< Deuteronomy 29 >

1 These are the words of the agreement which Moses was ordered by the Lord to make with the children of Israel in the land of Moab, in addition to the agreement which he made with them in Horeb.
These are the wordes of the couenant which the Lord commanded Moses to make with the children of Israel in the lande of Moab beside the couenant which hee had made with them in Horeb.
2 And Moses said in the hearing of all Israel, You have seen all the Lord did before your eyes in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh and to all his servants and all his land;
And Moses called all Israel, and said vnto them, Ye haue seene all that the Lord did before your eyes in the lande of Egypt vnto Pharaoh and vnto all his seruantes, and vnto all his lande,
3 The great tests which your eyes saw, and the signs and wonders:
The great tentations which thine eyes haue seene, those great miracles and wonders:
4 But even to this day the Lord has not given you a mind open to knowledge, or seeing eyes or hearing ears.
Yet the Lord hath not giuen you an heart to perceiue, and eyes to see, and eares to heare, vnto this day.
5 For forty years I have been your guide through the waste land: your clothing has not become old on your backs, or your shoes on your feet.
And I haue led you fourty yere in the wildernesse: your clothes are not waxed olde vpon you, neyther is thy shooe waxed olde vpon thy foote.
6 You have had no bread, or wine, or strong drink: so that you might see that I am the Lord your God.
Ye haue eaten no bread, neither drunke wine, nor strong drinke, that ye might know how that I am the Lord your God.
7 When you came to this place, Sihon, king of Heshbon, and Og, king of Bashan, came out to make war against us and we overcame them:
After, ye came vnto this place, and Sihon King of Heshbon, and Og King of Bashan came out against vs vnto battell, and we slewe them,
8 And we took their land and gave it to the Reubenites and the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh, for their heritage.
And tooke their lande, and gaue it for an inheritance vnto the Reubenites, and to the Gadites, and to the halfe tribe of Manasseh.
9 So keep the words of this agreement and do them, so that it may be well for you in everything you do.
Keepe therefore the wordes of this couenant and doe them, that ye may prosper in all that ye shall doe.
10 You have come here today, all of you, before the Lord your God; the heads of your tribes, the overseers, and those who are in authority over you, with all the men of Israel,
Ye stand this day euery one of you before the Lord your God: your heads of your tribes, your Elders and your officers, eue al ye me of Israel:
11 And your little ones, your wives, and the men of other lands who are with you in your tents, down to the wood-cutter and the servant who gets water for you:
Your children, your wiues, and thy stranger that is in thy campe from the hewer of thy wood, vnto the drawer of thy water,
12 With the purpose of taking part in the agreement of the Lord your God, and his oath which he makes with you today:
That thou shouldest passe into the couenant of the Lord thy God, and into his othe which the Lord thy God maketh with thee this day,
13 And so that he may make you his people today, and be your God, as he has said to you, and as he made an oath to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
For to establish thee this day a people vnto him selfe, and that he may be vnto thee a God, as he hath said vnto thee, and as he hath sworne vnto thy fathers, Abraham, Izhak, and Iaakob.
14 And not with you only do I make this agreement and this oath;
Neither make I this couenant, and this othe with you onely,
15 But with everyone who is here with us today before the Lord our God, as well as with those who are not here:
But aswel with him that standeth here with vs this day before the Lord our God, as with him that is not here with vs this day.
16 (For you have in mind how we were living in the land of Egypt; and how we came through all the nations which were on your way;
For ye knowe, how we haue dwelt in the land of Egypt, and how we passed thorowe the middes of the nations, which ye passed by.
17 And you have seen their disgusting doings, and the images of wood and stone and silver and gold which were among them: )
And ye haue seene their abominations and their idoles (wood, and stone, siluer and golde) which were among them,
18 So that there may not be among you any man or woman or family or tribe whose heart is turned away from the Lord our God today, to go after other gods and give them worship; or any root among you whose fruit is poison and bitter sorrow;
That there should not be among you man nor woman, nor familie, nor tribe, which should turne his heart away this day from the Lord our God, to goe and serue the gods of these nations, and that there shoulde not be among you any roote that bringeth forth gall and wormewood,
19 If such a man, hearing the words of this oath, takes comfort in the thought that he will have peace even if he goes on in the pride of his heart, taking whatever chance may give him:
So that when he heareth the words of this curse, he blesse him selfe in his heart, saying, I shall haue peace, although I walke according to the stubburnes of mine owne heart, thus adding drunkennesse to thirst.
20 The Lord will have no mercy on him, but the wrath of the Lord will be burning against that man, and all the curses recorded in this book will be waiting for him, and the Lord will take away his name completely from the earth.
The Lord will not be mercifull vnto him, but then the wrath of the Lord and his ielousie shall smoke against that man, and euery curse that is written in this booke, shall light vpon him, and the Lord shall put out his name from vnder heauen,
21 He will be marked out by the Lord, from all the tribes of Israel, for an evil fate, in keeping with all the curses of the agreement recorded in this book of the law.
And the Lord shall separate him vnto euil out of all the tribes of Israel, according vnto all the curses of the couenant, that is written in the booke of this Lawe.
22 And future generations, your children coming after you, and travellers from far countries, will say, when they see the punishments of that land and the diseases which the Lord has sent on it;
So that the generatio to come, euen your children, that shall rise vp after you, and the stranger, that shall come from a farre lande, shall say, when they shall see the plagues of this lande, and the diseases thereof, wherewith the Lord shall smite it:
23 And that all the land is a salt and smoking waste, not planted or giving fruit or clothed with grass, but wasted like Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim, on which the Lord sent destruction in the heat of his wrath:
(For all that land shall burne with brimstone and salt: it shall not be sowen, nor bring forth, nor any grasse shall growe therein, like as in the ouerthrowing of Sodom, and Gomorah, Admah, and Zeboim, which the Lord ouerthrewe in his wrath and in his anger)
24 Truly all the nations will say, Why has the Lord done so to this land? what is the reason for this great and burning wrath?
Then shall all nations say, Wherefore hath the Lord done thus vnto this lande? how fierce is this great wrath?
25 Then men will say, Because they gave up the agreement of the Lord, the God of their fathers, which he made with them when he took them out of the land of Egypt:
And they shall answere, Because they haue forsaken the couenant of the Lord God of their fathers, which he had made with them, when he brought them out of the land of Egypt,
26 And they went after other gods and gave them worship, gods who were strange to them, and whom he had not given them:
And went and serued other gods and worshipped them: euen gods which they knewe not, and which had giuen them nothing,
27 And so the wrath of the Lord was moved against this land, to send on it all the curse recorded in this book:
Therefore the wrath of the Lord waxed hot against this land, to bring vpon it euery curse that is written in this booke.
28 Rooting them out of their land, in the heat of his wrath and passion, and driving them out into another land, as at this day.
And ye Lord hath rooted them out of their land in anger, and in wrath, and in great indignation, and hath cast them into another land, as appeareth this day.
29 The secret things are the Lord our God's: but the things which have been made clear are ours and our children's for ever, so that we may do all the words of this law.
The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things reueiled belong vnto vs, and to our children for euer, that we may doe all the wordes of this Lawe.

< Deuteronomy 29 >