< Job 40 >

Jehovha akati kuna Jobho:
2 Will he who is protesting give teaching to the Ruler of all? Let him who has arguments to put forward against God give an answer.
“Ko, munhu anokakavadzana noWamasimba Ose angamurayira here? Anopomera Mwari mhosva ngaamupindure!”
3 And Job said in answer to the Lord,
Ipapo Jobho akapindura Jehovha akati:
4 Truly, I am of no value; what answer may I give to you? I will put my hand on my mouth.
“Ini handina maturo, ndingakupindurai seiko? Ndafumbira muromo wangu.
5 I have said once, and even twice, what was in my mind, but I will not do so again.
Ndakataura kamwe chete, asi handina mhinduro, kaviri, asi handichapamhidzazve.”
6 Then the Lord made answer to Job out of the storm-wind, and said,
Ipapo Jehovha akataura naJobho ari mudutu akati:
7 Get your strength together like a man of war: I will put questions to you, and you will give me the answers.
“Chizvisunga chiuno somurume; ini ndichakubvunza, uye iwe uchandipindura.
8 Will you even make my right of no value? will you say that I am wrong in order to make clear that you are right?
“Ko, iwe unoda kukanganisa kururamisira kwangu here? Ko, unondipomera kuti uzviruramise here?
9 Have you an arm like God? have you a voice of thunder like his?
Uno ruoko rwakaita sorwaMwari here, uye inzwi rako ringatinhira serake here?
10 Put on the ornaments of your pride; be clothed with glory and power:
Chizvishongedza zvino nokukudzwa uye nokubwinya, uye zvishongedze nokuremekedzwa uye noumambo.
11 Let your wrath be overflowing; let your eyes see all the sons of pride, and make them low.
Regedzera ukasha hwehasha dzako, utarire munhu mumwe nomumwe anozvikudza ugomuderedza,
12 Send destruction on all who are lifted up, pulling down the sinners from their places.
tarira murume mumwe nomumwe anozvikudza ugomuninipisa, pwanya vakaipa ipapo pavamire.
13 Let them be covered together in the dust; let their faces be dark in the secret place of the underworld.
Uvavige vose pamwe chete muguruva; ufukidze zviso zvavo muguva.
14 Then I will give praise to you, saying that your right hand is able to give you salvation.
Ipapo ini pachangu ndichabvuma kwauri kuti ruoko rwako rworudyi rungakuponesa.
15 See now the Great Beast, whom I made, even as I made you; he takes grass for food, like the ox.
“Tarisa kumvuu, yandakaita pamwe chete newe uye inofura uswa senzombe.
16 His strength is in his body, and his force in the muscles of his stomach.
Simba rainaro muchiuno chayo, kusimba kwayo kuri mumakakava edumbu rayo.
17 His tail is curving like a cedar; the muscles of his legs are joined together.
Muswe wayo unotsvikidza somusidhari; marunda ezvidya zvayo akasonanidzwa.
18 His bones are pipes of brass, his legs are like rods of iron.
Mapfupa ayo ipombi dzendarira, miromo yayo yakaita setsvimbo dzesimbi.
19 He is the chief of the ways of God, made by him for his pleasure.
Iyo iri pachinzvimbo chokutanga pakati pamabasa aMwari, asi Muiti wayo anogona kusvika pairi nomunondo wake.
20 He takes the produce of the mountains, where all the beasts of the field are at play.
Zvikomo zvinoivigira zvibereko zvayo, uye zvikara zvose zvesango zvinotambira pedyo nayo.
21 He takes his rest under the trees of the river, and in the pool, under the shade of the water-plants.
Inovata pasi pemiti yemirotasi yakavanda pakati petsanga munhope.
22 He is covered by the branches of the trees; the grasses of the stream are round him.
Mirotasi inoivanza pamimvuri yayo; mikonachando iri mujinga morukova inoipoteredza.
23 Truly, if the river is overflowing, it gives him no cause for fear; he has no sense of danger, even if Jordan is rushing against his mouth.
Panozara rwizi, iyo haivhunduki; inodekara zvayo, kunyange Jorodhani rukapfachukira kumuromo wayo.
24 Will anyone take him when he is on the watch, or put metal teeth through his nose?
Pano munhu angagona kuibata neziso, kana kuiteya uye nokuibaya pamhino yayo here?

< Job 40 >