< Mark 16 >

1 And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James, and Salome, got spices, so that they might come and put them on him.
Mpobwalapita busuba bwa Sabata, Maliya waku Magadala ne Salome ne Maliya banyina Jemusi, balaula mafuta anunkila kwambeti benga bamunanike.
2 And very early after dawn on the first day of the week, they came at the time of the coming up of the sun to the place where the body had been put.
Mpobwalaca mumenemene pasondo balaya kumanda lisuba kalili lilapulu.
3 And they were saying among themselves, Who will get the stone rolled away from the door for us?
pakuya balikwipushaneti, “Inga niyani eshi engatukunkulushileko cilibwe cisa kucifunya pa cishinga ca manda?”
4 And looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back; and it was of great size.
Nomba mpobalalangishisha cena, balabona cilibwe cisa kacili cakunkulushiwa pambali, calikuba cilibwe cinene.
5 And when they went in, they saw a young man seated on the right side, dressed in a white robe; and they were full of wonder.
Nomba mpobalengila mumanda, balabona mutuloba kali wekala panshi kucikasa cakululyo, kaliwa wafwala mwinjila utuba, neco balakankamana.
6 And he said to them, Do not be troubled: you are looking for Jesus, the Nazarene, who has been put to death on the cross; he has come back from the dead; he is not here: see, the place where they put him!
Nomba nendi walabambileti, “Kamutakankamana, ndicinsheti mulalangaulunga Yesu waku Nasaleti usa wanga wapopwa palusanda, Lapunduku kubafu, nkalimo sobwe, kamwisani mulibonene mobene mukati muno mobanga bamubika.
7 But go, say to his disciples and to Peter, He goes before you into Galilee: there you will see him, as he said to you.
Lino kamuyani mwambile beshikwiya bakendi ne Petulo kwambeti, nendi latangunu kendi kuya ku Galileya nkweshi mwenga mumubone mbuli ncalamwambila.”
8 And they went out quickly from the place, because fear and great wonder had come on them: and they said nothing to anyone, because they were full of fear that ...
Balapula mumanda ne kufwamba kufumako ku manda kabatutuma, ne kukankamana, neco paliya muntu ngobalambilako, pakwinga balekatwa ne buyowa.
9 (note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) Now when he came back from the dead early on the first day of the week, he went first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had sent out seven evil spirits.
(note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) Lino Yesu mpwalapunduka pasondo mumenemene, walabonekela nanshi kuli Maliya Magadala usa ngwalapulishamo mishimu yaipa isanu ne ibili.
10 She went and gave news of it to those who had been with him, while they were sorrowing and weeping.
Mutukashuyu walaya kwambila abo mbwali kuba nabo Yesu, pakwinga balikuba baungumana kabalila.
11 And they, when it came to their ears that he was living, and had been seen by her, had no belief in it.
Nomba mpobalanyumfweti nimuyumi, kayi labonekele kulyendiye, balakana kushoma sobwe.
12 And after these things he was seen in another form by two of them, while they were walking on their way into the country.
Panyuma pakendi walabonekela kubantu babili mucinso cimbi, mpobalikwenda kabaya kumunshi.
13 And they went away and gave news of it to the rest; and they had no belief in what was said.
Aba bantu balabwelela kuya kwambila beshikwiya, nomba naboyo baliya kubashoma sobwe.
14 And later he was seen by the eleven themselves while they were taking food; and he said sharp words to them because they had no faith and their hearts were hard, and because they had no belief in those who had seen him after he had come back from the dead.
Panyuma pakendi kayi walabonekela kuli beshikwiya likumi ne umo pacindi ncobalikulya cakulya patebulu, nomba walabakalalila pacebo ca kubula lushomo, pakwinga myoyo yabo yalikuba yayuma, baliya kushoma mpobalambilwa ne bantu balamubona mpwalapundushiwa kubafu.
15 And he said to them, Go into all the world, and give the good news to everyone.
Nomba nendi walabambileti, “Kamuyani mukambauke Mulumbe Waina mu cishi conse, ku mishobo yonse ya bantu.
16 He who has faith and is given baptism will get salvation; but he who has not faith will be judged.
Abo betibashomenga ne kubatishiwa beti bakapuluke, nomba beti bakabule kushoma beti bakacanike ne mulandu.
17 And these signs will be with those who have faith: in my name they will send out evil spirits; and they will make use of new languages;
Abo bashoma nibakaleshenga bingashilo ibi, mulina lyakame nibakapulishenga mishimu yaipa, nibakambenga mumilaka yensu.
18 They will take up snakes, and if there is poison in their drink, it will do them no evil; they will put their hands on those who are ill, and they will get well.
Nibakamantenga njoka mumakasa, nambi banwa cintu ciliconse cikute mutondo nteti bakakolewe sobwe, nibakabikenga makasa pa balwashi, nabo nibakabe cena.”
19 So then the Lord Jesus, after he had said these words to them, was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God.
(Neco Mwami Yesu mpwalapwisha kwamba nabo, walamantwa kuya kwilu, ne kuya kwikala kucikasa cakululyo ca Lesa.
20 And they went out, preaching everywhere, the Lord working with them, and giving witness to the word by the signs which came after. So be it.
Lino balaya kukambauka kulikonse, Mwami walikusebensa nabo, kushininkisheti kukambauka kwabo kwalikuba kwa ncinencine kupitila mu bingashilo byalikwinshika.)

< Mark 16 >