< Deuteronomy 12 >
1 These are the laws and the decisions which you are to keep with care in the land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you to be your heritage all the days of your life on earth.
Iyi ndiyo mitemo nemirayiro yamunofanira kuchenjera kuti mutevere munyika iyo Jehovha, iye Mwari wamadzibaba enyu, akakupai kuti ive yenyu, mazuva ose amuchagara munyika iyi.
2 You are to give up to the curse all those places where the nations, whom you are driving out, gave worship to their gods, on the high mountains and the hills and under every green tree:
Paradzai chose nzvimbo dzose dziri pamakomo akakwirira nepazvikomo zvose uye napasi pemiti yose yakapfumvutira apo ndudzi dzose dzamunotorera nyika dzinoshumira vamwari vadzo.
3 Their altars and their pillars are to be broken down, and their holy trees burned with fire, and the images of their gods cut down; you are to take away their names out of that place.
Putsai aritari dzavo, pwanyai matombo avo ose anoera uye mupise matanda avo aAshera; temai zvifananidzo zvavo nevamwari vavo uye mugodzima mazita avo panzvimbo idzodzo.
4 Do not so to the Lord your God.
Hamufaniri kushumira Jehovha Mwari wenyu nenzira yavo.
5 But let your hearts be turned to the place which will be marked out by the Lord your God, among your tribes, to put his name there;
Asi munofanira kutsvaka nzvimbo ichasarudzwa naJehovha Mwari wenyu pakati pamarudzi enyu ose kuti aise Zita rakepo agogarapo. Kunzvimbo iyoyo ndiko kwamunofanira kuenda;
6 And there you are to take your burned offerings and other offerings, and the tenth part of your goods, and the offerings to be lifted up to the Lord, and the offerings of your oaths, and those which you give freely from the impulse of your hearts, and the first births among your herds and your flocks;
ipapo ndipo panofanira kuuyiswa zvipiriso zvinopiswa nezvibayiro zvenyu, zvegumi zvenyu nezvipo zvamakatsaura, zvamakapikira kuti muchapa uye nezvipo zvokuda kwenyu, nezvibereko zvokutanga zvenzombe dzenyu uye nezvibereko zvokutanga zvamakwai enyu.
7 There you and all your families are to make a feast before the Lord your God, with joy in everything to which you put your hand, because the Lord has given you his blessing.
Ipapo pamberi paJehovha Mwari wenyu, imi nemhuri dzenyu muchadya mugopembera pamusoro pezvinhu zvose zvamakabata namaoko enyu, nokuti Jehovha Mwari wenyu akuropafadzai.
8 You are not to do things then in the way in which we now do them here, every man as it seems right to him:
Hamufaniri kuita sezvatinoita pano nhasi, mumwe nomumwe achiita zvaanoona zvakakodzera kuita,
9 For you have not come to the rest and the heritage which the Lord your God is giving you.
sezvo musati masvika panzvimbo yezororo nenhaka yamunopiwa naJehovha Mwari wenyu.
10 But when you have gone over Jordan and are living in the land which the Lord your God is giving you as your heritage, and when he has given you rest from all those on every side who are fighting against you, and you are living there safely;
Asi muchayambuka Jorodhani mugogara munyika yamuri kupiwa naJehovha Mwari wenyu senhaka, uye achakupai zororo kubva kuvavengi venyu vose vakakukomberedzai kuitira kuti mugare murugare.
11 Then there will be a place marked out by the Lord your God as the resting-place for his name, and there you will take all the things which I give you orders to take: your burned offerings and other offerings, and the tenth part of your goods, and the offerings to be lifted up, and the offerings of your oaths which you make to the Lord;
Zvino kunzvimbo ichatsaurwa naJehovha Mwari wenyu kuti Zita rake rigarepo, ipapo munofanira kuuyisa zvose zvandakakurayirai zvinoti: zvipiriso zvenyu zvinopiswa nezvibayiro, zvegumi zvenyu nezvipo zvakatsaurwa, uye zvinhu zvose zvakaisvonaka zvamakapikira kuna Jehovha.
12 And you will be glad before the Lord your God, you and your sons and your daughters, and your men-servants and your women-servants, and the Levite who is with you in your house, because he has no part or heritage among you.
Zvino ipapo mugopembera pamberi paJehovha Mwari wenyu, imi navanakomana venyu navanasikana venyu, varanda venyu navarandakadzi venyu, uye navaRevhi vari mumaguta enyu, avo vasina mugove kana nhaka yavo.
13 Take care that you do not make your burned offerings in any place you see:
Muchenjerere kuti musabayira zvipiriso zvenyu zvinopiswa pose pose pamunoda.
14 But in the place marked out by the Lord in one of your tribes, there let your burned offerings be offered, and there do what I have given you orders to do.
Muzvipe chete panzvimbo ichatsaurwa naJehovha mune rumwe rwamarudzi enyu, uye ipapo muchapa zvipiriso zvenyu zvinopiswa uye muchaita zvose zvandinokurayirai.
15 Only you may put to death animals, such as the gazelle or the roe, for your food in any of your towns, at the desire of your soul, in keeping with the blessing of the Lord your God which he has given you: the unclean and the clean may take of it.
Zvisinei hazvo, mungabaya henyu zvipfuwo zvenyu mumaguta enyu uye mugodya nyama pamunodira, sokunge nyama yemhara kana yenondo maererano nokuropafadzwa kwamunopiwa naJehovha Mwari wenyu. Vose vasina kuchena navakachena vangadya havo.
16 But you may not take the blood for food, it is to be drained out on the earth like water.
Asi hamufaniri kudya ropa; munofanira kuriteurira pasi semvura.
17 In your towns you are not to take as food the tenth part of your grain, or of your wine or your oil, or the first births of your herds or of your flocks, or anything offered under an oath, or freely offered to the Lord, or given as a lifted offering;
Hamufaniri kudyira mumaguta enyu chegumi chezviyo zvenyu nechewaini yenyu itsva nechamafuta, kana chezvibereko zvokutanga zvenzombe dzenyu namakwai enyu, kana chipi zvacho chamakapikira kupa, kana zvipo zvokuda kwenyu kana zvipo zvakatsaurwa.
18 But they will be your food before the Lord your God in the place of his selection, where you may make a feast of them, with your son and your daughter, and your man-servant and your woman-servant, and the Levite who is living with you: and you will have joy before the Lord your God in everything to which you put your hand.
Asi, munofanira kuti muzvidye muri pamberi paJehovha Mwari wenyu panzvimbo iyo Jehovha Mwari wenyu achasarudza, imi, vanakomana venyu navanasikana venyu, varandarume navarandakadzi venyu, navaRevhi vari mumaguta enyu uye munofanira kupembera pamberi paJehovha Mwari wenyu pamusoro pezvinhu zvose zvamuchabata namaoko enyu.
19 See that you do not give up caring for the Levite as long as you are living in your land.
Chenjerai kuti murege kukanganwa vaRevhi nguva yose yamuchagara munyika yenyu.
20 When the Lord your God makes wide the limit of your land, as he has said, and you say, I will take flesh for my food, because you have a desire for it; then you may take whatever flesh you have a desire for.
Kana Jehovha Mwari wako achinge akurisa nyika yako sezvaakakuvimbisa, uye iwe ukapanga nyama ukati, “Ndinoda nyama,” ipapo uchadya nyama yakawanda sezvaunoda.
21 If the place marked out by the Lord your God as the resting-place for his name is far away from you, then take from your herds and from your flocks which the Lord has given you, as I have said, and have a meal of it in the towns where you may be living.
Kana nzvimbo iyo inosarudzwa naJehovha Mwari wako kuti aise Zita rakepo iri kure newe zvikuru, ungabaya hako zvipfuwo kubva pamombe dzako namakwai ako zvawakapiwa naJehovha, sezvandakurayira, mumaguta ako ungadya nyama yakawanda sezvaunoda.
22 It will be your food, like the gazelle and the roe; the unclean and the clean may take of it.
Uzvidye sounodya nyama yemhara kana yenondo. Vose vasina kuchena navakachena vangadya havo.
23 But see that you do not take the blood for food; for the blood is the life; and you may not make use of the life as food with the flesh.
Asi uchenjere kuti urege kudya ropa, nokuti ropa ndihwo upenyu, naizvozvo haufaniri kudya upenyu pamwe chete nenyama.
24 Do not take it for food but let it be drained out on the earth like water.
Haufaniri kudya ropa, uriteurire pasi semvura.
25 Do not take it for food; so that it may be well for you and for your children after you, while you do what is right in the eyes of the Lord.
Usaridya, kuti zvive zvakakunakira iwe navana vako vachakutevera, nokuti unenge uchiita zvakanaka pamberi paJehovha.
26 But the holy things which you have, and the offerings of your oaths, you are to take to the place which will be marked out by the Lord:
Asi utore zvinhu zvako zvitsvene nazvose zvawakapika kuti uchazvipa, ugoenda nazvo kunzvimbo ichasarudzwa naJehovha.
27 Offering the flesh and the blood of your burned offerings on the altar of the Lord your God; and the blood of your offerings is to be drained out on the altar of the Lord your God, and the flesh will be your food.
Uise zvipiriso zvako zvinopiswa paaritari yaJehovha Mwari wako, zvose zviri zviviri, nyama neropa. Ropa rezvibayiro zvako rinofanira kudururwa parutivi pearitari yaJehovha Mwari wako, asi ungadya zvako nyama yacho.
28 Take note of all these orders I am giving you and give attention to them, so that it may be well for you and for your children after you for ever, while you do what is good and right in the eyes of the Lord your God.
Uchenjerere kuteerera mitemo yose yandinokupa, kuti zvive zvakakunakira nguva dzose iwe navana vako vachatevera mushure mako, nokuti unenge uchiita zvakanaka nezvakarurama pamberi paJehovha Mwari wako.
29 When the people of the land where you are going have been cut off before you by the Lord your God, and you have taken their land and are living in it;
Jehovha Mwari wenyu achaparadza kubva pamberi penyu ndudzi dzamava kuda kurwisa nokutorera nyika. Asi kana muchinge madzidzinga uye magara munyika yavo,
30 After their destruction take care that you do not go in their ways, and that you do not give thought to their gods, saying, How did these nations give worship to their gods? I will do as they did.
uye mushure mokunge vaparadzwa pamberi penyu, muchenjerere kuti murege kunyengerwa muchibvunza nezvavamwari vavo, muchiti, “Ko, ndudzi idzi dzinoshumira vamwari vadzo sei? Tichaitawo sezvavanoita.”
31 Do not so to the Lord your God: for everything which is disgusting to the Lord and hated by him they have done in honour of their gods: even burning their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods.
Hamufaniri kushumira Jehovha Mwari wenyu nenzira yavo, nokuti mukushumira vamwari vavo, vanoita zvinhu zvose zvose zvinonyangadza zvinovengwa naJehovha. Vanopisa kunyange vanakomana navanasikana vavo mumoto sezvibayiro kuna vamwari vavo.
32 You are to keep with care all the words I give you, making no addition to them and taking nothing from them.
Munofanira kuita zvose zvandakakurayirai; musawedzera pazviri kana kubvisa kubva pazviri.