< Leviticus 18 >
1 And the Lord said to Moses,
Yavé habló a Moisés:
2 Say to the children of Israel, I am the Lord your God.
Habla a los hijos de Israel: Yo soy Yavé su ʼElohim.
3 You may not do those things which were done in the land of Egypt where you were living; and you may not do those things which are done in the land of Canaan where I am taking you, or be guided in your behaviour by their rules.
No harán como hacen en la tierra de Egipto en la cual vivieron, ni harán como hacen en la tierra de Canaán a la cual los llevo. No seguirán sus costumbres.
4 But you are to be guided by my decisions and keep my rules, and be guided by them: I am the Lord your God.
Cumplirán mis Decretos y observarán mis Estatutos para vivir conforme a ellos. Yo soy Yavé su ʼElohim.
5 So keep my rules and my decisions, which, if a man does them, will be life to him: I am the Lord.
Por tanto, guardarán mis Estatutos y mis Ordenanzas. El hombre que haga estas cosas vivirá por ellas. Yo, Yavé.
6 You may not have sex connection with anyone who is a near relation: I am the Lord.
Ningún varón se acerque a una parienta próxima para descubrir su desnudez. Yo, Yavé.
7 You may not have sex relations with your father or your mother: she is your mother, you may not take her.
No descubrirás la desnudez de tu padre, ni la desnudez de tu madre. Es tu madre, no descubrirás su desnudez.
8 And you may not have sex relations with your father's wife: she is your father's.
No descubrirás la desnudez de la esposa de tu padre. Es la desnudez de tu padre.
9 You may not take your sister, the daughter of your father or of your mother, wherever her birth took place, among you or in another country.
No descubrirás la desnudez de tu hermana, hija de tu padre o hija de tu madre, nacida en casa o nacida fuera de ella.
10 You may not have sex relations with your son's daughter or your daughter's daughter, for they are part of yourself;
No descubrirás la desnudez de la hija de tu hijo o de la hija de tu hija, porque su desnudez es la tuya.
11 Or your father's wife's daughter, the child of your father, for she is your sister.
No descubrirás la desnudez de la hija de la esposa de tu padre, engendrada por tu padre, porque es tu hermana.
12 You may not have sex connection with your father's sister, for she is your father's near relation.
No descubrirás la desnudez de la hermana de tu padre. Es parienta cercana de tu padre.
13 You may not have sex connection with your mother's sister, for she is your mother's near relation.
No descubrirás la desnudez de la hermana de tu madre, porque es parienta cercana de tu madre.
14 You may not have sex relations with the wife of your father's brother, for she is of your family;
No descubrirás la desnudez del hermano de tu padre. No te unirás a su esposa. Es esposa del hermano de tu padre.
15 Or with your daughter-in-law, for she is your son's wife, and you may not take her.
No descubrirás la desnudez de tu nuera. Es esposa de tu hijo. No descubrirás su desnudez.
16 You may not have sex relations with your brother's wife, for she is your brother's.
No descubrirás la desnudez de la esposa de tu hermano. Es la desnudez de tu hermano.
17 You may not take as wife a woman and her daughter, or her son's daughter or her daughter's daughter, for they are of one family: it is an act of shame.
No descubrirás la desnudez de una mujer y de su hija, ni tomarás la hija de su hijo, ni la hija de su hija para descubrir su desnudez, porque son parientas cercanas. Es depravación.
18 And you may not take as wife a woman and at the same time her sister, to be in competition with her in her life-time.
No tomarás a la hermana de tu esposa para convertirla en su rival y descubrir su desnudez, mientras viva aquélla.
19 And you may not go near a woman or have sex relations with her when she is unclean, at her regular time.
No te acercarás a una mujer para descubrir su desnudez durante su impureza menstrual.
20 And you may not have sex relations with your neighbour's wife, making yourself unclean with her.
No tendrás acto carnal con la esposa de tu prójimo, pues te contaminarás con ella.
21 And you may not make any of your children go through the fire as an offering to Molech, and you may not put shame on the name of your God: I am the Lord.
No darás a tu hijo para hacerlo pasar por fuego a Moloc. No profanarás el Nombre de tu ʼElohim. Yo, Yavé.
22 You may not have sex relations with men, as you do with women: it is a disgusting thing.
No te unirás con varón como si fuera mujer. Es repugnante.
23 And you may not have sex relations with a beast, making yourself unclean with it; and a woman may not give herself to a beast: it is an unnatural act.
Con ningún animal te ayuntarás, pues te contaminas con él, ni alguna mujer se pondrá delante de un animal para ayuntarse con él. Es perversidad.
24 Do not make yourself unclean in any of these ways; for so have those nations whom I am driving out from before you made themselves unclean:
Con nada de todo esto se contaminarán, porque con todo esto se contaminaron las naciones que Yo expulso de delante de ustedes,
25 And the land itself has become unclean; so that I have sent on it the reward of its wrongdoing, and the land itself puts out those who are living in it.
porque esa tierra se corrompió. Por tanto, castigué su maldad sobre ella y esa tierra vomitará a sus habitantes.
26 So then keep my rules and my decisions, and do not do any of these disgusting things, those of you who are Israelites by birth, or any others who are living with you:
Pero ustedes guarden mis Estatutos y mis Ordenanzas. No hagan ninguna de todas estas repugnancias, ni el nativo, ni el extranjero que peregrina entre ustedes.
27 (For all these disgusting things were done by the men of this country who were there before you, and the land has been made unclean by them; )
Porque los hombres de aquella tierra que estuvieron antes que ustedes cometieron todas estas repugnancias y la tierra fue contaminada,
28 So that the land may not put you out from it, when you make it unclean, as it put out the nations which were there before you.
no sea que la tierra los vomite porque la contaminaron, como vomitó a la gente que estuvo antes que ustedes.
29 For all those who do any of these disgusting things will be cut off from among their people.
Cualquiera que haga alguna de todas estas repugnancias, será cortada de su pueblo.
30 So then, keep my orders, so that you may not do any of these disgusting things which were done before you, or make yourselves unclean through them: I am the Lord your God.
Así que guarden mi ordenanza al no practicar ninguna de las costumbres repugnantes que practicaron antes de ustedes, para que no se contaminen con ellas. Yo, Yavé su ʼElohim.