< Isaiah 41 >

1 Come quietly before me, O sea-lands, and let the peoples get together their strength: let them come near; then let them say what they have to say: let us put forward our cause against one another.
Mangìna hihaino ahy ianareo, ry nosy, ary aoka handroso hery ny firenena; Aoka hanatona izy, ka dia hiteny; Andeha isika hifanatona eo amin’ ny fitsarana.
2 Who sent out from the east one who is right wherever he goes? he gives the nations into his hands, and makes him ruler over kings; he gives them as the dust to his sword, as dry stems before the wind to his bow.
Iza no nanaitra avy any atsinanana ilay nomban’ ny fahamarinana tamin’ ny diany rehetra, ary nanolotra ny firenena ho eo anatrehany, ka nampanapahiny ireo mpanjaka izy? Iza no nanao ny sabany ho tahaka ny vovoka, ary ny tsipìkany ho tahaka ny vodivary voapaoka?
3 He goes after them safely, not touching the road with his feet.
Mipaoka ireo izy ka mandroso soa aman-tsara any amin’ izay lalana tsy mbola nodiavin’ ny tongony.
4 Whose purpose and work was it? His who sent out the generations from the start. I the Lord, the first, and with the last, I am he.
Iza moa no nanao sy nahavita izany, sady miantso ny taranaka maro hatramin’ ny taloha? Izaho Jehovah no voalohany, ary hatramin’ ny farany dia mbola Izaho ihany no Izy.
5 The sea-lands saw it, and were in fear; the ends of the earth were shaking: they came near.
Ny nosy nahita ka raiki-tahotra; Toran-kovitra ny vazan-tany dia nanatona izy ka tonga.
6 They gave help everyone to his neighbour; and everyone said to his brother, Take heart!
Samy nanampy ny namany avy izy rehetra, ary samy nilaza tamin’ ny rahalahiny avy hoe: Matokia.
7 So the metal-worker put heart into the gold-worker, and he who was hammering the metal smooth said kind words to the iron-worker, saying of the plate, It is ready: and he put it together with nails, so that there might be no slipping.
Koa ny mpandrafitra dia nampahery ny mpanefy volamena, ary izay nandama tamin’ ny tantanana nampahery izay nively teo amin’ ny riandriana, ka hoy izy, miantso ny solohoto: Tsara ity, dia nohomboany mafy tamin’ ny hombo izy mba tsy hihozongozona.
8 But as for you, Israel, my servant, and you, Jacob, whom I have taken for myself, the seed of Abraham my friend:
Fa ianao kosa, ry Isiraely mpanompoko, sy Jakoba, izay nofidiko, Taranak’ i Abrahama sakaizako,
9 You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and sent for from its farthest parts, saying to you, You are my servant, whom I have taken for myself, and whom I have not given up:
Hianao izay efa notantanako avy tany amin’ ny faran’ ny tany ary nantsoiko avy tany an-tsisiny ka nilazako hoe: Mpanompoko ianao, Efa nofidiko ka tsy mba nariako:
10 Have no fear, for I am with you; do not be looking about in trouble, for I am your God; I will give you strength, yes, I will be your helper; yes, my true right hand will be your support.
Aza matahotra ianao, fa momba anao Aho; Ary aza miherikerika foana, fa Izaho no Andriamanitrao; Mampahery anao Aho sady mamonjy anao; Eny, mitantana anao amin’ ny tanana ankavanan’ ny fahamarinako Aho.
11 Truly, all those who are angry with you will be made low and put to shame: those desiring to do you wrong will come to nothing and never again be seen.
Indro, ho menatra sy hangaihay izay rehetra tezitra aminao, ho tsinontsinona izy; Eny, ho levona izay miady aminao.
12 You will make search for your haters but they will not be there; those who make war against you will be as nothing and will come to destruction.
Hotadiavinao izay mifanditra aminao, fa tsy ho hitanao, ary ho tahaka ny tsinontsinona sy ny zava-poana izay miady aminao.
13 For I, the Lord your God, have taken your right hand in mine, saying to you, Have no fear; I will be your helper.
Fa Izaho Jehovah Andriamanitrao no mitantana ny tananao ankavanana, dia ilay manao aminao hoe: Aza matahotra, Izaho no hamonjy anao.
14 Have no fear, you worm Jacob, and you men of Israel; I will be your helper, says the Lord, even he who takes up your cause, the Holy One of Israel.
Aza matahotra ianao, ry Jakoba kankana, dia ianareo, ry Isiraely olom-bitsy, Izaho no hamonjy anao, hoy Jehovah, Ary ny Iray Masin’ ny Isiraely no Mpanavotra anao.
15 See, I will make you like a new grain-crushing instrument with teeth, crushing the mountains small, and making the hills like dry stems.
Indro, ataoko kodia vy vaovao misy nify maranitra ianao; Hively ny tendrombohitra ianao ka hanorotoro azy ho vovoka ary hanao ny havoana ho tahaka ny akofa.
16 You will send the wind over them, and it will take them away; they will go in all directions before the storm-wind: you will have joy in the Lord, and be glad in the Holy One of Israel.
Hikororoka azy ianao, ka hopaohin’ ny rivotra izy, ary ny tafio-drivotra hanely azy; Fa ianao kosa dia hiravoravo amin’ i Jehovah, ary ny Iray Masin’ ny Isiraely no ho reharehanao.
17 The poor and crushed are looking for water where no water is, and their tongue is dry for need of it: I the Lord will give ear to their prayer, I the God of Israel will not give them up.
Ny ory sy ny malahelo mitady rano, fa tsy mahita, ary ny lelany mainan’ ny hetaheta; Izaho Jehovah no hihaino azy, Izaho, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely, tsy hahafoy azy;
18 I will make rivers on the dry mountain-tops, and fountains in the valleys: I will make the waste land a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water.
Hampiboika renirano ao amin’ ny tendrombohitra mangadihady Aho ary loharano ao amin’ ny lohasaha; Hanao ny efitra ho farihy Aho ary ny tany karankaina no loharano miboiboika.
19 I will put in the waste land the cedar, the acacia, the myrtle, and the olive-tree; and in the lowland will be planted the fir-tree, the plane, and the cypress together:
Hampaniry hazo sedera sy akasia sy rotra ary oliva any an-efitra Aho ary kypreso sy pina sy bokso eny an-tani-hay,
20 So that they may see and be wise and give their mind to it, and that it may be clear to them all that the hand of the Lord has done this, and that the Holy One of Israel has made it.
Mba ho hitany sy ho fantany sy hoheveriny ary ho azony an-tsaina fa ny tànan’ i Jehovah no nanao izany, ary ny Iray Masin’ ny Isiraely no nahary izany.
21 Put forward your cause, says the Lord; let your strong argument come out, says the King of Jacob.
Alaharo eto ny teninareo, hoy Jehovah; Asehoy izay mahamarina ny anareo, hoy ny Mpanjakan’ i Jakoba.
22 Let the future be made clear to us: give us news of the past things, so that we may give thought to them; or of the things to come, so that we may see if they are true.
Aoka hampanatoniny ka hasehony amintsika izay zavatra mbola ho avy; Ambarao izay zavatra taloha, mba hoheverinay ka ho fantatray izay hiafarany, na ilazao izay zavatra ho avy izahay.
23 Give us word of what will be after this, so that we may be certain that you are gods: yes, do good or do evil, so that we may all see it and be surprised.
Ambarao anay izay zavatra ho avy rahatrizay, mba ho fantatray fa andriamanitra ianareo; Eny, manaova soa, na manaova ratsy, mba hitaha isika, ka samy hahita.
24 But you are nothing, and your work is of no value: foolish is he who takes you for his gods.
Indro, ianareo dia naman’ ny tsinontsinona, ary ny asanareo dia naman’ ny zava-poana; vetaveta izay mifidy anareo.
25 I have sent for one from the north, and from the dawn he has come; in my name he will get rulers together and go against them; they will be like dust, even as the wet earth is stamped on by the feet of the potter.
Nanaitra ny anankiray avy tany avaratra Aho, ka tonga izy. Dia ny anankiray avy any amin’ ny fiposahan’ ny masoandro, izay hiantso ny anarako, ary hanosihosy ny mpanapaka tahaka ny fanosihosy feta izy, ary tahaka ny mpanefy vilany mihosy tanimanga.
26 Who has given knowledge of it from the first, so that we may be certain of it? and from the start, so that we may say, His word is true? There is no one who gives news, or says anything, or who gives ear to your words.
Iza no nitory izany hatramin’ ny voalohany, mba ho fantatray? Ary hatry ny fony taloha, mba hataonay hoe: Marina? Tsy nisy nanambara, eny, tsy nisy nitory; Ary tsy nisy nandre ny teninareo.
27 I was the first to give word of it to Zion, and I gave the good news to Jerusalem.
Izaho no voalohany Izay milaza amin’ i Ziona hoe: Indreo, indreo izy, sady manome mpitondra teny soa mahafaly ho an’ i Jerosalema.
28 And I saw that there was no man, even no wise man among them, who might give an answer to my questions.
Dia nijery Aho, kanjo tsy nisy olona, eny, nojereko ireny kanjo tsy nisy mpanolo-tsaina hamaly Ahy, raha manontany azy Aho.
29 Truly they are all nothing, their works are nothing and of no value: their metal images are of no more use than wind.
Indro, zava-poana avokoa izy rehetra; Tsinontsinona ny asany; Rivotra sy zava-poana ny sampiny an-idina.

< Isaiah 41 >