< Exodus 9 >

1 Then the Lord said to Moses, Go in to Pharaoh and say to him, This is what the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says: Let my people go so that they may give me worship.
Andin Perwerdigar Musagha: — Pirewnning aldigha bérip uninggha: — «Ibraniylarning Xudasi Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: — Manga ibadet qilishigha Öz qowmimni qoyup ber.
2 For if you will not let them go, but still keep them in your power,
Eger ularni qoyup bérishni ret qilip, yenila tutup turuwalidighan bolsang,
3 Then the hand of the Lord will put on your cattle in the field, on the horses and the asses and the camels, on the herds and the flocks, a very evil disease.
mana, Perwerdigarning qoli étizliqtiki charpayliringning üstige, at-éshekler, tögiler, we qoy-kaliliringning üstige chüshüp intayin éghir bir waba keltüridu.
4 And the Lord will make a division between the cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt; there will be no loss of any of the cattle of Israel.
Lékin Perwerdigar Israilning charpaylirini misirliqlarning charpayliridin perqlendüridu. Netijide, Israilning charpayliridin héchbiri ölmeydu» — dégin, dédi.
5 And the time was fixed by the Lord, and he said, Tomorrow the Lord will do this thing in the land.
Perwerdigar waqitni békitip: — Ete Perwerdigar zéminda bu ishni qilidu, dédi.
6 And on the day after, the Lord did as he had said, causing the death of all the cattle of Egypt, but there was no loss of any of the cattle of Israel.
Etisi Perwerdigar shundaq qildi; misirliqlarning barliq charpayliri öldi; lékin Israillarning charpayliridin birimu ölmidi.
7 And Pharaoh sent and got word that there was no loss of any of the cattle of Israel. But the heart of Pharaoh was hard and he did not let the people go.
Pirewn adem ewetip tekshüriwidi, mana, Israillarning charpayliridin birimu ölmigenidi. Lékin Pirewnning köngli qattiq qilinip, u qowmni qoyup bermidi.
8 And the Lord said to Moses and to Aaron, Take in your hand a little dust from the fire and let Moses send it in a shower up to heaven before the eyes of Pharaoh.
Andin Perwerdigar Musa we Harun’gha: — Xumdanning külidin changgilinglarni toshquzup élinglar, andin Musa uni Pirewnning köz aldida asman’gha qaritip chachsun.
9 And it will become small dust over all the land of Egypt, and will be a skin-disease bursting out in wounds on man and beast through all the land of Egypt.
Shundaq qilishi bilen kül pütkül Misir zéminini qaplaydighan chang-tozan bolidu we Misir zéminidiki hemme yerde ademler we haywanlarning bedinige chüshüshi bilen hürrek-hürrek chaqa chiqiridu, — dédi.
10 So they took some dust from the fire, and placing themselves before Pharaoh, Moses sent it out in a shower up to heaven; and it became a skin-disease bursting out on man and on beast.
Shuning bilen ular xumdandin kül élip, Pirewnning aldigha bérip turdi we Musa uni asman’gha qaritip chachti; u ademler we haywanlarning bedinige chüshüshi bilen hürrek-hürrek chaqa chiqardi.
11 And the wonder-workers were not able to take their places before Moses, because of the disease; for the disease was on the wonder-workers and on all the Egyptians.
Jadugerler chaqilar destidin Musaning aldida turalmay qaldi; chünki jadugerlerning bedininimu, bashqa barliq misirliqlarnimu oxshash chaqa bésip ketkenidi.
12 And the Lord made Pharaoh's heart hard, and he would not give ear to them, as the Lord had said.
Lékin Perwerdigar Pirewnning könglini qattiq qildi; shunga Perwerdigar del Musagha éytqinidek u ulargha qulaq salmidi.
13 And the Lord said to Moses, Get up early in the morning and take your place before Pharaoh, and say to him, This is what the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says: Let my people go so that they may give me worship.
Andin Perwerdigar Musagha: — Ete tang seher qopup, Pirewnning aldida turup uninggha: «Ibraniylarning Xudasi Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: — Qowmimni Manga ibadet qilishqa qoyup ber;
14 For this time I will send all my punishments on yourself and on your servants and on your people; so that you may see that there is no other like me in all the earth.
chünki Men bu qétim hemme balayi’apetlirimni yürikingge, emeldarliring we puqraliringning üstige ewetimen. Buning bilen sen pütkül yer yüzide Mendek bashqa birining yoq ikenlikini bilisen.
15 For if I had put the full weight of my hand on you and your people, you would have been cut off from the earth:
Chünki Men qolumni uzitip, özüng we qowmingni waba bilen urghan bolsam’idi, bu waqitqiche sen yer yüzidin yoqilip kétetting.
16 But, for this very reason, I have kept you from destruction, to make clear to you my power, and so that my name may be honoured through all the earth.
Halbuki, Méning séni ornunggha tiklishimdiki meqsitim shu idiki, del Öz qudritimni sanga körsitish, shundaqla namimning pütkül yer yüzide jakarlinishi üchün idi.
17 Are you still uplifted in pride against my people so that you will not let them go?
Sen yene qowmimgha chongchiliq qilip, ularni qoyup bérishni ret qiliwéremsen?
18 Truly, tomorrow about this time I will send down an ice-storm, such as never was in Egypt from its earliest days till now.
Mana, ete mushu waqitlarda Misir döliti bina bolghandin buyan héch körülüp baqmighan qattiq möldürni yaghdurimen.
19 Then send quickly and get in your cattle and all you have from the fields; for if any man or beast in the field has not been put under cover, the ice-storm will come down on them with destruction.
Shuning üchün adem ewetip, haywan we étizda bar-yoqungni yighip ichkiri solighin; chünki öyge qayturulmay sirtta qalghan adem we haywanlarning hemmisi möldürning astida qélip ölüp kétidu! — dégin, dédi.
20 Then everyone among the servants of Pharaoh who had the fear of the Lord, made his servants and his cattle come quickly into the house:
Buni anglap Pirewnning emeldarlirining arisidin Perwerdigarning sözidin qorqqan herbir adem öz qulliri we charpaylirini yügürtüp öylirige élip keldi.
21 And he who gave no attention to the word of the Lord, kept his servants and his cattle in the field.
Lékin Perwerdigarning sözini étibargha almighanlar öz qul we mallirini tashqirida qaldurup qoydi.
22 And the Lord said to Moses, Now let your hand be stretched out to heaven so that there may be an ice-storm on all the land of Egypt, on man and on beast and on every plant of the field through all the land of Egypt.
Perwerdigar Musagha: — Misir zéminidiki her yerde, ademler üstige, mallarning üstige, shundaqla Misir zéminidiki dalalarning hemme ot-chöplirining üstige möldür yaghsun dep, asman’gha qarap qolungni kötürgin, dédi.
23 And Moses put out his rod to heaven: and the Lord sent thunder, and an ice-storm, and fire running down on the earth; the Lord sent an ice-storm on the land of Egypt.
Musa shuning bilen hasisini asman’gha qaritip kötürüwidi, Perwerdigar güldürmamini güldürlitip, möldür yaghdurdi, yer yüzide chaqmaq chéqindiliri chépip yüretti. Shundaq qilip Perwerdigar Misir zémini üstige möldür yaghdurdi.
24 So there was an ice-storm with fire running through it, coming down with great force, such as never was in all the land of Egypt from the time when it became a nation.
Möldür yéghip, möldür bilen ot arilash chüshti; möldür shunche éghir boldiki, Misir döliti bina bolghandin tartip undaq qattiq möldür yéghip baqmighanidi.
25 And through all the land of Egypt the ice-storm came down on everything which was in the fields, on man and on beast; and every green plant was crushed and every tree of the field broken.
Möldür pütkül Misir zéminining her yéride chüshüp, insan bolsun, haywan bolsun, hemmisini urdi; möldür étizdiki hemme ot-chöpni urup, yerdiki hemme del-derexlernimu sunduruwetti.
26 Only in the land of Goshen, where the children of Israel were, there was no ice-storm.
Peqet Israillar olturushluq Goshen zéminidila möldür yaghmidi.
27 Then Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron, and said to them, I have done evil this time: the Lord is upright, and I and my people are sinners.
Pirewn adem ewetip Musa bilen Harunni chaqirtip ulargha: — Men bu qétim gunah qildim! Perwerdigar heqqaniydur; Sewenlik bolsa men we xelqimdin ötti.
28 Make prayer to the Lord; for there has been enough of these thunderings of God and this ice-storm; and I will let you go and will keep you no longer.
Yene bérip Perwerdigardin ötünüp iltija qilinglar! Xudadin chiqqan bu qattiq güldürmamilar we möldür yétip ashti! Silerni qoyup bérey; siler emdi mushu yerde turuwersenglar bolmaydu, — dédi.
29 And Moses said, When I am gone outside the town, my hands will be stretched out to the Lord; the thunders and the ice-storm will come to an end, so that you may see that the earth is the Lord's.
Musa uninggha jawab bérip: — Men sheherdin chiqqanda, Perwerdigar terepke qarap qollirimni yéyip kötürimen; güldürmamilar shu haman bésiqip möldür yene yaghmaydu. Yer yüzi Perwerdigarningkidur, dep bilishing üchün shundaq bolidu.
30 But as for you and your servants, I am certain that even now the fear of the Lord God will not be in your hearts.
Lékin sen we séning emeldarliring, silerning Perwerdigar Xudadin téxiche qorqmaywatqininglarni bilimen, dédi.
31 And the flax and the barley were damaged, for the barley was almost ready to be cut and the flax was in flower.
Shu chaghda arpa bash chiqirip, zighir ghunchilighan bolghachqa, zighir we arpa möldürdin weyran qilindi.
32 But the rest of the grain-plants were undamaged, for they had not come up.
Lékin bughday bilen qara bughday kéyinrek bix chiqarghachqa, weyran qilinmidi.
33 So Moses went out of the town, and stretching out his hands made prayer to God: and the thunders and the ice-storm came to an end; and the fall of rain was stopped.
Musa Pirewnning aldidin kétip, sheherdin chiqip Perwerdigar terepke qarap qollirini yéyip kötürdi. Shuning bilen güldürmama we möldür toxtap, yamghur yerge yene tökülmidi.
34 But when Pharaoh saw that the rain and the ice-storm and the thunders were ended, he went on sinning, and made his heart hard, he and his servants.
Emma Pirewn yamghur, möldür we güldürmamilarning toxtighinini körgende, yene gunah sadir qildi; umu, emeldarlirimu könglini qattiq qilishti.
35 And the heart of Pharaoh was hard, and he did not let the people go, as the Lord had said by the mouth of Moses.
Bu teriqide Pirewnning köngli qattiq turuwérip, Perwerdigar Musaning wasitisi bilen éytqandek, Israillarni qoyup bérishni ret qildi.

< Exodus 9 >