a child, said, My lord Moses, let them be stopped.
Josua, Nuns Søn, der fra sin Ungdom af havde gået Moses til Hånde, sagde da: "Min Herre Moses, stands dem i det!"
29 And Moses said to him, Are you moved by envy on my account? If only all the Lord's people were prophets, and the Lord might put his spirit on them!
Men Moses sagde til ham: "Er du skinsyg på mine Vegne? Gid alt HERRENs Folk var Profeter, gid HERREN vilde lade sin Ånd komme over dem!"
30 Then Moses, with the responsible men of Israel, went back to the tent-circle.
Derpå trak Moses sig tilbage til Lejren med Israels Ældste.
31 Then the Lord sent a wind, driving little birds from the sea, so that they came down on the tents, and all round the tent-circle, about a day's journey on this side and on that, in masses about two cubits high over the face of the earth.
Da rejste der sig på HERRENs Bud en Vind, som førte Vagtler med sig fra Havet og drev dem hen over Lejren så langt som en Dagsrejse på begge Sider af Lejren i en Højde af et Par Alen over Jorden.
32 And all that day and all night and the day after, the people were taking up the birds; the smallest amount which anyone got was ten homers: and they put them out all round the tents.
Så gav Folket sig hele den Dag, hele Natten og hele den næste Dag til at samle Vagtlerne op; det mindste, nogen samlede, var ti Homer. Og de bredte dem ud til Tørring rundt om Lejren.
33 But while the meat was still between their teeth, before it was tasted, the wrath of the Lord was moved against the people and he sent a great outburst of disease on them.
Medens Kødet endnu var imellem Tænderne på dem, før det endnu var spist, blussede HERRENs Vrede op imod Folket, og HERREN lod en meget hård Straf ramme Folket.
34 So that place was named Kibroth-hattaavah; because there they put in the earth the bodies of the people who had given way to their desires.
Og man kaldte Stedet Kibrot Hattåva, thi der blev de lystne Folk jordet.
35 From Kibroth-hattaavah the people went on to Hazeroth; and there they put up their tents.
Fra Kibrot-Hattåva drog Folket til Hazerot, og de gjorde Holdt i Hazerot.