< Isaiah 35 >

1 The waste land and the dry places will be glad; the lowland will have joy and be full of flowers.
Ørken og hede skal fryde sig, Ødemark juble og blomstre;
2 It will be flowering like the rose; it will be full of delight and songs; the glory of Lebanon will be given to it; the pride of Carmel and Sharon: they will see the glory of the Lord, the power of our God.
blomstre frodigt som Rosen og juble, ja juble med Fryd. Libanons Herlighed gives den, Karmels og Sarons Pragt. HERRENs Herlighed skuer de, vor Guds Højhed.
3 Make strong the feeble hands, give support to the shaking knees.
Styrk de slappe Hænder, lad de vaklende Knæ blive faste,
4 Say to those who are full of fear, Be strong and take heart: see, your God will give punishment; the reward of God will come; he himself will come to be your saviour.
sig til de ængstede Hjerter: Vær stærke, vær uden Frygt! Se eders Gud! Han kommer med Hævn, Gengæld kommer fra Gud; han kommer og frelser eder.
5 Then the eyes of the blind will see, and the ears which are stopped will be open.
Da åbnes de blindes Øjne, de døves Ører lukkes op;
6 Then will the feeble-footed be jumping like a roe, and the voice which was stopped will be loud in song: for in the waste land streams will be bursting out, and waters in the dry places.
da springer den halte som Hjort, den stummes Tunge jubler; thi Vand vælder frem i Ørkenen, Bække i Ødemark;
7 And the burning sand will become a pool, and the dry earth springs of waters: the fields where the sheep take their food will become wet land, and water-plants will take the place of grass.
det glødende Sand bliver Vanddrag, til Kildevæld tørstigt Land. I Sjakalers Bo holder Hjorde Rast, på Strudsenes Enemærker gror Rør og Siv.
8 And a highway will be there; its name will be, The Holy Way; the unclean and the sinner may not go over it, and those who go on it will not be turned out of the way by the foolish.
Der bliver en banet Vej, den hellige Vej skal den kaldes; ingen uren færdes på den, den er Valfartsvej for hans Folk, selv enfoldige farer ej vild.
9 No lion will be there, or any cruel beast; they will not be seen there; but those for whom the Lord has given a price,
På den er der ingen Løver, Rovdyr træder den ej, der skal de ikke findes. De genløste vandrer ad den,
10 Even those whom he has made free, will come back again; they will come with songs to Zion; on their heads will be eternal joy; delight and joy will be theirs, and sorrow and sounds of grief will be gone for ever.
HERRENs forløste vender hjem, de drager til Zion med Jubel, med evig Glæde om Issen; Fryd og Glæde får de, Sorg og Suk skal fly.

< Isaiah 35 >