< Leviticus 2 >
1 And when anyone makes a meal offering to the Lord, let his offering be of the best meal, with oil on it and perfume:
»›Ko bo kdorkoli daroval jedilno daritev Gospodu, bo njegov dar iz fine moke in na to bo izlil olje in položil kadilo.
2 And let him take it to Aaron's sons, the priests; and having taken in his hand some of the meal and of the oil, with all the perfume, let him give it to the priest to be burned on the altar, as a sign, an offering made by fire, for a sweet smell to the Lord.
To bo prinesel Aronovim sinovom, duhovnikom. Iz od tega bo zajel prgišče moke in od olja, z vsem kadilom in duhovnik bo to sežgal na oltarju v spomin na to, da bo ognjena daritev, prijeten vonj Gospodu.
3 And the rest of the meal offering will be for Aaron and his sons; it is most holy among the Lord's fire offerings.
Ostanek jedilne daritve bo od Arona in njegovih sinov. To je najsvetejša stvar Gospodovih daritev, narejenih z ognjem.
4 And when you give a meal offering cooked in the oven, let it be of unleavened cakes of the best meal mixed with oil, or thin unleavened cakes covered with oil.
Če prineseš dar jedilne daritve, spečen v peči, naj bodo to nekvašeni kolači iz fine moke, pomazani z oljem ali nekvašeni vaflji, pomazani z oljem.
5 And if you give a meal offering cooked on a flat plate, let it be of the best meal, unleavened and mixed with oil.
Če bo tvoj dar jedilna daritev, spečena v ponvi, naj bo ta iz fine nekvašene moke, umešane z oljem.
6 Let it be broken into bits, and put oil on it; it is a meal offering.
Razdelil jo boš na koščke in nanjo izlil olje. To je jedilna daritev.
7 And if your offering is of meal cooked in fat over the fire, let it be made of the best meal mixed with oil.
Če bo tvoj dar jedilna daritev, spečena v tvoji ponvi za cvrtje, naj bo narejena iz fine moke z oljem.
8 And you are to give the meal offering made of these things to the Lord, and let the priest take it to the altar.
Jedilno daritev, ki je narejena iz teh stvari, boš prinesel Gospodu in ko je ta izročena duhovniku, jo bo prinesel na oltar.
9 And he is to take from the meal offering a part, for a sign, burning it on the altar; an offering made by fire for a sweet smell to the Lord.
Duhovnik bo vzel od jedilne daritve njegov spomin in tega bo sežgal na oltarju. To je ognjena daritev, prijetnega vonja Gospodu.
10 And the rest of the meal offering will be for Aaron and his sons; it is most holy among the Lord's fire offerings.
To, kar je ostalo od jedilne daritve, bo od Arona in njegovih sinov. To je najsvetejša stvar Gospodovih daritev, narejenih z ognjem.
11 No meal offering which you give to the Lord is to be made with leaven; no leaven or honey is to be burned as an offering made by fire to the Lord.
Nobena jedilna daritev, ki jo boste prinesli h Gospodu, naj ne bo pripravljena s kvasom, kajti nobenega kvasa niti nobenega medu ne boste sežgali pri vsaki Gospodovi daritvi, narejeni z ognjem.
12 You may give them as an offering of first-fruits to the Lord, but they are not to go up as a sweet smell on the altar.
Kar se tiče daru prvih sadov, jih boste darovali Gospodu, toda ne bodo sežgani na oltarju za prijeten vonj.
13 And every meal offering is to be salted with salt; your meal offering is not to be without the salt of the agreement of your God: with all your offerings give salt.
Vsak dar svoje jedilne daritve boš začinil s soljo; niti ne boš trpel, da bi sol zaveze tvojega Boga manjkala pri tvoji jedilni daritvi. Z vsemi svojimi darovi boš daroval sol.
14 And if you give a meal offering of first-fruits to the Lord, give, as your offering of first-fruits, new grain, made dry with fire, crushed new grain.
Če daruješ jedilno daritev svojih prvih sadov Gospodu, boš daroval za jedilno daritev svojih prvih sadov zeleno žitno klasje, posušeno ob ognju, torej žito, omlateno iz polnih klasov.
15 And put oil on it and perfume: it is a meal offering.
Nanj boš izlil olje in nanj dal kadilo. To je jedilna daritev.
16 And part of the meal of the offering and part of the oil and all the perfume is to be burned for a sign by the priest: it is an offering made by fire to the Lord.
Duhovnik bo sežgal spomin od tega, del od stolčenega žita in del od njegovega olja, z vsem njegovim kadilom. To je ognjena daritev Gospodu.