< Isaiah 53 >

1 Who would have had faith in the word which has come to our ears, and to whom had the arm of the Lord been unveiled?
چه کسی پیام ما را باور کرده، و بازوی توانای خداوند بر چه کسی آشکار شده است!
2 For his growth was like that of a delicate plant before him, and like a root out of a dry place: he had no grace of form, to give us pleasure;
در نظر خدا او مانند درخت سبزی بود که در زمین خشک و شوره‌زار روییده و ریشه دوانده باشد؛ اما در نظر ما او زیبایی و جلوه‌ای نداشت که مشتاقش باشیم.
3 Men made sport of him, turning away from him; he was a man of sorrows, marked by disease; and like one from whom men's faces are turned away, he was looked down on, and we put no value on him.
او را خوار شمردیم و رد کردیم، اما او درد و غم ما را تحمل کرد. همهٔ ما از او رو برگردانیدیم. او خوار شد و ما هیچ اهمیت ندادیم.
4 But it was our pain he took, and our diseases were put on him: while to us he seemed as one diseased, on whom God's punishment had come.
این دردهای ما بود که او به جان گرفته بود، این رنجهای ما بود که او بر خود حمل می‌کرد؛ اما ما گمان کردیم این درد و رنج مجازاتی است که خدا بر او فرستاده است.
5 But it was for our sins he was wounded, and for our evil doings he was crushed: he took the punishment by which we have peace, and by his wounds we are made well.
برای گناهان ما بود که او مجروح شد و برای شرارت ما بود که او را زدند. او تنبیه شد تا ما سلامتی کامل داشته باشیم. از زخمهای او ما شفا یافتیم.
6 We all went wandering like sheep; going every one of us after his desire; and the Lord put on him the punishment of us all.
ما همچون گوسفندانی که آواره شده باشند، گمراه شده بودیم؛ راه خدا را ترک کرده به راههای خود رفته بودیم. با وجود این، خداوند تقصیرها و گناهان همهٔ ما را به حساب او گذاشت!
7 Men were cruel to him, but he was gentle and quiet; as a lamb taken to its death, and as a sheep before those who take her wool makes no sound, so he said not a word.
با او با بی‌رحمی رفتار کردند، اما او تحمل کرد و زبان به شکایت نگشود. همچنانکه بَره را به سوی کشتارگاه می‌برند، او را نیز به کشتارگاه بردند. او مثل گوسفندی که پشمهایش را می‌چینند، لب به اعتراض نگشود.
8 They took away from him help and right, and who gave a thought to his fate? for he was cut off from the land of the living: he came to his death for the sin of my people.
به ناحق او را به مرگ سپردند و کسی از نسل او اعتراض نکرد. زیرا او از دنیای زندگان منقطع شد؛ آری، به سبب عصیان قوم من مجازات شد.
9 And they put his body into the earth with sinners, and his last resting-place was with the evil-doers, though he had done no wrong, and no deceit was in his mouth.
هنگامی که خواستند او را همراه خطاکاران دفن کنند، او را در قبر مردی ثروتمند گذاشتند؛ اما هیچ خطایی از او سر نزده بود و هیچ حرف نادرستی از دهانش بیرون نیامده بود.
10 And the Lord was pleased ... see a seed, long life, ... will do well in his hand. ...
خداوند می‌فرماید: «این خواست من بود که او رنج بکشد و بمیرد. او جانش را قربانی کرد تا آمرزش گناهان را به ارمغان آورد، بنابراین صاحب فرزندان بی‌شمار خواهد شد. او زندگی را از سر خواهد گرفت و ارادهٔ من به دست او اجرا خواهد شد.
11 ... made clear his righteousness before men ... had taken their sins on himself.
هنگامی که ببیند عذابی که کشیده چه ثمری به بار آورده، راضی و خشنود خواهد شد. خدمتگزار عادل من بار گناهان بسیاری از مردم را به دوش خواهد گرفت و من به خاطر او آنها را خواهم بخشید.
12 For this cause he will have a heritage with the great, and he will have a part in the goods of war with the strong, because he gave up his life, and was numbered with the evil-doers; taking on himself the sins of the people, and making prayer for the wrongdoers.
به او مقامی بزرگ و قدرتی عظیم خواهم داد، زیرا او خود را فدا کرد، از خطاکاران محسوب شد، بار گناهان بسیاری را بر دوش گرفت و برای خطاکاران شفاعت کرد.»

< Isaiah 53 >