< Hosea 13 >

1 When the words of my law came from Ephraim, he was lifted up in Israel; but when he did evil through the Baal, death overtook him.
Kad je Efrajim govorio, strah je zadavao, jer bijaše on prvak u Izraelu, al' ogriješi se Baalom i poginu.
2 And now their sins are increased; they have made themselves a metal image, false gods from their silver, after their designs, all of them the work of the metal-workers; they say of them, Let them give offerings, let men give kisses to the oxen.
I sad još griješe oni od srebra praveć' sebi kipove, kumire po svojoj mašti; svi su oni djelo rukotvorca! Tima - vele - žrtvujte, ljudi neka cjelivaju teoce!
3 So they will be like the morning cloud, like the dew which goes early away, like the dust of the grain which the wind is driving out of the crushing-floor, like smoke going up from the fireplace.
Zato, bit će oni kao oblak jutarnji, kao rosa koje brzo nestaje, kao pljeva raznesena s gumna, kao dim što kroz otvor izlazi.
4 But I am the Lord your God, from the land of Egypt; you have knowledge of no other God and there is no saviour but me.
A ja sam Jahve, Bog tvoj sve od zemlje egipatske: drugog Boga osim mene ne ljubi! Osim mene nema spasitelja.
5 I had knowledge of you in the waste land where no water was.
Ja te ljubljah u pustinji, u zemlji suhoj.
6 When I gave them food they were full, and their hearts were full of pride, and they did not keep me in mind.
Ja ih pasoh, i siti bijahu; nasićenima srce se uzoholi; i tako me zaboraviše.
7 So I will be like a lion to them; as a cruel beast I will keep watch by the road;
Stoga ću im biti kao lav, kao leopard što na putu vreba;
8 I will come face to face with them like a bear whose young ones have been taken from her, and their inmost hearts will be broken; there the dogs will make a meal of them; they will be wounded by the beasts of the field.
kao medvjedica kojoj ugrabiše mlade, ja ću se na njih baciti, rastrgat' im grudi do srca; k'o lav ću proždrijeti meso njihovo, zvijeri će ih poljske rastrgati.
9 I have sent destruction on you, O Israel; who will be your helper?
Uništit ću te, Izraele, i tko će ti pomoći?
10 Where is your king, that he may be your saviour? and all your rulers, that they may take up your cause? of whom you said, Give me a king and rulers.
TÓa gdje ti je kralj da te spasi, gdje tvoji knezovi da te brane - oni za koje si govorio: “Daj mi kralja i knezove!”
11 I have given you a king, because I was angry, and have taken him away in my wrath.
U gnjevu svom kralja ti dadoh i u srdžbi ti ga uzimam.
12 The wrongdoing of Ephraim is shut up; his sin is put away in secret.
Dobro se čuva bezakonje Efrajimovo, grijeh je njegov dobro pohranjen.
13 The pains of a woman in childbirth will come on him: he is an unwise son, for at this time it is not right for him to keep his place when children come to birth.
Dođoše na nj trudovi porodiljski, ali on je ludo čedo, ne izlazi na vrijeme iz utrobe materine!
14 I will give the price to make them free from the power of the underworld, I will be their saviour from death: O death! where are your pains? O underworld! where is your destruction? my eyes will have no pity. (Sheol h7585)
Ja ću ih izbaviti od vlasti Podzemlja, od smrti ću ih spasiti! Gdje je tvoja kuga, o smrti, gdje pomor tvoj, Podzemlje! Samilost se sakri od mojih očiju! (Sheol h7585)
15 Though he gives fruit among his brothers, an east wind will come, the wind of the Lord coming up from the waste land, and his spring will become dry, his fountain will be without water: it will make waste the store of all the vessels of his desire.
Tako je rodan među braćom Efrajim, ali će doći vjetar istočni, vjetar Jahvin iz pustinje: isušit će mu izvore, presahnuti studence, opljačkat mu riznicu, blago odnijeti.
16 Samaria will be made waste, for she has gone against her God: they will be cut down by the sword, their little children will be broken on the rocks, their women who are with child will be cut open.
Ispaštat će Samarija jer se protiv Boga svoga pobunila. Od mača past će oni, djecu će njihovu smrskati, žene trudne rasporiti.

< Hosea 13 >