< Job 39 >
1 Have you knowledge of the rock-goats? or do you see the roes giving birth to their young?
¿Sabes tú cuándo paren las cabras monteses? ¿Asististe al parto de las venadas?
2 Is the number of their months fixed by you? or is the time when they give birth ordered by you?
¿Puedes contar los meses de su preñez y saber el tiempo cuando paren?
3 They are bent down, they give birth to their young, they let loose the fruit of their body.
Se encorvan, expulsan sus crías, se libran de sus dolores de parto.
4 Their young ones are strong, living in the open country; they go out and do not come back again.
Sus crías crecen, se fortalecen, salen a campo abierto y no vuelven.
5 Who has let the ass of the fields go free? or made loose the bands of the loud-voiced beast?
¿Quién dio al asno montés su libertad? ¿Quién soltó las ataduras del rebuznante,
6 To whom I have given the waste land for a heritage, and the salt land as a living-place.
a cual di el desierto como hogar y tierra salitrosa como vivienda?
7 He makes sport of the noise of the town; the voice of the driver does not come to his ears;
Se burla del bullicio de la ciudad y no obedece los gritos del arriero,
8 He goes looking for his grass-lands in the mountains, searching out every green thing.
explora las montañas en busca de su pasto y rastrea toda cosa verde.
9 Will the ox of the mountains be your servant? or is his night's resting-place by your food-store?
¿Consentirá el búfalo en ser tu esclavo o pasará la noche en tu establo?
10 Will he be pulling your plough with cords, turning up the valleys after you?
¿Atarás al búfalo al arado con cuerdas? ¿Rastrillará los valles tras ti?
11 Will you put your faith in him, because his strength is great? will you give the fruit of your work into his care?
¿Confiarás en él porque es robusto y dejarás tu labor a su cuidado?
12 Will you be looking for him to come back, and get in your seed to the crushing-floor?
¿Confiarás en él para que te traiga tu cosecha y reúna el grano en tu era?
13 Is the wing of the ostrich feeble, or is it because she has no feathers,
Las alas del avestruz se agitan alegres, ¿pero son las alas y el plumaje del amor?
14 That she puts her eggs on the earth, warming them in the dust,
Abandona sus huevos en la tierra, en el polvo los calienta
15 Without a thought that they may be crushed by the foot, and broken by the beasts of the field?
y se olvida que un pie puede aplastarlos o una bestia salvaje pisotearlos.
16 She is cruel to her young ones, as if they were not hers; her work is to no purpose; she has no fear.
Es cruel con sus polluelos como si no fueran suyos. No le importa que se pierda su fatiga,
17 For God has taken wisdom from her mind, and given her no measure of knowledge.
porque ʼEloah lo privó de sabiduría y no lo dotó de entendimiento.
18 When she is shaking her wings on high, she makes sport of the horse and of him who is seated on him.
Pero cuando se yergue en alto, se burla del caballo y su jinete.
19 Do you give strength to the horse? is it by your hand that his neck is clothed with power?
¿Diste al caballo su fuerza? ¿Cubriste tú su cuello con una melena?
20 Is it through you that he is shaking like a locust, in the pride of his loud-sounding breath?
¿Lo harás brincar como langosta? Su majestuoso resoplido es terrible,
21 He is stamping with joy in the valley; he makes sport of fear.
escarba en el valle, se regocija en su fuerza, sale a encontrarse con las armas,
22 In his strength he goes out against the arms of war, turning not away from the sword.
se ríe del miedo y no se espanta ni retrocede ante la espada.
23 The bow is sounding against him; he sees the shining point of spear and arrow.
La flecha resuena contra él. Fulguran lanzas y arma arrojadiza,
24 Shaking with passion, he is biting the earth; he is not able to keep quiet at the sound of the horn;
con ímpetu y furor devora la distancia, sin que le importe el sonido de la trompeta.
25 When it comes to his ears he says, Aha! He is smelling the fight from far off, and hearing the thunder of the captains, and the war-cries.
Parece que dice entre clarines: ¡Ea! Olfatea desde lejos la batalla, el grito de los comandantes y el grito de guerra.
26 Is it through your knowledge that the hawk takes his flight, stretching out his wings to the south?
¿Vuela el halcón y extiende sus alas hacia el sur por tu sabiduría?
27 Or is it by your orders that the eagle goes up, and makes his resting-place on high?
¿Por tu mandato se remonta el águila y pone su nido en la altura?
28 On the rock is his house, and on the mountain-top his strong place.
Vive y tiene su habitación en la roca, en la cumbre del peñasco, en lugar inaccesible.
29 From there he is watching for food; his eye sees it far off.
Desde allí acecha la presa. Sus ojos la divisan desde muy lejos.
30 His young have blood for their drink, and where the dead bodies are, there is he to be seen.
Sus polluelos chupan la sangre. Donde hay carroña, allí está ella.