< Deuteronomy 14 >
1 You are the children of the Lord your God: you are not to make cuts on your bodies or take off the hair on your brows in honour of the dead;
Vi ste sinovi Jahve, Boga svoga. Nemojte na sebi praviti ureza ni podstriga na čelu za pokojnikom.
2 For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has taken you to be his special people out of all the nations on the face of the earth.
TÓa ti si narod posvećen Jahvi, Bogu svome; Jahve je odabrao tebe između svih naroda na zemlji da budeš njegov narod, njegova predraga svojina.
3 No disgusting thing may be your food.
Ništa odvratno nemojte jesti.
4 These are the beasts which you may have for food: the ox, the sheep, and the goat;
Ovo su životinje koje možete jesti: vol, ovca, koza,
5 The hart, the gazelle, and the roe, the mountain goat and the pygarg and the antelope and the mountain sheep.
jelen, srna, srndać, kozorog, antilopa, bivol i divokoza;
6 Any beast which has a division in the horn of its foot and whose food comes back into its mouth to be crushed again, may be used for food.
možete jesti svaku životinju koja ima razdvojene papke - nadvoje posve razdvojene - i koja preživa.
7 But even among these, there are some which may not be used for food: such as the camel, the hare, and the coney, which are unclean to you, because, though their food comes back, the horn of their feet is not parted in two.
Samo od preživača ili od životinja s razdvojenim čaporcima ne možete jesti ove: devu, arnebeta i svisca. Te, naime, iako preživaju, nemaju razdvojenih papaka; neka su za vas nečiste.
8 And the pig is unclean to you, because though it has a division in the horn of its foot, its food does not come back; their flesh may not be used for food or their dead bodies touched by you.
A svinja, premda ima papke razdvojene, ne preživa: neka je za vas nečista. Njezina mesa nemojte jesti niti se njezina strva doticati.
9 And of the things living in the waters, you may take all those who have wings for swimming with and skins formed of thin plates.
A od svega što u vodi živi ovo možete jesti: što god ima ljuske i peraje, možete jesti.
10 But any which have no skin-plates or wings for swimming, you may not take; they are unclean for you.
A što nema ljusaka i peraja, ne smijete jesti. To neka je za vas nečisto.
11 All clean birds may be used for food.
Svaku čistu pticu možete jesti.
12 But these birds you may not take: the eagle and the gier-eagle and the ospray;
Ali ovih ne smijete jesti: orla strvinara i jastreba,
13 The falcon and the kite, and birds of that sort;
tetrijeba, sokola bilo koje vrste;
14 Every raven, and all birds of that sort;
gavrana bilo koje vrste;
15 And the ostrich and the night-hawk and the sea-hawk and birds of that sort;
noja, kopca, galeba ni kraguja bilo koje vrste;
16 The little owl and the great owl and the water-hen;
sove, jejine i labuda;
17 And the pelican and the vulture and the cormorant;
pelikana, bijelog strvinara i gnjurca;
18 The stork and the heron and birds of that sort, and the hoopoe and the bat.
rode, čaplje bilo koje vrste; pupavca i šišmiša.
19 Every winged thing which goes flat on the earth is unclean to you and may not be used as food.
Svi krilati kukci neka su za vas nečisti - ne smijete ih jesti.
20 But all clean birds you may take.
Sve krilato čisto možete jesti.
21 You may not have as food anything which has come to a natural death; the man from another country who is living with you may take it for food, or you may get a price for it from one of another nation; for you are a holy people to the Lord your God. The young goat is not to be cooked in its mother's milk.
Ne smijete jesti ništa što crkne. Daj to pridošlici koji boravi u tvojim gradovima neka jede ili pak prodaj tuđincu. Jer ti si narod posvećen Jahvi, Bogu svome. Ne kuhaj kozleta u mlijeku njegove majke!
22 Put on one side a tenth of all the increase of your seed, produced year by year.
Odvajaj desetinu dohotka svake godine od svega što tvoj usjev u polju donese.
23 And make a feast before the Lord your God, in the place which is to be marked out, where his name will be for ever, of the tenth part of your grain and your wine and your oil, and the first births of your herds and your flocks; so that you may have the fear of the Lord your God in your hearts at all times.
A onda blaguj desetine svoga žita, svoga vina, svoga ulja i prvine svoje krupne i sitne stoke u nazočnosti Jahve, Boga svoga, na mjestu koje on odabere da svoje ime ondje nastani; da se tako naučiš zauvijek bojati se Jahve, Boga svoga.
24 And if the way is so long that you are not able to take these things to the place marked out by the Lord your God for his name, when he has given you his blessing, because it is far away from you;
Bude li ti put predug te ne mogneš donijeti desetine - jer je mjesto što ga Jahve odabere da u njemu nastani svoje ime previše daleko od tebe - tada, kad te Jahve, Bog tvoj, blagoslovi,
25 Then let these things be exchanged for money, and, taking the money in your hand, go to the place marked out by the Lord your God for himself;
prodaj to za novac, uzmi novac u ruku pa idi u mjesto što ga odabere Jahve, Bog tvoj.
26 And with the money get whatever you have a desire for, oxen or sheep or wine or strong drink, whatever your soul's desire may be: and make a feast there before the Lord your God, and be glad, you and all your house;
Ondje za novac kupi što želiš: goveče, sitno živinče, vino ili opojno piće - što god ti duša zaželi. Ondje u nazočnosti Jahve, Boga svoga, blaguj i veseli se ti i tvoji ukućani.
27 And give a thought to the Levite who is living among you, for he has no part or heritage in the land.
Ne zanemaruj levita koji bude u tvojim gradovima, jer on nema udjela ni baštine s tobom.
28 At the end of every three years take a tenth part of all your increase for that year, and put it in store inside your walls:
Na kraju svake treće godine iznesi svu desetinu svoga prihoda od te godine i položi je na svoja vrata.
29 And the Levite, because he has no part or heritage in the land, and the man from a strange country, and the child who has no father, and the widow, who are living among you, will come and take food and have enough; and so the blessing of the Lord your God will be on you in everything you do.
Pa neka dođe levit - jer nema udjela ni baštine s tobom - došljak, sirota i udovica koji budu živjeli u tvom gradu i neka jedu i neka se nasite. Tako će te blagoslivljati Jahve, Bog tvoj, u svim poslovima što ih tvoja ruka poduzme.