< Genesis 18 >

1 Now the Lord came to him by the holy tree of Mamre, when he was seated in the doorway of his tent in the middle of the day;
Lao esa, Abraham leo deka no hau ineꞌ ra sia Mamre, LAMATUALAIN natudꞌu Ao na neu e sia naa. Dudꞌui na taꞌo ia: Faiꞌ naa, mafeoꞌ a seli, de Abraham endoꞌ haꞌi anin mia lalaat mataꞌ.
2 And lifting up his eyes, he saw three men before him; and seeing them, he went quickly to them from the door of the tent, and went down on his face to the earth;
Ana botiꞌ mata na ma, nita atahori telu rambariiꞌ sia naa. Boe ma, ana nelaꞌ soru se, de sendeꞌ lululangga na,
3 And said, My Lord, if now I have grace in your eyes, do not go away from your servant:
nae, “Ama nggare! Mete ma bisa na, amaꞌ se tuli au lalaat ngga dei. Onaꞌ mae minu akaꞌ a oe hieꞌ o, malole.
4 Let me get water for washing your feet, and take your rest under the tree:
Amaꞌ se hahae sia hau mafoꞌ ia, dei fo au denu ana kara haꞌi oe fo safe ei mara.
5 And let me get a bit of bread to keep up your strength, and after that you may go on your way: for this is why you have come to your servant. And they said, Let it be so.
Ma au uu sadꞌia nanaat fee amaꞌ se, fo maꞌadere baliꞌ, fo feꞌe lao mikindoo na. Au umuhoꞌo bisa uhao amaꞌ se.” Ara rataa rae, “Malole. Makasi. Hai tuli.”
6 Then Abraham went quickly into the tent, and said to Sarah, Get three measures of meal straight away and make cakes.
Abraham nelaꞌ nisiꞌ lalaat, de nafadꞌe Sara nae, “Lailai! Haꞌi mala tarigu maloleꞌ sak esa, fo tao roti.”
7 And running to the herd, he took a young ox, soft and fat, and gave it to the servant and he quickly made it ready;
Basa ma nelaꞌ nisiꞌ sapi nara, de paꞌa nala sapi ana mbarunaꞌ esa, ma denu ate na tati, de tunu-nasu e.
8 And he took butter and milk and the young ox which he had made ready and put it before them, waiting by them under the tree while they took food.
Boe ma ana neu haꞌi susu, keju, ma sisi naa, de nendi fee fuiꞌ ra. Ara raa ma, ana nambariiꞌ sia hau huu na, de mete-seꞌu se.
9 And they said to him, Where is Sarah your wife? And he said, She is in the tent.
Boe ma ara ratane rae, “Abraham! Sao ma Sara, sia bee? Ana nataa nae, “Sia lalaat rala.”
10 And he said, I will certainly come back to you in the spring, and Sarah your wife will have a son. And his words came to the ears of Sarah who was at the back of the tent-door.
Boe ma esa mia teluꞌ se olaꞌ nae, “To mana nemaꞌ ia, Au baliꞌ. Leleꞌ naa, sao ma Sara bꞌonggi ana touꞌ esa ena.” Ara olaꞌ taꞌo naa ma, Sara rena mia lelesu a seriꞌ.
11 Now Abraham and Sarah were very old, and Sarah was past the time for giving birth.
Leleꞌ naa, Abraham no Sara lasiꞌ ena, ma Sara o nda afiꞌ hambu fula na sa ena.
12 And Sarah, laughing to herself, said, Now that I am used up am I still to have pleasure, my husband himself being old?
Ana rena ara olaꞌ taꞌo naa ma, ana mali sia rala na, ma duꞌa nae, “Awe! Umulasi helaꞌ a rui ngga onaꞌ ia, ma sao ngga o mana masaloeꞌ ena. Naa taꞌo bee hai feꞌe hii dadꞌi masao feuꞌ, fo sangga anaꞌ fai?”
13 And the Lord said, Why was Sarah laughing and saying, Is it possible for me, being old, to give birth to a child?
Basa de LAMATUALAIN natane Abraham nae, “Taꞌo bee de Sara mali? Ana duꞌa nae saa fo Au olaꞌ ia, nda dadꞌi sa, huu eni lasiꞌ ena, do?
14 Is there any wonder which the Lord is not able to do? At the time I said, in the spring, I will come back to you, and Sarah will have a child.
Au ia, LAMATUALAIN! Nda hambu saa fo Au nda tao alaꞌ sa! Misinedꞌa malolole, e! Mete ma Au baliꞌ too mana nemaꞌ ia, Sara bꞌonggi ana touꞌ esa ena.”
15 Then Sarah said, I was not laughing; for she was full of fear. And he said, No, but you were laughing.
Sara rena taꞌo naa ma, namatau. De ana nafanii nae, “Au nda mali sa ma!” Te Lamatualain nataa nae, “Ho mali tebꞌe ma!”
16 And the men went on from there in the direction of Sodom; and Abraham went with them on their way.
Basa ma, fuiꞌ ka teluꞌ ra rae risiꞌ kamboꞌ Sodꞌom, de Abraham no se losa dalaꞌ taladꞌa na. Mia naa, ara bisa rita Sodꞌom.
17 And the Lord said, Am I to keep back from Abraham the knowledge of what I do;
Basa ma LAMATUALAIN duꞌa sia rala na nae, “Au ae tao ulutu kambo Sodꞌom, te malole lenaꞌ, Au dui Abraham,
18 Seeing that Abraham will certainly become a great and strong nation, and his name will be used by all the nations of the earth as a blessing?
huu tititi-nonosi nara boe ramaheta, ma dadꞌi leo manaseliꞌ. Ma ana o dadꞌi papala-babꞌanggiꞌ soaꞌ neu basa leo sia raefafoꞌ a.
19 For I have made him mine so that he may give orders to his children and those of his line after him, to keep the ways of the Lord, to do what is good and right: so that the Lord may do to Abraham as he has said.
Au here ala e, fo nanori ana nara ro atahori feaꞌ ra, fo tungga rakandoo LAMATUALAIN dala Na ma rasodꞌa no ndoo-tetuꞌ. Mete ma ara tao taꞌo naa, Au tao utetu hehelu-fufuli Ngga o Abraham.”
20 And the Lord said, Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is very great, and their sin is very evil,
Boe ma LAMATUALAIN nafadꞌe Abraham nae, “Taꞌo ia! Au rena atahori ra fale rala nara, huu atahori kambo Sodꞌom no Gomora deꞌulaka nara, seli tebꞌe ena.
21 I will go down now, and see if their acts are as bad as they seem from the outcry which has come to me; and if they are not, I will see.
Naa de, Au onda, fo ita no mata Ngga, basa saa fo Au renaꞌ a, tebꞌe, do, hokoꞌ. Mete ma hokoꞌ, Au musi bubꞌuluꞌ.”
22 And the men, turning from that place, went on to Sodom: but Abraham was still waiting before the Lord.
LAMATUALAIN feꞌe olaꞌ no Abraham ma, fuiꞌ ka ruaꞌ ra laoꞌ rakandoo risiꞌ Sodꞌom.
23 And Abraham came near, and said, Will you let destruction come on the upright with the sinners?
Abraham neu deka-deka no Lamatualain, de kokoe nae, “Taꞌo bee? Amaꞌ nae tao nalutu atahori maloleꞌ ro atahori deꞌulakaꞌ lao esaꞌ, do?
24 If by chance there are fifty upright men in the town, will you give the place to destruction and not have mercy on it because of the fifty upright men?
Mete ma hambu atahori maloleꞌ lima nulu sia kamboꞌ naa, Amaꞌ feꞌe mae tao mulutu basa atahori ra, do? Do, Amaꞌ nda tao mulutu kamboꞌ naa sa, huu sira?
25 Let such a thing be far from you, to put the upright to death with the sinner: will not the judge of all the earth do right?
Amaꞌ afiꞌ tao taꞌo naa! Afiꞌ losa atahori maloleꞌ ra o mate boe, huu Amaꞌ nae nalutu atahori deꞌulakaꞌ ra. Amaꞌ dadꞌi mana maꞌetuꞌ sia lalai no raefafoꞌ ia. Amaꞌ o bubꞌuluꞌ naa nda matetuꞌ sa.”
26 And the Lord said, If there are fifty upright men in the town, I will have mercy on it because of them.
LAMATUALAIN nataa nae, “Mete ma Au hambu atahori maloleꞌ lima nulu sia Sodꞌom, Au nda hukun kamboꞌ naa sa, huu sira.”
27 And Abraham answering said, Truly, I who am only dust, have undertaken to put my thoughts before the Lord:
Boe ma Abraham olaꞌ seluꞌ nae, “Amaꞌ, oꞌe ambon, au ae olaꞌ mbei fai. Au ia, atahori nggoaꞌ, nda uhine saa-saa saꞌ boe.
28 If by chance there are five less than fifty upright men, will you give up all the town to destruction because of these five? And he said, I will not give it to destruction if there are forty-five.
Onaꞌ nda hambu atahori maloleꞌ losa lima nulu sa, te akaꞌ a haa nulu lima, naa taꞌo bee? Mete ma kuran atahori lima, naa Amaꞌ feꞌe mae tao mulutu kamboꞌ naa, do?” Lamatualain nataa nae, “Mete ma Au hambu atahori maloleꞌ haa nulu lima sia naa, Au nda tao ulutu e sa.”
29 And again he said to him, By chance there may be forty there. And he said, I will not do it if there are forty.
Abraham feꞌe kokoe seluꞌ nae, “Mete ma hambu akaꞌ a atahori haa nulu, naa taꞌo bee, Amaꞌ?” Nataa nae, “Mete ma hambu atahori haa nulu, Au nda hukun se sa.”
30 And he said, Let not the Lord be angry with me if I say, What if there are thirty there? And he said, I will not do it if there are thirty.
Abraham kokoe nakandooꞌ a nae, “Amaꞌ afiꞌ mumunasa, te mete ma akaꞌ a atahori maloleꞌ telu nulu a, naa taꞌo bee?” Nataa nae, “Mete ma hambu telu nulu, Au nda hukun se sa.”
31 And he said, See now, I have undertaken to put my thoughts before the Lord: what if there are twenty there? And he said, I will have mercy because of the twenty.
Basa ma Abraham naloe seluꞌ nae, “Amaꞌ afiꞌ mumunasa, te au utane seluꞌ mbei fai. Mete ma akaꞌ a atahori rua nulu, naa taꞌo bee?” Nataa nae, “Mete ma hambu atahori rua nulu, Au nda tao ulutu kamboꞌ naa sa.”
32 And he said, O let not the Lord be angry and I will say only one word more: by chance there may be ten there. And he said, I will have mercy because of the ten.
Boe ma Abraham tatana oꞌola na nae, “Amaꞌ! Au olaꞌ lao esa fai, te afiꞌ mumunasa au, o! Mete ma akaꞌ a atahori maloleꞌ sanahulu a, naa taꞌo bee?” Nataa nae, “Mete ma hambu atahori maloleꞌ sanahulu sia naa, Au nda tao ulutu kamboꞌ naa sa.”
33 And the Lord went on his way when his talk with Abraham was ended, and Abraham went back to his place.
LAMATUALAIN olaꞌ basa ma, Ana lao nakandoo. Boe ma, Abraham baliꞌ.

< Genesis 18 >