< Ezekiel 44 >

1 And he took me back to the outer doorway of the holy place, looking to the east; and it was shut.
Og han førte mig tilbage til Helligdommens ydre Port, som vender imod Østen, og den var tillukket.
2 And the Lord said to me, This doorway is to be shut, it is not to be open, and no man is to go in by it, because the Lord, the God of Israel, has gone in by it; and it is to be shut.
Og Herren sagde til mig: Denne Port skal være tillukket, den skal ikke oplades, og ingen Mand skal gaa ind ad den, thi Herren, Israels Gud, er gaaet ind ad den, og den skal være tillukket.
3 But the ruler will be seated there to take his food before the Lord; he will go in by the covered way to the door, and will come out by the same way.
Hvad Fyrsten angaar, saasom han er Fyrste, han skal sidde i den for at æde Brød for Herrens Ansigt; han skal gaa ind ad Vejen til Portens Forhal og gaa ud ad samme Vej.
4 And he took me to the north doorway in front of the house; and, looking, I saw that the house of the Lord was full of the glory of the Lord; and I went down on my face.
Og han førte mig til Porten imod Nord foran Huset, og jeg saa og se: Herrens Herlighed fyldte Herrens Hus; og jeg faldt paa mit Ansigt.
5 And the Lord said to me, Son of man, take to heart, and let your eyes see and your ears be open to everything I say to you about all the rules of the house of the Lord and all its laws; and take note of the ways into the house and all the ways out of the holy place.
Og Herren sagde til mig: Du Menneskesøn! læg det paa Hjerte, og se med dine Øjne, og hør med dine Øren alt det, som jeg taler med dig om alle Herrens Hus's Bestemmelser og om alle dets Love, og lad dit Hjerte agte paa Indgangen til Huset igennem alle Helligdommens Udgange.
6 And say to the uncontrolled children of Israel, This is what the Lord has said: O you children of Israel, let it be enough for you, among the disgusting things which you have done,
Og du skal sige til de genstridige, til Israels Hus: Saa siger den Herre, Herre: Lad det være eder nok med alle eders Vederstyggeligheder, Israels Hus!
7 To have let men from strange lands, without circumcision of heart or flesh, come into my holy place, making my house unclean; and to have made the offering of my food, even the fat and the blood; and in addition to all your disgusting ways, you have let my agreement be broken.
idet I have indført fremmede med uomskaaret Hjerte og uomskaaret Kød til at være i min Helligdom for at vanhellige mit Hus, naar I ofrede mit Brød: Det fede og Blodet, saa at de brøde min Pagt, foruden alle eders Vederstyggeligheder;
8 And you have not taken care of my holy things; but you have put them as keepers to take care of my work in my holy place.
og I toge ikke Vare paa, hvad der var at varetage i mine Helligdomme, men I satte nogle til at tage Vare paa, hvad jeg vilde have varetaget i min Helligdom, efter eders eget Tykke.
9 For this cause the Lord has said, No man from a strange land, without circumcision of heart and flesh, of all those who are living among the children of Israel, is to come into my holy place.
Saa siger den Herre, Herre: Ingen fremmed med uomskaaret Hjerte og uomskaaret Kød skal komme i min Helligdom, ingen af alle de fremmede, som ere iblandt Israels Børn.
10 But as for the Levites, who went far from me, when Israel went out of the right way, turning away from me to go after their images; their punishment will come on them.
Men selv Leviterne, som fjernede sig fra mig, medens Israel for vild, da det forvildede sig fra mig eftej sine Afguder, de skulle bære deres Misgerning.
11 But they may be caretakers in my holy place, and overseers at the doors of the house, doing the work of the house: they will put to death the burned offering and the beasts offered for the people, and they will take their place before them as their servants.
Dog skulle de tjene udi min Helligdom som Opsynsmænd ved Husets Porte og være Tjenere i Huset; de skulle slagte Brændofferet og Slagtofferet for Folket, og de skulle staa for dets Ansigt til at tjene det.
12 Because they did this work for them before their images, and became a cause of sin to the children of Israel; for this cause my hand has been lifted up against them, says the Lord, and their punishment will be on them.
Fordi de have tjent dem over for deres Afguder og ere blevne Israels Hus til Anstød, saa det syndede, derfor har! jeg opløftet min Haand imod dem, siger den Herre, Herre, at de skulle bære deres Misgerning.
13 And they will not come near me to do the work of priests to me, or come near any of my holy things, or the things which are most holy: but their shame will be on them, and the punishment for the disgusting things which they have done.
Og de skulle ikke komme mig nær til at gøre Præstetjeneste for mig eller til at nærme sig nogen af mine hellige Ting, de højhellige Ting; men de skulle bære deres Skam og deres Vederstyggeligheder, som de have gjort.
14 But I will make them responsible for the care of the house and all its work and everything which is done in it.
Og jeg vil sætte dem til at tage Vare paa, hvad der er at varetage i Huset ved alt Arbejde der og ved alt, hvad der skal gøres.
15 But as for the priests, the sons of Zadok, who took care of my holy place when the children of Israel were turned away from me, they are to come near me to do my work, they will take their places before me, offering to me the fat and the blood, says the Lord;
Men de Præster af Levi Stamme, som ere af Zadoks Børn, og som toge Vare paa, hvad der var at varetage i min Helligdom, der Israels Børn fore vild fra mig, de skulle komme mig nær til at tjene mig; og de skulle staa for mit Ansigt til at ofre mig det fede og Blodet, siger den Herre, Herre.
16 They are to come into my holy place and they are to come near to my table, to do my work and have the care of my house.
De skulle gaa ind i min Helligdom og nærme sig mit Bord til at tjene mig og til at tage Vare paa, hvad jeg vil have varetaget.
17 And when they come in by the doorways of the inner square, they are to be clothed in linen robes; there is to be no wool on them while they are doing my work in the doorway of the inner square and inside the house.
Og det skal ske, naar de gaa ind ad den indre Forgaards Port, da skulle de føre sig i linnede Klæder; og ingen Uld skal komme paa dem, naar de tjene i den indre Forgaards Porte og indenfor.
18 They are to have linen head-dresses on their heads and linen trousers on their legs, and they are to have nothing round them to make their skin wet with heat.
Der skal være linnede Huer paa deres Hoveder, og linnede Underklæder skulle være om deres Lænder; de skulle ikke ombinde sig, saa at de komme i Sved.
19 And when they go out into the outer square to the people, they are to take off the robes in which they do the work of priests, and put them away in the holy rooms, and put on other clothing, so that the people may not be made holy by their robes.
Og naar de gaa ud i den ydre Forgaard, i den ydre Forgaard til Folket, skulle de føre sig af deres Klæder, i hvilke de gøre Tjeneste, og lægge dem i de hellige Celler, og de skulle iføre sig andre Klæder, at de ikke skulle hellige Folket med deres Klæder.
20 They are not to have all the hair cut off their heads, and they are not to let their hair get long, but they are to have the ends of their hair cut.
Og de skulle ikke rage deres Hoved, ikke heller lade Haaret vokse frit; de skulle omhyggeligt klippe jieres Hovedhaar.
21 The priests are not to take wine when they go into the inner square.
Og Vin skal ingen af Præsterne drikke, naar de gaa ind i den indre Forgaard.
22 And they are not to take as wives any widow or woman whose husband has put her away: but they may take virgins of the seed of Israel, or a widow who is the widow of a priest.
Og de skulle ikke tage sig en Enke eller fraskilt til Hustru; men Jomfruer, af Israels Hus's Sæd, og den Enke, som er Enke efter en Præst, maa de tage.
23 And they are to make clear to my people the division between what is holy and what is common, and to give them the knowledge of what is clean and what is unclean.
Og de skulle lære mit Folk at gøre Skel imellem det hellige og det vanhellige og kundgøre dem Forskellen imellem det urene og det rene.
24 In any cause, they are to be in the position of judges, judging in harmony with my decisions: they are to keep my laws and my rules in all my fixed feasts; and they are to keep my Sabbaths holy.
Og ved en Trætte skulle de staa som Dommere, og efter mine Domme skulle de dømme i den; og mine Love og mine Skikke ved alle mine Højtider skulle de varetage, og mine Sabbater skulle de helligholde.
25 They are not to come near any dead person so as to become unclean: but for a father or mother or son or daughter or brother or for a sister who has no husband, they may make themselves unclean.
Og ingen, af dem skal gaa til et Lig, saa at de blive urene; dog for en Fader og for en Moder og for en Søn og for en Datter, for en Broder i og for en Søster, som ikke har været gift, tør de blive urene.
26 And after he has been made clean, seven days are to be numbered for him.
Men efter hans Renselse skal man tælle ham syv Dage.
27 And on the day when he goes into the inner square, to do the work of the holy place, he is to make his sin-offering, says the Lord.
Og paa den Dag, han gaar ind i Helligdommen, i den indre Forgaard, for at gøre Tjeneste i Helligdommen, skal han ofre sit Syndoffer, siger den Herre, Herre.
28 And they are to have no heritage; I am their heritage: you are to give them no property in Israel; I am their property.
Og det skal være deres Arvelod: Jeg er deres Arv; og I skulle ikke give dem Ejendom i Israel: Jeg er deres Ejendom.
29 Their food is to be the meal offering and the sin-offering and the offering for error; and everything given specially to the Lord in Israel will be theirs.
Madofferet og Syndofferet og Skyldofferet, dem skulle de æde, og alt bandlyst Gods i Israel skal være deres.
30 And the best of all the first-fruits of everything, and every offering which is lifted up of all your offerings, will be for the priests: and you are to give the priest the first of your bread-making, so causing a blessing to come on your house.
Og det første af al Førstegrøde af alle Slags og al Offergave af alle Slags, af alle eders Offergaver, det skal høre Præsterne til; og det første af eders Dejg skulle I give Præsten, at jeg maa lade Velsignelse hvile over dit Hus.
31 The priests may not take for food any bird or beast which has come to a natural death or whose death has been caused by another animal.
Intet Aadsel og intet sønderrevet, det være sig Fugl eller Dyr, skulle Præsterne æde.

< Ezekiel 44 >