< Isaiah 64 >

1 O let the heavens be broken open and come down, so that the mountains may be shaking before you,
Haiwa, dai maibvarura matenga mukaburuka pasi, kuti makomo adedere pamberi penyu!
2 As when fire puts the brushwood in flames, or as when water is boiling from the heat of the fire: to make your name feared by your haters, so that the nations may be shaking before you;
Sezvinoita moto paunopisa tsotso uchiita kuti mvura ivire, burukai muzoita kuti zita renyu rizivikanwe kuvavengi venyu, uye muite kuti ndudzi dzidedere pamberi penyu!
3 While you do acts of power for which we are not looking, and which have not come to the ears of men in the past.
Nokuti pamakaita zvinhu zvinotyisa zvatakanga tisina kutarisira, makaburuka pasi, makomo akabvunda pamberi penyu.
4 The ear has not had news of, or the eye seen, ... any God but you, working for the man who is waiting for him.
Kubva panguva dzekare hakuna munhu akanzwa, hakuna nzeve yakanzwisisa, hakuna ziso rakaona mumwe Mwari kunze kwenyu, anobatsira avo vanomumirira.
5 Will you not have mercy on him who takes pleasure in doing righteousness, even on those who keep in mind your ways? Truly you were angry, and we went on doing evil, and sinning against you in the past.
Munouya kuzobatsira avo vanofarira kuita zvakarurama, vanorangarira nzira dzenyu. Asi patakaramba tichivatadzira, imi makatsamwa. Zvino tingaponeswa seiko?
6 For we have all become like an unclean person, and all our good acts are like a dirty robe: and we have all become old like a dead leaf, and our sins, like the wind, take us away.
Isu tose tafanana nousina kuchena, uye mabasa edu ose okururama afanana namamvemve enguo dzine tsvina; isu tose tinooma seshizha, semhepo zvivi zvedu zvinotitsvairira kure.
7 And there is no one who makes prayer to your name, or who is moved to keep true to you: for your face is veiled from us, and you have given us into the power of our sins.
Hakuna anodana kuzita renyu kana anoshingairira kuti akubatei; nokuti makativanzira chiso chenyu mukaita kuti tiperezeke nokuda kwezvivi zvedu.
8 But now, O Lord, you are our father; we are the earth, and you are our maker; and we are all the work of your hand.
Haiwa, Jehovha, kunyange zvakadaro muri Baba vedu. Isu tiri ivhu, imi muri muumbi; isu tose tiri basa ramaoko enyu.
9 Be not very angry, O Lord, and do not keep our sins in mind for ever: give ear to our prayer, for we are all your people.
Regai kutsamwa zvikuru imi Jehovha; regai kurangarira zvivi zvedu nokusingaperi. Haiwa Jehovha, ringirai kwatiri, tinokumbira, nokuti tose tiri vanhu venyu.
10 Your holy towns have become a waste, Zion has become a waste, Jerusalem is a mass of broken walls.
Maguta enyu matsvene ava renje; kunyange Zioni irenje, Jerusarema rava dongo.
11 Our holy and beautiful house, where our fathers gave praise to you, is burned with fire; and all the things of our desire have come to destruction.
Temberi yedu tsvene inobwinya, umo madzibaba edu akakurumbidzai, yakapiswa nomoto, uye nzvimbo dzose dzataikoshesa dzaparara.
12 In view of all this, will you still do nothing, O Lord? will you keep quiet, and go on increasing our punishment?
Haiwa Jehovha, mushure maizvozvi mungazvidzorawo here? Mucharamba munyerere, uye mugotiranga zvinopfuura mwero here?

< Isaiah 64 >