< Nahum 2 >
1 A crusher has come up before your face: keep a good look-out, let the way be watched, make yourself strong, let your power be greatly increased.
Kdor razbija na koščke je prišel gor, pred tvoj obraz. Varuj oporišče, pazi na pot, naredi svoja ledja močna, mogočno utrdi svojo moč.
2 For the Lord will make good the vine of Jacob, as well as the vine of Israel: for the wasters have made them waste and sent destruction on the branches of their vine.
Kajti Gospod je odvrnil Jakobovo odličnost kakor odličnost Izraela, kajti izpraznjevalci so jih izpraznili in skazili njihove trtne mladike.
3 The body-covers of his fighting men have been made red, the men of war are clothed in bright red: the war-carriages are like flames of fire in the day when he gets ready, the horses are shaking.
Ščit njegovih mogočnih mož je pordečel, hrabri možje so v škrlatu. Bojni vozovi bodo s plamenečimi baklami na dan njegove priprave in ciprese bodo strašno stresene.
4 The war-carriages are rushing through the streets, pushing against one another in the wide ways, looking like burning lights, running like thunder-flames.
Bojni vozovi bodo besneli po ulicah, zadevali se bodo drug ob drugega na širokih poteh, zdeli se bodo kakor bakle, tekli bodo kakor bliski.
5 He takes the record of his great men: they go falling on their way; they go quickly to the wall, the cover is made ready.
Spomnil se bo svojih vrlih. Spotaknili se bodo v svoji hoji, podvizali se bodo k njegovemu obzidju in obramba bo pripravljena.
6 The river doorways are forced open, and the king's house is flowing away.
Velika vrata rek bodo odprta in palača se bo raztopila.
7 And the queen is uncovered, she is taken away and her servant-girls are weeping like the sound of doves, hammering on their breasts.
Huzzab bo odvedena v ujetništvo, privedena bo gor in njene služabnice jo bodo vodile kakor z glasom golobic, ki se bijejo po svojih prsih.
8 But Nineveh is like a pool of water whose waters are flowing away; Keep your place, they say; but no one is turning back.
Toda Ninive so od davnine podobne vodnemu zbiralniku, vendar bodo pobegnile. »Stojte, stojte; « bodo kričali toda, nihče ne bo pogledal nazaj.
9 Take silver, take gold; for there is no end to the store; take for yourselves a weight of things to be desired.
Vzemite plen srebra, vzemite plen zlata, kajti ni konca zaloge in slave vseh dragocenih stvari.
10 Everything has been taken from her, all is gone, she has nothing more: the heart is turned to water, the knees are shaking, all are twisted in pain, and colour has gone from all faces.
Prazna je, izpraznjena in opustošena. Srce se topi in kolena udarjajo skupaj in precej bolečine je v vseh ledjih in vsi njihovi obrazi zbirajo črnino.
11 Where is the lions' hole, the place where the young lions got their food, where the lion and the she-lion were walking with their young, without cause for fear?
Kje je prebivališče levov in kraj za hranjenje mladih levov, kjer je hodil lev, celó star lev in levji mladič in nihče ju ni prestrašil?
12 Food enough for his young and for his she-lions was pulled down by the lion; his hole was full of flesh and his resting-place stored with meat.
Lev je raztrgal na koščke dovolj za svoje mladiče in zadavil za svoje levinje in svoje jame napolnil s plenom in svoje brloge z ropom.
13 See, I am against you, says the Lord of armies, and I will have your war-carriages burned in the smoke, and your young lions will be food for the sword: you will no longer get your food by force on the earth, and the voice of your she-lions will be stopped for ever.
»Glej, jaz sem zoper tebe, « govori Gospod nad bojevniki, »in jaz bom sežgal njene bojne vozove v dimu in meč bo použil tvoje mlade leve in iztrebil bom tvoj plen z zemlje in glasu tvojih poslancev ne bo več slišati.«