< Deuteronomy 22 >

1 If you see your brother's ox or his sheep wandering, do not go by without helping, but take them back to your brother.
Sava brāļa vērsi vai avi tev nebūs redzēt maldamies un no viņa atrauties; tev tos būs atpakaļ vest savam brālim.
2 If their owner is not near, or if you are not certain who he is, then take the beast to your house and keep it till its owner comes in search of it, and then you are to give it back to him.
Un ja tavs brālis tev nav tuvu, un tu to nepazīsti, tad tev tos būs pārdzīt savās mājās, lai tie paliek pie tevis, kamēr tavs brālis tos meklē; tad tev tos būs viņam atdot.
3 Do the same with his ass or his robe or anything which has gone from your brother's keeping and which you have come across: do not keep it to yourself.
Tāpat tev arī būs darīt pie viņa ēzeļa, un tā tev būs darīt pie viņa drēbēm, un tā tev būs darīt pie visa pazuduša, kas tavam brālim zūd un ko tu atrodi, - tu no tā nevari atrauties.
4 If you see your brother's ox or his ass falling down on the road, do not go by without giving him help in lifting it up again.
Tev sava brāļa ēzeli vai viņa vērsi nebūs redzēt uz ceļa pakritušus un no tiem atrauties; palīdzi viņam tos uzcelt.
5 It is not right for a woman to be dressed in man's clothing, or for a man to put on a woman's robe: whoever does such things is disgusting to the Lord your God.
Vīra drēbes sievai nebūs valkāt, un vīram nebūs apvilkt sievas drēbes; jo visi, kas to dara, Tam Kungam, savam Dievam, ir negantība.
6 If by chance you see a place which a bird has made for itself in a tree or on the earth, with young ones or eggs, and the mother bird seated on the young ones or on the eggs, do not take the mother bird with the young:
Kad tu putna ligzdu uzej ceļā, kādā kokā vai zemē, ar bērniem vai ar olām, un mātīte sēž uz tiem bērniem vai uz tām olām,
7 See that you let the mother bird go, but the young ones you may take; so it will be well for you and your life will be long.
Tad tev nebūs ņemt to mātīti līdz ar tiem bērniem; to mātīti palaid un tos bērnus ņem priekš sevis, lai tev labi klājās un tu ilgi dzīvo.
8 If you are building a house, make a railing for the roof, so that the blood of any man falling from it will not come on your house.
Kad tu uzcērt jaunu namu, tad taisi margas uz sava jumta, ka tu nekrauj kādu asins vainu uz savu namu, ja kāds no tā nokristu.
9 Do not have your vine-garden planted with two sorts of seed: or all of it may become a loss, the seed you have put in as well as the increase.
Tev savu vīna dārzu nebūs apsēt ar mistru, ka nekrīt svētumam viss tavas sējas ienākums un vīna dārza augļi.
10 Do not do your ploughing with an ox and an ass yoked together.
Tev nebūs art ar vērsi un ēzeli kopā.
11 Do not have clothing made of two sorts of thread, wool and linen together.
Tev nebūs valkāt pusnātnas drēbes, vilnainu un nātnu kopā.
12 On the four edges of your robe, with which your body is covered, put ornaments of twisted threads.
Tev būs sev taisīt pušķus pie sava apsega četriem stūriem, ar ko tu apsedzies.
13 If any man takes a wife, and having had connection with her, has no delight in her,
Kad vīrs ņem sievu un pie tās ieiet un tad to ienīst,
14 And says evil things about her and gives her a bad name, saying, I took this woman, and when I had connection with her it was clear to me that she was not a virgin:
Un tai ceļ neslavu un no tās izpauž ļaunu valodu, sacīdams: šo sievu es esmu ņēmis un pie tās iegājis, bet to neesmu atradis šķīstu meitu, -
15 Then let the girl's father and mother put before the responsible men of the town, in the public place, signs that the girl was a virgin:
Tad šīs meitas tēvam un mātei to būs ņemt, un to zīmi, ka tā bijusi šķīsta meita, rādīt pilsētas vecajiem vārtos:
16 And let the girl's father say to the responsible men, I gave my daughter to this man for his wife, but he has no love for her;
Un tās meitas tēvam būs sacīt uz tiem vecajiem: es šim vīram savu meitu esmu devis par sievu, bet viņš to ir ienīdējis.
17 And now he has put shame on her, saying that she is not a virgin; but here is the sign that she is a virgin. Then they are to put her clothing before the responsible men of the town.
Un redzi, viņš tai cēlis neslavu sacīdams: es tavu meitu neesmu atradis šķīstu; še nu tā zīme, ka mana meita bijusi šķīsta, un tiem būs izklāt tās drēbes priekš pilsētas vecajiem.
18 Then the responsible men of the town are to give the man his punishment;
Tad pilsētas vecajiem to vīru būs ņemt un pārmācīt.
19 They will take from him a hundred shekels of silver, which are to be given to the father of the girl, because he has given an evil name to a virgin of Israel: she will go on being his wife, he may never put her away all his life.
Un tie lai viņam nospriež simts sudraba sēķeļus un to naudu lai dod tās meitas tēvam, tāpēc ka tas šķīstai Israēla meitai cēlis kauna valodu, un viņa lai tam paliek par sievu; tas to nevar atlaist visu savu mūžu.
20 But if what he has said is true, and she is seen to be not a virgin,
Bet ja tā valoda ir tiesa, ka tā nav atrasta šķīsta meita,
21 Then they are to make the girl come to the door of her father's house and she will be stoned to death by the men of the town, because she has done evil and put shame on Israel, by acting as a loose woman in her father's house: so you are to put away evil from among you.
Tad tiem to meitu būs izvest pie viņas tēva nama durvīm, un viņas pilsētas ļaudis lai viņu akmeņiem nomētā, ka mirst, tāpēc ka viņa kauna lietu ir darījusi iekš Israēla, maucību dzīdama sava tēva namā. Tā tev būs izdeldēt to ļaunumu no sava vidus.
22 If a man is taken in the act of going in to a married woman, the two of them, the man as well as the woman, are to be put to death: so you are to put away the evil from Israel.
Ja kāds vīrs top atrasts, kas guļ pie cita vīra sievas, tad tiem abiem būs mirt, tam vīram, kas pie tās sievas gulējis, un tai sievai. Tā tev būs izdeldēt to ļaunumu no Israēla.
23 If a young virgin has given her word to be married to a man, and another man meeting her in the town, has connection with her;
Kad kāda meita ir saderēta kādam vīram, un cits vīrs to sastaps pilsētā un pie tās gulēs,
24 Then you are to take the two of them to the doorway of the town, and have them stoned to death; the young virgin, because she gave no cry for help, though it was in the town, and the man, because he has put shame on his neighbour's wife: so you are to put away evil from among you.
Tad jums būs abus izvest aiz pilsētas vārtiem un tos akmeņiem nomētāt, ka mirst, to meitu tādēļ, ka tā nav brēkusi pilsētā, un to vīru tādēļ, ka tas piesmējis sava tuvākā sievu. Tā tev būs izdeldēt to ļaunumu no sava vidus.
25 But if the man, meeting such a virgin in the open country, takes her by force, then only the man is to be put to death;
Bet ja kāds sastop saderētu meitu laukā un to pārvar un pie tās guļ, tad lai tas vīrs, kas pie tās gulējis, viens pats mirst.
26 Nothing is to be done to the virgin, because there is no cause of death in her: it is the same as if a man made an attack on his neighbour and put him to death:
Bet tai meitai tev neko nebūs darīt; tai meitai nav nekādas nāves vainas; jo itin kā kad vīrs celtos pret savu tuvāko un viņu nokautu, - tāda pat ir šī lieta.
27 For he came across her in the open country, and there was no one to come to the help of the virgin in answer to her cry.
Jo viņš to laukā ir sastapis, tā saderētā meita brēca, bet tur nebija glābēja.
28 If a man sees a young virgin, who has not given her word to be married to anyone, and he takes her by force and has connection with her, and discovery is made of it;
Kad kāds sastop jaunu meitu, kas nav saderēta, un to sagrābj un pie tās guļ, un tie top atrasti,
29 Then the man will have to give the virgin's father fifty shekels of silver and make her his wife, because he has put shame on her; he may never put her away all his life.
Tad tas, kas pie viņas gulējis, lai dod tam meitas tēvam piecdesmit sudraba sēķeļus, un tā lai viņam ir par sievu, tāpēc ka viņš to piesmējis; tas viņu savu mūžu nevar atlaist.
30 A man may not take his father's wife or have sex relations with a woman who is his father's.
Nevienam nebūs ņemt sava tēva sievu, nedz atsegt sava tēva apsegu.

< Deuteronomy 22 >