< Exodus 23 >
1 Do not let a false statement go further; do not make an agreement with evil-doers to be a false witness.
Ne boš dvignil napačnega poročila. Svoje roke ne podaj z zlobnim, da bi bil nepravična priča.
2 Do not be moved to do wrong by the general opinion, or give the support of your words to a wrong decision:
Ne boš sledil množici, da počneš zlo. Niti ne boš govoril v zadevi, da se ne nagneš za mnogimi, ki pačijo sodbo.
3 But, on the other hand, do not be turned from what is right in order to give support to a poor man's cause.
Niti ne boš podpiral reveža v njegovi zadevi.
4 If you come across the ox or the ass of one who is no friend to you wandering from its way, you are to take it back to him.
Če srečaš vola svojega sovražnika ali njegovega osla zaiti, mu ga boš zagotovo ponovno privedel nazaj k njemu.
5 If you see the ass of one who has no love for you bent down to the earth under the weight which is put on it, you are to come to its help, even against your desire.
Če vidiš osla tistega, ki te sovraži, ležati pod svojim bremenom in odlašaš, da mu pomagaš, mu boš zagotovo z njim vred pomagal.
6 Let no wrong decisions be given in the poor man's cause.
Ne boš pačil sodbe ubogega v njegovi zadevi.
7 Keep yourselves far from any false business; never let the upright or him who has done no wrong be put to death: for I will make the evil-doer responsible for his sin.
Drži se proč od napačne stvari. Nedolžnega in pravičnega ne ubij, kajti zlobnega ne bom opravičil.
8 Take no rewards in a cause: for rewards make blind those who have eyes to see, and make the decisions of the upright false.
In ti ne boš prejel nobenega daru, kajti dar slepi modrega in izkrivlja besede pravičnega.
9 Do not be hard on the man from a strange country who is living among you; for you have had experience of the feelings of one who is far from the land of his birth, because you yourselves were living in Egypt, in a strange land.
Tudi ne boš zatiral tujca, kajti poznate srce tujca, glede na to, da ste bili tujci v egiptovski deželi.
10 For six years put seed into your fields and get in the increase;
Šest let boš sejal svojo zemljo in zbiral njene sadove,
11 But in the seventh year let the land have a rest and be unplanted; so that the poor may have food from it: and let the beasts of the field take the rest. Do the same with your vine-gardens and your olive-trees.
toda sedmo leto jo boš pustil počivati in mirno ležati, da ubogi izmed tvojega ljudstva lahko jedo. Kar bodo pustili, naj pojedo živali polja. Na podoben način boš postopal s svojim vinogradom in s svojim oljčnim nasadom.
12 For six days do your work, and on the seventh day keep the Sabbath; so that your ox and your ass may have rest, together with the son of your servant and the man from a strange land living among you.
Šest dni boš opravljal svoje delo, na sedmi dan pa boš počival, da bosta tvoj vol in tvoj osel lahko počivala in bosta sin tvoje pomočnice in tujec lahko osvežena.
13 Take note of all these things which I have said to you, and let not the names of other gods come into your minds or from your lips.
V vseh stvareh, ki sem ti jih rekel, bodi preudaren. In ne omenjaj imena drugih bogov niti naj tega ne bo slišati iz tvojih ust.
14 Three times in the year you are to keep a feast to me.
Trikrat v letu mi boš ohranjal praznovanje.
15 You are to keep the feast of unleavened bread; for seven days let your bread be without leaven, as I gave you orders, at the regular time in the month Abib (for in it you came out of Egypt); and let no one come before me without an offering:
Ohranjal boš praznik nekvašenega kruha (sedem dni boš jedel nekvašeni kruh, kakor sem ti zapovedal, v določenem času meseca abíba, kajti v njem si prišel iz Egipta in nihče se pred menoj ne bo prikazal prazen)
16 And the feast of the grain-cutting, the first-fruits of your planted fields: and the feast at the start of the year, when you have got in all the fruit from your fields.
in praznik žetve, prve sadove svojih trudov, ki si jih posejal na polju in praznik spravljanja, ki je ob koncu leta, ko si svoje trude pospravil s polja.
17 Three times in the year let all your males come before the Lord God.
Trikrat na leto naj se vsi tvoji možje prikažejo pred Gospodom Bogom.
18 Do not give the blood of my offering with leavened bread; and do not let the fat of my feast be kept all night till the morning.
Krvi moje klavne daritve ne boš žrtvoval z vzhajanim kruhom niti naj maščoba mojega darovanja ne ostane do jutra.
19 The best of the first-fruits of your land are to be taken into the house of the Lord your God. The young goat is not to be cooked in its mother's milk.
Prvine od prvih sadov svoje zemlje boš prinesel v hišo Gospoda, svojega Boga. Kozlička ne boš zavrel v mleku njegove matere.
20 See, I am sending an angel before you, to keep you on your way and to be your guide into the place which I have made ready for you.
Glej, pred teboj pošiljam Angela, da te varuje na poti in te privede na kraj, ki sem ga pripravil.
21 Give attention to him and give ear to his voice; do not go against him; for your wrongdoing will not be overlooked by him, because my name is in him.
Pazi se ga in ubogaj njegov glas, ne izzivaj ga, kajti ne bo oprostil tvojih prestopkov, kajti moje ime je v njem.
22 But if you truly give ear to his voice, and do whatever I say, then I will be against those who are against you, fighting those who are fighting you.
Toda če boš zares ubogal njegov glas in storil vse, kar ti govorim, potem bom sovražnik tvojih sovražnikov in nasprotnik tvojih nasprotnikov.
23 And my angel will go before you, guiding you into the land of the Amorite and the Hittite and the Perizzite and the Canaanite and the Hivite and the Jebusite, and they will be cut off by my hand.
Kajti moj Angel bo šel pred teboj in te privede k Amoréjcem, Hetejcem, Perizéjcem, Kánaancem, Hivéjcem in Jebusejcem, in jaz jih bom odrezal.
24 Do not go down on your faces and give worship to their gods, or do as they do; but overcome them completely, and let their pillars be broken down.
Ne boš se priklanjal njihovim bogovom niti jim služil niti počel po njihovih delih, temveč jih boš popolnoma premagal in popolnoma zlomil njihove podobe.
25 And give worship to the Lord your God, who will send his blessing on your bread and on your water; and I will take all disease away from among you.
Služili boste Gospodu, svojemu Bogu in on bo blagoslovil tvoj kruh in tvojo vodo, in iz tvoje srede bom odvzel bolezen.
26 All your animals will give birth without loss, not one will be without young in all your land; I will give you a full measure of life.
V tvoji deželi nič ne bo zavrglo svojih mladih niti ne bo jalovo. Število tvojih dni bom izpolnil.
27 I will send my fear before you, putting to flight all the people to whom you come; all those who are against you will go in flight, turning their backs before you.
Pred teboj bom poslal svoj strah in uničil bom vsa ljudstva, h katerim boš prišel in vsem tvojim sovražnikom bom storil, da svoje hrbte obrnejo k tebi.
28 I will send hornets before you, driving out the Hivite and the Canaanite and the Hittite before your face.
Pred teboj bom poslal sršene, ki bodo izpred tebe napodili Hivéjce, Kánaance in Hetejce.
29 I will not send them all out in one year, for fear that their land may become waste, and the beasts of the field be increased overmuch against you.
Izpred tebe jih ne bom pognal v enem letu, da ne bi zemlja postala zapuščena in bi se zoper tebe namnožile poljske zveri.
30 Little by little I will send them away before you, till your numbers are increased and you take up your heritage in the land.
Po malo in malo jih bom podil izpred tebe, dokler ne boš narasel in podedoval dežele.
31 I will let the limits of your land be from the Red Sea to the sea of the Philistines, and from the waste land to the river Euphrates: for I will give the people of those lands into your power; and you will send them out before you.
Tvoje meje bom postavil od Rdečega morja, celo do morja Filistejcev in od puščave do reke, kajti jaz bom prebivalce dežele izročil v tvojo roko, ti pa jih boš pognal pred seboj.
32 Make no agreement with them or with their gods.
Z njimi ne boš sklenil nobene zaveze niti z njihovimi bogovi.
33 Let them not go on living in your land, or they will make you do evil against me: for if you give worship to their gods, it will certainly be a cause of sin to you.
Naj ne prebivajo v tvoji deželi, da te ne bi pripravili grešiti zoper mene, kajti če boš služil njihovim bogovom, ti bodo le-ti zagotovo zanka.«