< Ecclesiastes 7 >
1 A good name is better than oil of great price, and the day of death than the day of birth.
Dobro ime je boljše kakor dragoceno mazilo in dan smrti [je boljši] kakor dan rojstva nekoga.
2 It is better to go to the house of weeping, than to go to the house of feasting; because that is the end of every man, and the living will take it to their hearts.
Bolje je iti v hišo žalujočega, kakor iti v hišo pojedine, kajti to je konec vseh ljudi; in živi si bodo to položili k srcu.
3 Sorrow is better than joy; when the face is sad the mind gets better.
Bridkost je boljša kot smeh, kajti z žalostjo obličja je srce postalo boljše.
4 The hearts of the wise are in the house of weeping; but the hearts of the foolish are in the house of joy.
Srce modrega je v hiši žalovanja, toda srce bedakov je v hiši veselja.
5 It is better to take note of the protest of the wise, than for a man to give ear to the song of the foolish.
Bolje je poslušati oštevanje modrega, kakor za človeka poslušati pesem bedakov.
6 Like the cracking of thorns under a pot, so is the laugh of a foolish man; and this again is to no purpose.
Kajti kakor je prasketanje trnja pod loncem, tak je smeh bedaka. Tudi to je ničevost.
7 The wise are troubled by the ways of the cruel, and the giving of money is the destruction of the heart.
Zatiranje modrega zagotovo dela besnega in podkupnina uničuje srce.
8 The end of a thing is better than its start, and a gentle spirit is better than pride.
Boljši je konec stvari kakor njen začetek, in potrpežljivi v duhu je boljši kakor ponosni v duhu.
9 Be not quick to let your spirit be angry; because wrath is in the heart of the foolish.
V svojem duhu ne bodi nagel, da bi bil jezen, kajti jeza počiva v naročju bedakov.
10 Say not, Why were the days which have gone by better than these? Such a question comes not from wisdom.
Ne reci: »Kaj je razlog, da so bili prejšnji dnevi boljši kakor tile?« Kajti glede tega nisi modro poizvedel.
11 Wisdom together with a heritage is good, and a profit to those who see the sun.
Modrost je dobra z dediščino; in z njo je korist tistim, ki gledajo sonce.
12 Wisdom keeps a man from danger even as money does; but the value of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to its owner.
Kajti modrost je obramba in denar je obramba, toda odličnost spoznanja je, da modrost daje življenje tem, ki jo imajo.
13 Give thought to the work of God. Who will make straight what he has made bent?
Preudari Gospodovo delo, kajti kdo lahko izravna to, kar je on skrivil?
14 In the day of wealth have joy, but in the day of evil take thought: God has put the one against the other, so that man may not be certain what will be after him.
Na dan uspevanja bodi radosten, toda na dan nadloge preudari; tudi Bog je postavil enega nasproti drugemu, z namenom, da človek ne bi ničesar našel za njim.
15 These two have I seen in my life which is to no purpose: a good man coming to his end in his righteousness, and an evil man whose days are long in his evil-doing.
Vse stvari sem videl v dneh svoje ničevosti. Je pravičen človek, ki propada v svoji pravičnosti in je zloben človek, ki v svoji zlobnosti podaljšuje svoje življenje.
16 Be not given overmuch to righteousness and be not over-wise. Why let destruction come on you?
Ne bodi preko mere pravičen niti se ne delaj preveč modrega. Zakaj bi samega sebe uničil?
17 Be not evil overmuch, and be not foolish. Why come to your end before your time?
Ne bodi preveč zloben niti ne bodi nespameten. Zakaj bi umrl pred svojim časom?
18 It is good to take this in your hand and not to keep your hand from that; he who has the fear of God will be free of the two.
Dobro je, da bi to zgrabil, da, tudi pred tem ne umikaj svoje roke, kajti kdor se boji Boga, bo izmed vseh prišel naprej.
19 Wisdom makes a wise man stronger than ten rulers in a town.
Modrost krepi modrega bolj kakor deset silnih mož, ki so v mestu.
20 There is no man on earth of such righteousness that he does good and is free from sin all his days.
Kajti na zemlji ni pravičnega človeka, ki dela dobro in ne greši.
21 Do not give ear to all the words which men say, for fear of hearing the curses of your servant.
Prav tako se ne oziraj na vse besede, ki so izgovorjene, da ne bi slišal svojega služabnika [kako] te preklinja,
22 Your heart has knowledge how frequently others have been cursed by you.
kajti pogosto tudi tvoje lastno srce ve, da si ti sam podobno preklinjal druge.
23 All this I have put to the test by wisdom; I said, I will be wise, but it was far from me.
Vse to sem preizkusil z modrostjo. Rekel sem: »Moder bom, « toda to je bilo daleč od mene.
24 Far off is true existence, and very deep; who may have knowledge of it?
To, kar je daleč proč in presegajoče globoko, kdo to lahko spozna?
25 I gave my mind to knowledge and to searching for wisdom and the reason of things, and to the discovery that sin is foolish, and that to be foolish is to be without one's senses.
Svoje srce sem posvetil védenju in preiskovanju in iskanju modrosti in razlogu za stvari in da spoznam zlobnost neumnosti, celo nespametnost in norost.
26 And I saw a thing more bitter than death, even the woman whose heart is full of tricks and nets, and whose hands are as bands. He with whom God is pleased will get free from her, but the sinner will be taken by her.
Našel sem grenkejše kakor smrt, žensko, čigar srce so pasti in mreže in njene roke kakor trakovi. Kdorkoli ugaja Bogu, bo zbežal pred njo, toda grešnik bo vzet po njej.
27 Look! this I have seen, said the Preacher, taking one thing after another to get the true account,
»Glej, to sem našel, « pravi pridigar, naštevajoč enega za drugim, da spozna razlog.
28 For which my soul is still searching, but I have it not; one man among a thousand have I seen; but a woman among all these I have not seen.
Kar vendar moja duša išče, toda ne najdem. Našel sem enega med tisočimi, toda ženske med vsemi tistimi nisem našel.
29 This only have I seen, that God made men upright, but they have been searching out all sorts of inventions.
Glej, samo to sem našel, da je Bog človeka naredil poštenega, toda oni so iskali mnoge domiselnosti.