< Deuteronomy 9 >

1 Give ear, O Israel: today you are to go over Jordan, to take the heritage of nations greater and stronger than yourselves, and towns of great size with walls as high as heaven;
Чуј, Израиљу! Ти данас прелазиш преко Јордана да уђеш и наследиш народе веће и јаче од себе, градове велике и ограђене до неба.
2 A people great and tall, the sons of the Anakim, of whom you have knowledge and of whom it has been said, All are forced to give way before the sons of Anak.
Велик и висок народ, синове Енакове, које знаш и за које си слушао:
3 Be certain then today that it is the Lord your God who goes over before you like an all-burning fire; he will send destruction on them, crushing them before you; and you will send them in flight, putting an end to them quickly, as the Lord has said.
Знај дакле данас да је Господ Бог твој, који иде пред тобом, огањ који спаљује; Он ће их истребити и Он ће их оборити пред тобом, и изгнаћеш их и истребити брзо, као што ти је казао Господ.
4 And after the Lord has sent them in flight from before you, say not in your heart, Because of my righteousness the Lord has given me this land; when it is because of their evil-doing that the Lord is driving these nations out before you.
Кад их Господ Бог твој отера испред тебе, немој да кажеш у срцу свом: За правду моју уведе ме Господ у ову земљу да је наследим; јер Господ тера оне народе испред тебе за неваљалство њихово!
5 Not for your righteousness or because your hearts are upright are you going in to take their land; but because of the evil-doing of these nations the Lord your God is driving them out from before you, and to give effect to his oath to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Не идеш за правду своју ни за чистоту срца свог да наследиш ту земљу; него за неваљалство тих народа Господ Бог твој отера их испред тебе, и да одржи реч за коју се заклео оцима твојим, Авраму, Исаку и Јакову.
6 Be certain then that the Lord your God is not giving you this good land as a reward for your righteousness; for you are a stiff-necked people.
Знај, дакле, да ти Господ Бог твој не даје те добре земље за правду твоју да је наследиш, јер си тврдоврат народ.
7 Keep well in mind how you made the Lord your God angry in the waste land; from the day when you went out of Egypt till you came to this place, you have gone against the orders of the Lord.
Памти и не заборави како си гневио Господа Бога свог у пустињи; од оног дана кад изиђосте из земље мисирске па докле дођосте на ово место, непокорни бејасте Господу.
8 Again in Horeb you made the Lord angry, and in his wrath he would have put an end to you.
И код Хорива разгневисте Господа, и од гнева хтеде вас Господ да истреби.
9 When I had gone up into the mountain to be given the stones on which was recorded the agreement which the Lord made with you, I was on the mountain for forty days and forty nights without taking food or drinking water.
Кад изиђох на гору да примим плоче камене, плоче завета, који с вама учини Господ, тада стајах на гори четрдесет дана и четрдесет ноћи хлеба не једући ни воде пијући.
10 And the Lord gave me the two stones with writing on them done by the finger of God: on them were recorded all the words which the Lord said to you on the mountain out of the heart of the fire, on the day of the great meeting.
И даде ми Господ две плоче камене, исписане прстом Господњим, на којима беху речи све које вам изговори Господ на гори исред огња на дан збора вашег.
11 Then at the end of forty days and forty nights the Lord gave me those stones, the stones of the agreement.
После четрдесет дана и четрдесет ноћи даде ми Господ две плоче камене, плоче заветне.
12 And the Lord said to me, Get up now, and go down quickly from this place; for the people you have taken out of Egypt have given themselves over to evil; they have quickly been turned from the way in which I gave them orders to go; they have made themselves a metal image.
И рече ми Господ: Устани, сиђи брже одавде; јер се поквари народ твој који си извео из Мисира, сиђоше брзо с пута који им заповедих, и начинише себи ливен лик.
13 And then the Lord said to me, I have seen that this people is stiff-necked:
Још ми рече Господ говорећи: Погледах овај народ, и ето је народ тврдог врата.
14 Let me send destruction on them till their very name is cut off; and I will make of you a nation greater and stronger than they.
Пусти ме да их истребим и име њихово затрем под небом; а од тебе ћу учинити народ јачи и већи него што је овај.
15 So turning round I came down from the mountain, and the mountain was burning with fire; and the two stones of the agreement were in my hands.
И ја се вратих и сиђох с горе, а гора огњем гораше, и две плоче заветне беху ми у рукама.
16 And I saw that you had done evil against the Lord, and had made for yourselves a metal image of a young ox: you had quickly been turned from the way in which the Lord had given you orders to go.
И погледах, а то згрешисте Господу Богу свом саливши себи теле, и брзо сиђосте с пута који вам беше заповедио Господ.
17 And I let the stones go from my hands, and they were broken before your eyes.
Тада узех оне две плоче и бацих их из руку својих, и разбих их пред вама.
18 And I went down on my face before the Lord, as at the first, for forty days and forty nights, without taking food or drinking water, because of all your sin, in doing evil in the eyes of the Lord and moving him to wrath.
Потом падох и лежах пред Господом као пре, четрдесет дана и четрдесет ноћи, хлеба не једући ни воде пијући, ради свих греха ваших, којима се огрешисте учинивши што је зло пред Господом и разгневивши Га.
19 For I was full of fear because of the wrath of the Lord which was burning against you, with your destruction in view. But again the Lord's ear was open to my prayer.
Јер се бојах гнева и јарости, којом се беше Господ разљутио на вас да вас истреби; и услиши ме Господ и тада.
20 And the Lord, in his wrath, would have put Aaron to death: and I made prayer for Aaron at the same time.
Беше се Господ и на Арона разгневио веома да га хтеде убити; али се молих тада и за Арона.
21 And I took your sin, the image which you had made, and put it in the fire and had it hammered and crushed very small till it was only dust: and the dust I put in the stream flowing down from the mountain.
И узех грех ваш који учинисте, теле, и сажегох га огњем, и разбих га и сатрх га у прах, и просух прах његов у поток, који тече с оне горе.
22 Again at Taberah and at Massah and at Kibroth-hattaavah you made the Lord angry.
И у Тавери и у Маси и у Киврот-Атави гневисте Господа.
23 And when the Lord sent you from Kadesh-barnea, saying, Go up and take the land which I have given you; you went against the orders of the Lord your God, and had no faith in him, and would not give ear to his voice.
И кад вас посла Господ у Кадис-Варнију говорећи: Идите и узмите ту земљу коју сам вам дао, опет се супротисте речи Господа Бога свог, и не веровасте Му и не послушасте глас Његов.
24 From the day when I first had knowledge of you, you have gone against the word of the Lord.
Непокорни бејасте Господу од кад вас познах.
25 So I went down on my face in prayer before the Lord for forty days and forty nights as I did at first; because the Lord had said that he would put an end to you.
Зато падох и лежах пред Господом четрдесет дана и четрдесет ноћи, јер беше рекао Господ да ће вас потрти.
26 And I made prayer to the Lord and said, O Lord God, do not send destruction on your people and your heritage, to whom, by your great power, you have given salvation, whom you have taken out of Egypt by the strength of your hand.
И молих се Господу и рекох: Господе, Господе! Немој потрти народ свој и наследство своје, које си избавио величанством својим, које си извео из Мисира крепком руком.
27 Keep in mind your servants, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, not looking at the hard heart of this people, or their evil-doing and their sin:
Опомени се слуга својих Аврама, Исака и Јакова, не гледај на тврђу народа овог, на неваљалство његово и на грехе његове;
28 Or it may be said in the land from which you have taken them, Because the Lord was not able to take them into the land which he said he would give them, and because of his hate for them, he has taken them out to put them to death in the waste land.
Да не кажу који живе у земљи одакле си нас извео: Није их могао Господ увести у земљу коју им обећа, или мрзео је на њих, зато их изведе да их побије у пустињи.
29 But still they are your people and your heritage, whom you took out by your great power and by your stretched-out arm.
Јер су Твој народ и Твоје наследство, које си извео силом својом великом и мишицом својом подигнутом.

< Deuteronomy 9 >