< Jonah 2 >

1 Then Jonah made prayer to the Lord his God from the inside of the fish, and said,
Yunusee baluğne vuxhnenang'a cune Rəbbis Allahıs inəxübna düə haa'a:
2 In my trouble I was crying to the Lord, and he gave me an answer; out of the deepest underworld I sent up a cry, and you gave ear to my voice. (Sheol h7585)
Rəbb, zı dağamiyvalenang'a Valqa onu'u, Ğunad alidghıniy quvuyn. Zı ahaleençe ts'ir hav'u, Vak'le yizda ts'ir g'avxhuna. (Sheol h7585)
3 For you have put me down into the deep, into the heart of the sea; and the river was round about me; all your waves and your rolling waters went over me.
Ğu zı deryahne k'oralybışeeqa g'uvorxhul, Zı xhyanbışde yı'q'nee axu, Yiğın gırgın xhyanbıyiy dalğabı Zal ooğançe ılğeeç'u.
4 And I said, I have been sent away from before your eyes; how may I ever again see your holy Temple?
Manke zı uvhuyn: «Ğu zı Vake əq'əna qı'ı, Meed zak'le Yiğın muq'addasın xav İyerusalimee g'acesıncad».
5 The waters were circling round me, even to the neck; the deep was about me; the sea-grass was twisted round my head.
Nafas əlyhəəsme xhyanbı zalqa qadı, K'oralybışeeqa qıkkı, Vuk'lelqad xavsiy alitk'ır.
6 I went down to the bases of the mountains; as for the earth, her walls were about me for ever: but you have taken up my life from the underworld, O Lord my God.
Suvabışde avqamee zı giç'una, İttehesu Ğu dunyeyn akkabı zal oğa it'umetxha. Ğumee yizda Rəbb Allah Yizın tan k'oralybışeençe g'attixhan hı'iyn.
7 When my soul in me was overcome, I kept the memory of the Lord: and my prayer came in to you, into your holy Temple.
Yizda ı'mı'r k'yabat'amee, Zı Rəbb yik'el qali'ı, Yizda düə Valqa, Yiğne muq'addas xaalqa hipxhırna.
8 The worshippers of false gods have given up their only hope.
Şavaayiy nişiscad karaı'dəəne bütbışis ı'bəədat ha'a, Manbışe Ğu yik'el hixan ha'a, Colqana rəhı'm avaak'an haa'a.
9 But I will make an offering to you with the voice of praise; I will give effect to my oaths. Salvation is the Lord's.
Zımee şukur haa'ane mə'niybışika Vas q'urbanbı allya'as. Zı huvuyn cuvab cigeeqa qalya'asın. G'attivxhan haa'ana sa Rəbb Vuc vorna!
10 And at the Lord's order, the fish sent Jonah out of its mouth on to the dry land.
Rəbbee baluğuk'le uvhuyng'a, mançin Yunus ghalençe xhyan deşde cigeeqa qığayhe.

< Jonah 2 >