< Isaiah 59 >
1 Truly, the Lord's hand has not become short, so that he is unable to give salvation; and his ear is not shut from hearing:
Adiera bad Jehova Nyasaye ok chiek ma ok dores joge, bende ite ok odino ma ok dowinj wach.
2 But your sins have come between you and your God, and by your evil doings his face has been veiled from you, so that he will give you no answer.
To richou ema osepogou gi Nyasachu; richou ema omiyo osepandonu wangʼe mondo kik owinju.
3 For your hands are unclean with blood, and your fingers with sin; your lips have said false things, and your tongue gives out deceit.
Nimar lwetu otimo remo, kendo usemulo richo. Dhou osewacho miriambo kendo leu osehulo gik mamono.
4 No one puts forward an upright cause, or gives a true decision: their hope is in deceit, and their words are false; they are with child with sin, and give birth to evil.
Onge ngʼama dwaro tim makare; kata manyo bura miyalo gadiera. Gigeno mana kuom weche manono kendo giwacho miriambo, gimako ich mar chandruok kendo ginywolo mana richo.
5 They give birth to snake's eggs, and make spider's threads: whoever takes their eggs for food comes to his death, and the egg which is crushed becomes a poison-snake.
Gibutno e tong thuonde, kendo gichweyo mbuyi mar otiengʼ-otiengʼ. Ngʼato angʼata mochamo tongʼ-gi biro tho kendo kamoro oto to nyathi fu ema wuokie.
6 Their twisted threads will not make clothing, and their works will give them nothing for covering themselves: their works are works of sin, and violent acts are in their hands.
Mbui margi ok nyal twangʼ-go nanga, bende ok ginyal umore giwegi gi gik ma giloso. Timbegi gin timbe richo; kendo timbe mag mahundu ni e lwetgi.
7 Their feet go quickly to evil, and they take delight in the death of the upright; their thoughts are thoughts of sin; wasting and destruction are in their ways.
Tiendegi reto kadhi timo richo; giyot ahinya mondo gichwer remo maonge ketho. Paro manie chunygi gin paro maricho kendo kamoro amora ma gidhiyoe; masira gi chandruok ema dongʼie.
8 They have no knowledge of the way of peace, and there is no sense of what is right in their behaviour: they have made for themselves ways which are not straight; whoever goes in them has no knowledge of peace.
Ok gingʼeyo yo makelo kwe, onge tim makare e yoregi. Giseloko yorego obedo yore mogondore ogondore, kendo ngʼato angʼata mawuotho e yorego ok noyud kwe.
9 For this cause our right is far from us, and righteousness does not overtake us: we are looking for light, but there is only the dark; for the shining of the sun, but our way is in the night.
Omiyo ngʼado bura makare koro bor kodwa, kendo tim makare ok chop irwa. Wagombo ler, to mudho ema waneno; kendo wadwaro mondo piny oru, to mudho mandiwa ema wawuothoe.
10 We go on our way, like blind men feeling for the wall, even like those who have no eyes: we are running against things in daylight as if it was evening; our place is in the dark like dead men.
Wamulo kor udi mana ka muofni, kendo wamulo kuonde ma wawuothe, mana ka joma onge wengegi. Wachwanyore godiechiengʼ, mana ka gima en otieno kendo wachalo joma otho e kind joma rateke.
11 We make noises of grief, like bears, and sad sounds like doves: we are looking for our right, but it is not there; for salvation, but it is far from us.
Walak mana ka ondiegi kendo wadengo malit mana ka akuru. Wadwaro ngʼado bura makare to ok wayud kata achiel, kendo wamanyo ngʼama reswa to obor kodwa.
12 For our evil doings are increased before you, and our sins give witness against us: for our evil doings are with us, and we have knowledge of our sins:
Nimar timbewa mamono opongʼo wangʼi kendo richowa elore e lela. Timbewa marichogo osiko kodwa kendo wayie timbewa mamonogo, ma gin:
13 We have gone against the Lord, and been false to him, turning away from our God, our words have been uncontrolled, and in our hearts are thoughts of deceit.
ngʼanyo kendo ketho e nyim Jehova Nyasaye, loko ngʼewa ne Nyasachwa, chano timo tulo kendo paro weche mag miriambo ka chunywa opongʼ kod wuond.
14 And the right is turned back, and righteousness is far away: for good faith is not to be seen in the public places, and upright behaviour may not come into the town.
Omiyo ngʼado bura makare ogol oko kendo tim makare ni mabor kodwa, adiera onge e yore matindo kendo tim makare ni kuma bor.
15 Yes, faith is gone; and he whose heart is turned from evil comes into the power of the cruel: and the Lord saw it, and he was angry that there was no one to take up their cause.
Adiera ok nyal yudi, kendo ngʼat motangʼ ne richo chuny ji ojokgo. Jehova Nyasaye norangogi kendo nokecho nikech ngʼado bura makare onge kuomgi.
16 And he saw that there was no man, and was surprised that there was no one to take up their cause: so his arm gave salvation, and he made righteousness his support.
Ne oneno kaonge ngʼato kata achiel, kendo nobwok ni onge kata ngʼato madikony; omiyo bade owuon nokelone en owuon warruok kendo timne makare ema norite.
17 Yes, he put on righteousness as a breastplate, and salvation as a head-dress; and he put on punishment as clothing, and wrath as a robe.
Norwakore tim makare ka law akor mar nyinyo, kendo ne orwako warruok ka ogut lweny; bende ne orwako chulo kuor ka ngʼama rwako law, kendo nobolo mirima mager kuome ka law abola.
18 He will give them the right reward of their doings, wrath to his attackers, punishment to his haters, and even on the sea-lands he will send punishment.
Obiro chulo ngʼato ka ngʼato mana moromore gi timbene, obiro kumo wasike duto gi mirima mager kendo obiro kumo joma odakie dho nembe.
19 So they will see the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the east: for he will come like a rushing stream, forced on by a wind of the Lord.
Koa yo podho chiengʼ, ji noluor nying Jehova Nyasaye, kendo koa yo wuok chiengʼ, oganda nomiye duongʼ. Nimar nobi ka pi mongingore ma much Jehova Nyasaye osekudho.
20 And as a saviour he will come to Zion, turning away sin from Jacob, says the Lord.
Jehova Nyasaye wacho niya, “Jalno makelo Resruok nobi Sayun, mondo ores nyikwa Jakobo moseweyo richogi.”
21 And as for me, this is my agreement with them, says the Lord: my spirit which is on you, and my words which I have put in your mouth, will not go away from your mouth, or from the mouth of your seed, or from the mouth of your seed's seed, says the Lord, from now and for ever.
Jehova Nyasaye wacho niya, “Akwongʼora ni ma e singruokna kodgi. Roho mara man kuomu kod wechena ma aseketo e dhou nosik kodu chakre kawuono nyaka tiengʼ mabiro bangʼu koa kuom nyikwau kadhi nyaka kuom nyithindgi, wach ok nowuogi e dhog-gi ndalo duto nyaka chiengʼ,” Jehova Nyasaye ema owacho.