< Matthew 5 >
1 And seeing great masses of people he went up into the mountain; and when he was seated his disciples came to him.
Bet kad Viņš tos ļaudis redzēja, tad Viņš uzkāpa uz kalnu un apsēdās, un Viņa mācekļi pie Viņa piestājās.
2 And with these words he gave them teaching, saying,
Un Savu muti atdarījis, Viņš tos mācīja un sacīja:
3 Happy are the poor in spirit: for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.
“Svētīgi tie, kas garā nabagi, jo Debesu valstība viņiem pieder.
4 Happy are those who are sad: for they will be comforted.
Svētīgi tie, kam ir bēdas, jo tie taps iepriecināti.
5 Happy are the gentle: for the earth will be their heritage.
Svētīgi tie lēnprātīgie, jo tie to zemi iemantos.
6 Happy are those whose heart's desire is for righteousness: for they will have their desire.
Svētīgi tie, kas izsalkuši un kam slāpst pēc taisnības, jo tie taps piepildīti.
7 Happy are those who have mercy: for they will be given mercy.
Svētīgi tie sirdsžēlīgie, jo tie žēlastību dabūs.
8 Happy are the clean in heart: for they will see God.
Svētīgi tie sirdsšķīstie, jo tie Dievu redzēs.
9 Happy are the peacemakers: for they will be named sons of God.
Svētīgi tie, kas mieru tur, jo tie taps saukti Dieva bērni.
10 Happy are those who are attacked on account of righteousness: for the kingdom of heaven will be theirs.
Svētīgi tie, kas taisnības dēļ vajāti, jo Debesu valstība viņiem pieder.
11 Happy are you when men give you a bad name, and are cruel to you, and say all evil things against you falsely, because of me.
Svētīgi jūs esat, ja Manis dēļ jūs lamā un vajā un visu ļaunu par jums runā, melodami.
12 Be glad and full of joy; for great is your reward in heaven: for so were the prophets attacked who were before you.
Esat priecīgi un līksmi, jo jūsu alga ir liela debesis; jo tā tie vajājuši tos praviešus, kas priekš jums bijuši.
13 You are the salt of the earth; but if its taste goes from the salt, how will you make it salt again? it is then good for nothing but to be put out and crushed under foot by men.
Jūs esat tās zemes sāls; ja nu sāls nelietīga, ar ko tad to sālīs? Tā neder vairs nekam, bet tikai ārā metama un no ļaudīm saminama.
14 You are the light of the world. A town put on a hill may be seen by all.
Jūs esat tās pasaules gaišums; pilsēta, kas stāv kalnā, nevar būt apslēpta.
15 And a burning light is not put under a vessel, but on its table; so that its rays may be shining on all who are in the house.
Tā arī sveci iededzinājis, neviens to neliek apakš pūra, bet uz lukturi; tad tā visiem spīd, kas ir namā.
16 Even so let your light be shining before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.
Tāpat lai jūsu gaisma spīd ļaužu priekšā, ka tie ierauga jūsu labos darbus un godā jūsu Tēvu, kas ir debesīs.
17 Let there be no thought that I have come to put an end to the law or the prophets. I have not come for destruction, but to make complete.
Nedomājiet, ka Es esmu nācis, atmest bauslību un praviešus. Es neesmu nācis atmest, bet piepildīt.
18 Truly I say to you, Till heaven and earth come to an end, not the smallest letter or part of a letter will in any way be taken from the law, till all things are done.
Jo patiesi, Es jums saku: tiekams debess un zeme zudīs, nezudīs neviena, ne vismazākā rakstu zīmīte jeb raksta galiņš no bauslības, tiekams viss notiek.
19 Whoever then goes against the smallest of these laws, teaching men to do the same, will be named least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who keeps the laws, teaching others to keep them, will be named great in the kingdom of heaven.
Tāpēc, ja kas vienu no šiem vismazākiem baušļiem atmetīs un ļaudis tā mācīs, tas taps dēvēts tas vismazākais Debesu valstībā: bet ja kas darīs un mācīs, tas taps dēvēts liels Debesu valstībā.
20 For I say to you, If your righteousness is not greater than the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never go into the kingdom of heaven.
Jo Es jums saku: ja jūsu taisnība nav labāka nekā to rakstu mācītāju un farizeju, tad jūs Debesu valstībā nenāksiet.
21 You have knowledge that it was said in old times, You may not put to death; and, Whoever puts to death will be in danger of being judged:
Jūs esat dzirdējuši, ka vecajiem ir sacīts: tev nebūs nokaut; un kas nokauj, tas būs sodāms caur tiesu.
22 But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be in danger of being judged; and he who says to his brother, Raca, will be in danger from the Sanhedrin; and whoever says, You foolish one, will be in danger of the hell of fire. (Geenna )
Bet Es jums saku: kas ar savu brāli dusmo, tas būs sodāms caur tiesu; bet kas uz savu brāli saka: raka(nevērtīgs)! Tas būs sodāms caur augsto tiesu; bet kas saka: ģeķi(bezdievis)! Tas būs sodāms elles ugunī. (Geenna )
23 If then you are making an offering at the altar and there it comes to your mind that your brother has something against you,
Tāpēc, kad tu savu dāvanu uz altāra upurē un turpat atminies, ka tavam brālim kas ir pret tevi,
24 While your offering is still before the altar, first go and make peace with your brother, then come and make your offering.
Tad atstāj tur altāra priekšā savu dāvanu un noej, saderies(izlīgsti) papriekš ar savu brāli, un tad nāc un upurē savu dāvanu.
25 Come to an agreement quickly with him who has a cause against you at law, while you are with him on the way, for fear that he may give you up to the judge and the judge may give you to the police and you may be put into prison.
Esi labprātīgs savam pretiniekam drīz, kamēr ar viņu vēl esi uz ceļa, ka pretinieks tevi nenodod soģim, un soģis tevi nenodod sulainim, un tu netopi iemests cietumā.
26 Truly I say to you, You will not come out from there till you have made payment of the very last farthing.
Patiesi, Es tev saku, tu no turienes neiziesi, kamēr nenomaksāsi pēdējo artavu.
27 You have knowledge that it was said, You may not have connection with another man's wife:
Jūs esat dzirdējuši, ka vecajiem ir sacīts, tev nebūs laulību pārkāpt.
28 But I say to you that everyone whose eyes are turned on a woman with desire has had connection with her in his heart.
Bet Es jums saku, ka ikviens, kas sievu uzskata, to iekārodamies, tas ar viņu laulību jau pārkāpis savā sirdī.
29 And if your right eye is a cause of trouble to you, take it out and put it away from you; because it is better to undergo the loss of one part, than for all your body to go into hell. (Geenna )
Bet ja tava labā acs tevi apgrēcina, izrauj to un met nost; jo tas tev labāki, ka viens no taviem locekļiem pazūd, nekā kad visa tava miesa top iemesta ellē. (Geenna )
30 And if your right hand is a cause of trouble to you, let it be cut off and put it away from you; because it is better to undergo the loss of one part, than for all your body to go into hell. (Geenna )
Un ja tava labā roka tevi apgrēcina, nocērt to un met nost; jo tas tev labāki, ka viens no taviem locekļiem pazūd, nekā kad visa tava miesa top iemesta ellē. (Geenna )
31 Again, it was said, Whoever puts away his wife has to give her a statement in writing for this purpose:
Ir arī sacīts: kas no savas sievas šķirās, tas lai tai dod šķiršanās grāmatu.
32 But I say to you that everyone who puts away his wife for any other cause but the loss of her virtue, makes her false to her husband; and whoever takes her as his wife after she is put away, is no true husband to her.
Bet Es jums saku: kas no savas sievas šķirās bez vien maucības vainas dēļ, tas viņu spiež laulību pārkāpt; un ja kas atšķirtu precē, tas pārkāpj laulību.
33 Again, you have knowledge that it was said in old times, Do not take false oaths, but give effect to your oaths to the Lord:
Jūs vēl esat dzirdējuši, ka vecajiem ir sacīts: tev nebūs nepatiesi zvērēt, bet Tam Kungam turēt, ko tu zvērēdams esi solījis.
34 But I say to you, Take no oaths at all: not by the heaven, because it is the seat of God;
Bet Es jums saku, ka jums ne pavisam nebūs zvērēt, nedz pie debess, jo tā ir Dieva goda krēsls,
35 Or by the earth, because it is the resting-place for his foot; or by Jerusalem, because it is the town of the great King.
Nedz pie zemes, jo tā ir Viņa kāju pamesls, nedz pie Jeruzālemes, jo tā ir tā lielā ķēniņa pilsēta.
36 You may not take an oath by your head, because you are not able to make one hair white or black.
Tev arī nebūs zvērēt pie savas galvas, jo tu nespēji nevienu matu ne baltu pataisīt ne melnu.
37 But let your words be simply, Yes or No: and whatever is more than these is of the Evil One.
Bet jūsu vārds lai ir: jā, jā! nē, nē! kas pāri par to, tas ir no ļauna.
38 You have knowledge that it was said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
Jūs esat dzirdējuši, ka ir sacīts: aci pret aci un zobu pret zobu.
39 But I say to you, Do not make use of force against an evil man; but to him who gives you a blow on the right side of your face let the left be turned.
Bet Es jums saku, ka jums nebūs pretī stāvēt tam ļaunam, bet kas tevi vaigā sit labajā pusē, tam sniedz arī otru.
40 And if any man goes to law with you and takes away your coat, do not keep back your robe from him.
Un kas ar tevi grib tiesāties un ņemt tavus svārkus, tam palaid arī to uzvalku.
41 And whoever makes you go one mile, go with him two.
Un kas tevi dzen vienu jūdzi, ar to paej divus.
42 Give to him who comes with a request, and keep not your property from him who would for a time make use of it.
Dod tam, kas tevi lūdz, un neatraujies no tā, kas ko no tevis grib aizņemt.
43 You have knowledge that it was said, Have love for your neighbour, and hate for him who is against you:
Jūs esat dzirdējuši, ka ir sacīts: tev būs savu tuvāko mīlēt un savu ienaidnieku ienīdēt.
44 But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;
Bet Es jums saku: mīļojiet savus ienaidniekus, svētījiet tos, kas jūs nolād, dariet labu tiem, kas jūs ienīst, un lūdziet par tiem, kas jūs kaitina un vajā,
45 So that you may be the sons of your Father in heaven; for his sun gives light to the evil and to the good, and he sends rain on the upright man and on the sinner.
Ka jūs topat sava debesu Tēva bērni; jo Viņš liek Savai saulei uzlēkt pār ļauniem un labiem un liek lietum līt pār taisniem un netaisniem.
46 For if you have love for those who have love for you, what credit is it to you? do not the tax-farmers the same?
Jo ja jūs tos vien mīļojiet, kas jūs mīļo, kāda alga jums nākas? Vai muitnieki nedara tāpat?
47 And if you say, Good day, to your brothers only, what do you do more than others? do not even the Gentiles the same?
Un kad jūs sveicinājiet tikai savus brāļus, ko teicamu jūs dariet? Vai muitnieki nedara tāpat?
48 Be then complete in righteousness, even as your Father in heaven is complete.
Tāpēc esat pilnīgi, tā kā jūsu Tēvs debesīs ir pilnīgs.