< Hebrews 8 >
1 Now of the things we are saying this is the chief point: We have such a high priest, who has taken his place at the right hand of God's high seat of glory in heaven,
zizaa iwidji iwandi kisitrea keheni kikle indji utso iwandi ka kuson niwo korli utimbu iwandi aheni kongye na heni shulua
2 As a servant of the holy things and of the true Tent, which was put up by God, not by man.
wawu me hi grahmba ni bubu tsratra kima itra ubrerji iwandi anah indji mba mauti na
3 Now every high priest is given authority to take to God the things which are given and to make offerings; so that it is necessary for this man, like them, to have something for an offering.
mpempe mbawu binikoh nimyi bitindu nikorjia banu bwu womba u i ri ni myi wlon mba usruyi nitu tokima abi nduba fe kpeu sruyi
4 If he had been on earth he would not have been a priest at all, because there are other priests who make the offerings ordered by the law;
inda bani tre almasihu aui riheni gbubghu anina tindu trona kofyime
5 Being servants of that which is a copy and an image of the things in heaven, as Moses, when he was about to make the Tent, had special orders from God: for, See, he said, that you make everything like the design which you saw in the mountain.
don bi sruyi bake ni bla tre ba blatre irji to iki iwandi baheni wyu ushulu na yauda kpewa ndi idji angworo musa ni wandi ason tomba irji tre ti kongye ni nitu tibu bin din di iwandi batso nitu titaa
6 But now his position as priest is higher. because through him God has made a better agreement with man, based on the giving of better things.
to ziza ah indurji iwand almasihu akpaa aza unba mpempe me domi wawuyi akukirli gbangbah ni touyu ubiwo iwandi kakpanyuma nitu youyu
7 For if that first agreement had been as good as possible, there would have been no place for a second.
do idan youyu umumla naheni latre na anabindu la younyuuharli ngana
8 For, protesting against them, he says, See, the days are coming when I will make a new agreement with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah;
dama irji ana vundji ni latre natrendi mila yonyu isamah ni ko israilawa niko yahuza
9 Not like the agreement which I made with their fathers when I took them by the hand, to be their guide out of the land of Egypt; for they did not keep the agreement with me, and I gave them up, says the Lord.
ana towandi miti niba titimbana aheto iwandi minjiba nwo har ni rju niba ni meme u masar bana hini koshishi ninyoyuana ime miye kaba hlega bachi tretoki
10 For this is the agreement which I will make with the people of Israel after those days: I will put my laws into their minds, writing them in their hearts: and I will be their God, and they will be my people:
iwayi yi hinyu iwandi miyoh ndi mitu nikoh israila nikogou ivi bi i bach wa tokima minidu bla tre mu ndu he ni nyu mba nihla ngya ni myi ni myi sron mba imeyi mila hi irjini bau baba bakala hi idjimu
11 And there will be no need for every man to be teaching his brother, or his neighbour, saying, This is the knowledge of the Lord: for they will all have knowledge of me, great and small.
bana tsro ikpah usoh ni mirlivayi mba ndi bi toh bachi nikima batouchurji ni tsitsa kmali ni ninkohn
12 And I will have mercy on their evil-doing, and I will not keep their sins in mind.
mila tsroba isitu nitu memekpi biawa ndi batiua minala rli mre ni tatre
13 When he says, A new agreement, he has made the first agreement old. But anything which is getting old and past use will not be seen much longer.
mba ngana ba iya tre ndi ikpe isahma nitu yonyu umu mla ani kbati chichema nitu iway ngarli alah trendi chiche siwankoh uh kado