< Genesis 33 >

1 Then Jacob, lifting up his eyes, saw Esau coming with his four hundred men. So he made a division of the children between Leah and Rachel and the two women-servants.
Jakob je povzdignil svoje oči, pogledal in glej, prišel je Ezav in z njim štiristo mož. Otroke je razdelil Lei in Raheli ter dvema pomočnicama.
2 He put the servants and their children in front, Leah and her children after them, and Rachel and Joseph at the back.
Najbolj spredaj je postavil pomočnici ter njune otroke, za njimi Leo ter njene otroke, nazadnje pa Rahelo in Jožefa.
3 And he himself, going before them, went down on his face to the earth seven times till he came near his brother.
Šel je pred njimi in se sedemkrat priklonil do tal, dokler se ni približal svojemu bratu.
4 Then Esau came running up to him, and folding him in his arms, gave him a kiss: and the two of them were overcome with weeping.
Ezav je stekel, da ga sreča, ga objel, se spustil na njegov vrat in ga poljubil, in oba sta jokala.
5 Then Esau, lifting up his eyes, saw the women and the children, and said, Who are these with you? And he said, The children whom God in his mercy has given to your servant.
Povzdignil je svoje oči in zagledal ženske in otroke ter rekel: »Kdo so ti s teboj?« Rekel je: »Otroci, ki jih je Bog milostljivo dal tvojemu služabniku.«
6 Then the servants and their children came near, and went down on their faces.
Nato sta se približali pomočnici, oni in njuni otroci ter se priklonili.
7 And Leah came near with her children, and then Joseph and Rachel, and they did the same.
Tudi Lea s svojimi otroki se je približala in se priklonila in potem sta prišla bliže Jožef in Rahela ter se oba priklonila.
8 And he said, What were all those herds which I saw on the way? And Jacob said, They were an offering so that I might have grace in my lord's eyes.
Rekel je: »Kaj nameravaš z vso to čredo, ki sem jo srečal?« On pa je rekel: » Ti so, da najdem milost v očeh mojega gospoda.«
9 But Esau said, I have enough; keep what is yours, my brother, for yourself.
Ezav je rekel: »Dovolj imam, moj brat. To, kar imaš, obdrži zase.«
10 And Jacob said, Not so; but if I have grace in your eyes, take them as a sign of my love, for I have seen your face as one may see the face of God, and you have been pleased with me.
Jakob je rekel: »Ne, prosim te, če sem torej našel milost v tvojih očeh, potem sprejmi moje darilo v moji roki, kajti zato sem videl tvoj obraz, kot da sem videl Božje obličje in ti si bil zadovoljen z menoj.
11 Take my offering then, with my blessing; for God has been very good to me and I have enough: so at his strong request, he took it.
Vzemi, prosim te, moj blagoslov, ki je priveden k tebi, ker je Bog milostljivo postopal z menoj in ker imam dovolj.« Prigovarjal mu je in on je to vzel.
12 And he said, Let us go on our journey together, and I will go in front.
Rekel je: »Naj greva najino potovanje in naj greva, jaz pa bom šel pred teboj.«
13 But Jacob said, My lord may see that the children are only small, and there are young ones in my flocks and herds: one day's over-driving will be the destruction of all the flock.
Rekel mu je: »Moj gospod ve, da so otroci nežni in [da] so z menoj tropi in črede z mladiči in če jih bodo ljudje en dan preveč gonili, bo ves trop poginil.
14 Do you, my lord, go on before your servant; I will come on slowly, at the rate at which the cattle and the children are able to go, till I come to my lord at Seir.
Naj moj gospod, prosim te, gre preko pred svojim služabnikom, jaz pa bom mirno vodil dalje, kolikor bodo živina, ki gre pred menoj in otroci zmožni prenesti, dokler ne pridem k mojemu gospodu v Seír.«
15 And Esau said, Then keep some of my men with you. And he said, What need is there for that, if my lord is pleased with me?
Ezav je rekel: »Naj torej pustim s teboj nekaj ljudstva, ki je z menoj.« Rekel je: »Kaj potrebujem to? Naj najdem milost v očeh svojega gospoda.«
16 So Esau, turning back that day, went on his way to Seir.
Tako se je ta dan Ezav vrnil na svojo pot v Seír.
17 And Jacob went on to Succoth, where he made a house for himself and put up tents for his cattle: for this reason the place was named Succoth.
Jakob pa je odpotoval v Sukót, si zgradil hišo in naredil šotore za svojo živino. Zato se ime kraja imenuje Sukót.
18 So Jacob came safely from Paddan-aram to the town of Shechem in the land of Canaan, and put up his tents near the town.
Ko je Jakob prišel iz Padan–arama, je prišel v Salem, mesto v Sihemu, ki je v kánaanski deželi in svoj šotor postavil pred mestom.
19 And for a hundred bits of money he got from the children of Hamor, the builder of Shechem, the field in which he had put up his tents.
Kupil je kos poljskega zemljišča, kjer je razširil svoj šotor, iz roke otrok Hamórja, Sihemovega očeta, za sto koščkov denarja.
20 And there he put up an altar, naming it El, the God of Israel.
Tam je postavil oltar in ga imenoval El–elohe–Izrael.

< Genesis 33 >