< Jeremiah 9 >

1 If only my head was a stream of waters and my eyes fountains of weeping, so that I might go on weeping day and night for the dead of the daughter of my people!
Ak kaut manā galvā jel būtu ūdens un manas acis taptu par asaru avotiem, tad es dienām naktīm apraudātu savas tautas nokautos.
2 If only I had in the waste land a night's resting-place for travellers, so that I might go away, far from my people! for they are all untrue, a band of false men.
Ak kaut man tuksnesī būtu ceļavīra mājas vieta, tad es savus ļaudis atstātu un no tiem aizietu, jo tie visi ir laulības pārkāpēji, blēžu draudze.
3 Their tongues are bent like a bow to send out false words: they have become strong in the land, but not for good faith: they go on from evil to evil, and they have no knowledge of me, says the Lord.
Tie uzvelk savu mēli kā stopu uz meliem un ne uz patiesību, tie top vareni virs zemes, tie dodas no ļaunuma uz ļaunumu, bet Mani tie nepazīst, saka Tas Kungs.
4 Let everyone keep watch on his neighbour, and put no faith in any brother: for every brother will certainly be tricking his brother, and every neighbour will go about saying evil.
Sargājaties ikviens no sava drauga, un nepaļaujaties ne uz savu brāli; jo brālis brāli krāpj, un draugs staigā draugu aprunādams.
5 Everyone will make sport of his neighbour with deceit, not saying what is true: their tongues have been trained to say false words; they are twisted, hating to come back.
Cits pret citu dzen viltību un nerunā patiesību, tie māca savu mēli melot, tie nopūlējās netaisnību darīdami.
6 There is wrong on wrong, deceit on deceit; they have given up the knowledge of me, says the Lord.
Tava mājas vieta ir pašas viltības vidū, caur viltību tie liedzās Mani pazīt, saka Tas Kungs.
7 So the Lord of armies has said, See, I will make them soft in the fire and put them to the test; this I will do because of their evil-doing.
Tādēļ, tā saka Tas Kungs Cebaot: redzi, Es tos kausēšu un pārbaudīšu, - jo kā lai Es citādi daru Savas tautas priekšā?
8 His tongue is an arrow causing death; the words of his mouth are deceit: he says words of peace to his neighbour, but in his heart he is waiting secretly for him.
Viņu mēle ir nāvīga bulta, tā runā viltu, ikviens ar savu muti runā par mieru ar savu tuvāku, bet savā sirdī tam liek valgus.
9 Am I not to send punishment for these things? says the Lord: will not my soul take payment from such a nation as this?
Vai Man tos nebūs piemeklēt? saka Tas Kungs. Vai Manai dvēselei nebūs atriebties pie tādiem ļaudīm, kā šie?
10 Give yourselves to weeping, crying out in sorrow for the mountains; and for the fields of the waste land send up a song of grief, because they are burned up, so that no one goes through; there is no sound of cattle; the bird of the heavens and the beast are in flight and are gone.
Man jāsāk raudāšana un kaukšana par kalniem un raudu dziesma par ganībām tuksnesī; jo tās ir nodedzinātas, ka neviens tur nestaigā, un ganāmā pulka balsi tur nedzird; putni apakš debess un lopi ir aizskrējuši un aizgājuši.
11 And I will make Jerusalem a mass of broken stones, the living-place of jackals; and I will make the towns of Judah a waste, with no man living there.
Un Jeruzālemi Es likšu par akmeņu kopu un par mājokli tuksneša zvēriem, un Jūda pilsētas Es darīšu par postažu bez iedzīvotājiem.
12 Who is the wise man able to see this? who is he to whom the word of the Lord has come, so that he may make it clear? why is the land given to destruction and burned up like a waste place, so that no one goes through?
Kas ir tāds gudrs vīrs, kas to saprot? Un uz ko Tā Kunga mute runājusi, ka tas to var pasludināt? Kādēļ zeme iet bojā un izdeg kā tuksnesis, kur neviens nestaigā?
13 And the Lord said, Because they have given up my law which I put before them, giving no attention to my voice and not being guided by it;
Un Tas Kungs sacīja: tādēļ ka tie atstājuši Manu bauslību, ko Es tiem esmu licis priekšā, un nav klausījuši Manu balsi nedz pēc tās staigājuši,
14 But they have been walking in the pride of their hearts, going after the Baals, as their fathers gave them teaching.
Bet staigājuši pēc savas sirds stūrgalvības un Baāliem pakaļ, kā viņu tēvi tos mācījuši.
15 So the Lord of armies, the God of Israel, has said, I will give them, even this people, bitter plants for food and bitter water for drink.
Tādēļ, tā saka Tas Kungs Cebaot, Israēla Dievs: Redzi, Es šos ļaudis ēdināšu ar vērmelēm un tos dzirdināšu ar žultīm.
16 And I will send them wandering among the nations, among people strange to them and to their fathers: and I will send the sword after them till I have put an end to them.
Un Es tos izkaisīšu starp tautām, ko tie nav pazinuši nedz viņu tēvi, un sūtīšu zobenu tiem pakaļ, tiekams Es tos būšu izdeldējis.
17 This is what the Lord of armies has said: Take thought and send for the weeping women, so that they may come; and send for the wise women, so that they may come:
Tā saka Tas Kungs Cebaot: ņemiet to vērā un aicinājiet raudu sievas, lai tās nāk, un sūtat pēc tām gudrām sievām, lai tās atnāk,
18 Let them quickly make cries of sorrow for us, so that drops may be flowing from our eyes till they are streaming with water.
Un steigšus sāk par mums raudāšanu, ka mūsu acis tek asarām un mūsu acu plakstiņi plūst ūdenim.
19 For a sound of weeping goes up from Zion, a cry, How has destruction come on us? we are overcome with shame because we have gone away from our land; he has sent us out from our house.
Jo kaukšanas balss dzirdama no Ciānas: ak! Kā esam postīti, ļoti kaunā likti, jo mēs atstājam zemi, jo tie apgāzuši mūsu mājokļus!
20 But even now, give ear to the word of the Lord, O you women; let your ears be open to the word of his mouth, training your daughters to give cries of sorrow, everyone teaching her neighbour a song of grief.
Klausiet tad Tā Kunga vārdu, sievas, un lai jūsu auss uzņem viņa mutes vārdu, un mācat savām meitām raudu dziesmas, un viena otrai lai māca gaudas.
21 For death has come up into our windows, forcing its way into our great houses; cutting off the children in the streets and the young men in the wide places.
Jo nāve kāpj iekšā pa mūsu logiem, tā nāk mūsu jaukos namos, nokaut bērniņus pa ielām un jaunekļus pa gatvēm.
22 The bodies of men will be falling like waste on the open fields, and like grain dropped by the grain-cutter, and no one will take them up.
Runā, tā saka Tas Kungs: miroņu miesas gulēs kā mēsli uz tīruma un kā kūļi aiz pļāvēja, ko neviens nesaņem.
23 This is the word of the Lord: Let not the wise man take pride in his wisdom, or the strong man in his strength, or the man of wealth in his wealth:
Tā saka Tas Kungs: gudrais lai nelielās ar savu gudrību, stiprais lai nelielās ar savu stiprumu, bagātais lai nelielās ar savu bagātību.
24 But if any man has pride, let it be in this, that he has the wisdom to have knowledge of me, that I am the Lord, working mercy, giving true decisions, and doing righteousness in the earth: for in these things I have delight, says the Lord.
Bet kas grib lielīties, tas lai lielās ar to, ka viņš Mani pazīst un zin, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs, kas dara žēlastību, tiesu un taisnību virs zemes; jo pie tām Man ir labs prāts, saka Tas Kungs.
25 See, the day is coming, says the Lord, when I will send punishment on all those who have circumcision in the flesh;
Redzi, nāk dienas, saka Tas Kungs, ka Es piemeklēšu apgraizītos līdz ar neapgraizītiem,
26 On Egypt and on Judah and on Edom and on the children of Ammon and on Moab and on all who have the ends of their hair cut, who are living in the waste land: for all these nations and all the people of Israel are without circumcision in their hearts.
Ēģiptes zemi un Jūdu un Edomu un Amona bērnus un Moabu un visus, kam apcirptas bārdas, kas tuksnesī dzīvo. Jo visi pagāni ir neapgraizīti, bet Israēla namam ir neapgraizīta sirds.

< Jeremiah 9 >