< Judges 14 >

1 Now Samson went down to Timnah, and saw a woman in Timnah, of the daughters of the Philistines;
Og Samson gik ned til Thimna og saa en Kvinde af Filisternes Døtre i Thimna.
2 And when he came back he said to his father and mother, I have seen a woman in Timnah, of the daughters of the Philistines: get her now for me for my wife.
Og han kom op og gav sin Fader og sin Moder det til Kende og sagde: Jeg har set en Kvinde af Filisternes Døtre i Thimna; saa tager mig nu hende til Hustru.
3 Then his father and mother said to him, Is there no woman among the daughters of your relations or among all my people, that you have to go for your wife to the Philistines, who are without circumcision? But Samson said to his father, Get her for me, for she is pleasing to me.
Og hans Fader og hans Moder sagde til ham: Er der ingen Kvinde iblandt dine Brødres Døtre og iblandt alt mit Folk, at du gaar hen at tage en Hustru af de uomskaarne Filister? Og Samson sagde til sin Fader: Tag mig denne, thi hun er den rette for mine Øjne.
4 Now his father and mother had no knowledge that this was the purpose of the Lord, who had the destruction of the Philistines in mind. Now the Philistines at that time were ruling over Israel.
Men hans Fader og hans Moder vidste ikke, at det var af Herren, thi han søgte en Anledning fra Filisterne selv; men Filisterne herskede paa den Tid over Israel.
5 Then Samson went down to Timnah (and his father and his mother, ) and came to the vine-gardens of Timnah; and a young lion came rushing out at him.
Saa gik Samson og hans Fader og hans Moder ned til Thimna; og de kom til Thimnas Vingaarde, og se, da kom en ung Løve brølende imod ham.
6 And the spirit of the Lord came on him with power, and, unarmed as he was, pulling the lion in two as one might do to a young goat, he put him to death; (but he said nothing to his father and mother of what he had done.)
Og Herrens Aand kom heftig over ham, og han sled den i Stykker, som man slider et Kid, og han havde ikke noget i sin Haand; og han gav ikke sin Fader eller sin Moder til Kende, hvad han havde gjort.
7 So he went down and had talk with the woman; and she was pleasing to Samson.
Og han kom ned og talede med Kvinden, og hun var den rette for Samsons Øjne.
8 Then after a time he went back to take her; and turning from the road to see the dead body of the lion, he saw a mass of bees in the body of the lion, and honey there.
Og nogen Tid derefter kom han tilbage for at tage hende, og han bøjede af fra Vejen for at bese Løvens Aadsel; og se, der var en Bisværm og Honning i Løvens Krop.
9 And he took the honey in his hand, and went on, tasting it on the way; and when he came to his father and mother he gave some to them; but did not say that he had taken the honey from the body of the lion.
Og han tog den i sine Hænder, og medens han gik videre, aad han og gik saa til sin Fader og til sin Moder og gav dem, og de aade, men han gav dem ikke til Kende, at han havde taget Honningen af Løvens Krop.
10 Then Samson went down to the woman, and made a feast there, as was the way among young men.
Og der hans Fader kom ned til Kvinden, da gjorde Samson der et Gæstebud; thi saaledes plejede de unge Karle at gøre.
11 And he took thirty friends, and they were with him.
Og det skete, der de saa ham, da toge de tredive Selskabsbrødre, og de vare hos ham.
12 And Samson said, Now I have a hard question for you: if you are able to give me the answer before the seven days of the feast are over, I will give you thirty linen robes and thirty changes of clothing;
Da sagde Samson til dem: Kære, jeg vil fremsætte for eder en mørk Tale; dersom I forklare mig den i disse syv Gæstebuds Dage og finde derpaa, da vil jeg give eder tredive Skjorter og tredive Klædninger til at skifte med.
13 But if you are not able to give me the answer, then you will have to give me thirty linen robes and thirty changes of clothing. And they said to him, Put your hard question and let us see what it is.
Men kunne I ikke forklare mig den, da skulle I give mig tredive Skjorter og tredive Klædninger til at skifte med; og de sagde til ham: Fremsæt din mørke Tale og lad os høre den!
14 And he said, Out of the taker of food came food, and out of the strong came the sweet. And at the end of three days they were still not able to give the answer.
Og han sagde til dem: Der udgik Mad af Æderen, og der udgik Sødme af den stærke; og de kunde ikke forklare den mørke Tale i tre Dage.
15 So on the fourth day they said to Samson's wife, Get from your husband the answer to his question by some trick or other, or we will have you and your father's house burned with fire; did you get us here to take all we have?
Og det skete paa den syvende Dag, da sagde de til Samsons Hustru: Lok din Mand til, at han forklarer os den mørke Tale, at vi ikke skulle brænde dig og din Faders Hus med Ild; have I indbudet os, at I ville gøre os fattige eller ikke?
16 Then Samson's wife, weeping over him, said, Truly you have no love for me but only hate; you have put a hard question to the children of my people and have not given me the answer. And he said to her, See, I have not given the answer even to my father or my mother; am I to give it to you?
Da græd Samsons Hustru over ham og sagde: Du hader mig ikkun og har mig ikke kær, du har fremsat en mørk Tale for mit Folks Børn og ikke forklaret den for mig; og han sagde til hende: Se, jeg har ikke forklaret den for min Fader eller for min Moder, og skulde jeg forklare den for dig?
17 And all the seven days of the feast she went on weeping over him; and on the seventh day he gave her the answer, because she gave him no peace; and she sent word of it to the children of her people.
Og hun græd over ham i de syv Dage, som de havde Gæstebud; og det skete, paa den syvende Dag forklarede han den for hende, thi hun trængte ham, og hun forklarede den mørke Tale for sit Folks Børn.
18 Then on the seventh day, before he went into the bride's room, the men of the town said to him, What is sweeter than honey? and what is stronger than a lion? And he said to them, If you had not been ploughing with my cow you would not have got the answer to my question.
Da sagde Mændene af Staden til ham paa den syvende Dag, før Solen gik ned: Hvad er sødere end Honning? og hvad er stærkere end en Løve? Da sagde han til dem: Dersom I ikke havde pløjet med min Kalv, da havde I ikke fundet paa min mørke Tale.
19 And the spirit of the Lord came rushing on him, and he went down to Ashkelon and, attacking thirty men there, took their clothing from them, and gave it to the men who had given the answer to his hard question. Then, full of wrath, he went back to his father's house.
Og Herrens Aand kom heftig over ham, og han gik ned til Askalon og slog tredive Mænd af dem og tog deres Klæder og gav Klædninger til at skifte med til dem, som forklarede den mørke Tale; og hans Vrede optændtes, og han gik op til sin Faders Hus.
20 But Samson's wife was given to the friend who had been his best man.
Men Samsons Hustru blev given hans Selskabsbroder, som havde været i Selskab med ham.

< Judges 14 >