< Daniel 5 >

1 Belshazzar the king made a great feast for a thousand of his lords, drinking wine before the thousand.
Car Valtasar uèini veliku gozbu tisuæi knezova svojih, i pijaše vino pred tisuæom njih.
2 Belshazzar, while he was overcome with wine, gave orders for them to put before him the gold and silver vessels which Nebuchadnezzar, his father, had taken from the Temple in Jerusalem; so that the king and his lords, his wives and his other women, might take their drink from them.
Napiv se vina Valtasar zapovjedi da se donesu sudovi zlatni i srebrni, koje bješe odnio Navuhodonosor otac mu iz crkve Jerusalimske, da iz njih piju car i knezovi mu, i žene njegove i inoèe njegove.
3 Then they took in the gold and silver vessels which had been in the Temple of the house of God at Jerusalem; and the king and his lords, his wives and his other women, took wine from them.
I donesoše zlatne sudove koje bjehu odnijeli iz crkve doma Gospodnjega u Jerusalimu, i pijahu iz njih car i knezovi njegovi, žene njegove i inoèe njegove;
4 They took their wine and gave praise to the gods of gold and silver, of brass and iron and wood and stone.
Pijahu vino, i hvaljahu bogove zlatne i srebrne i mjedene i drvene i kamene.
5 In that very hour the fingers of a man's hand were seen, writing opposite the support for the light on the white wall of the king's house, and the king saw the part of the hand which was writing.
U taj èas izidoše prsti ruke èovjeèije, i pisahu prema svijetnjaku po okreèenom zidu od carskoga dvora, i car vidje ruku koja pisaše.
6 Then the colour went from the king's face, and he was troubled by his thoughts; strength went from his body, and his knees were shaking.
Tada se promijeni lice caru, i misli ga njegove uznemiriše, i pojas se oko njega raspasa i koljena mu udarahu jedno o drugo.
7 The king, crying out with a loud voice, said that the users of secret arts, the Chaldaeans, and the readers of signs, were to be sent for. The king made answer and said to the wise men of Babylon, Whoever is able to make out this writing, and make clear to me the sense of it, will be clothed in purple and have a chain of gold round his neck, and will be a ruler of high authority in the kingdom.
Povika car iza glasa; te dovedoše zvjezdare, Haldeje i gatare; i progovori car i reèe mudarcima Vavilonskim: ko proèita ovo pismo i kaže mi što znaèi, onaj æe se obuæi u skerlet, i nosiæe zlatnu verižicu o vratu, i biæe treæi gospodar u carstvu.
8 Then all the king's wise men came in: but they were not able to make out the writing or give the sense of it to the king.
Tada pristupiše svi mudarci carevi; ali ne mogoše proèitati pisma niti kazati caru što znaèi.
9 Then King Belshazzar was greatly troubled and the colour went from his face, and his lords were at a loss.
Tada se car Valtasar vrlo uznemiri i lice mu se sasvijem izmijeni; i knezovi se njegovi prepadoše.
10 The queen, because of the words of the king and his lords, came into the house of the feast: the queen made answer and said, O King, have life for ever; do not be troubled by your thoughts or let the colour go from your face:
Doðe carica radi toga što se dogodi caru i knezovima njegovijem u kuæu gdje bješe gozba, i progovori carica i reèe: care, da si živ dovijeka! da te ne uznemiruju misli tvoje i da ti se lice ne mijenja.
11 There is a man in your kingdom in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and in the days of your father, light and reason like the wisdom of the gods were seen in him: and King Nebuchadnezzar, your father, made him master of the wonder-workers, and the users of secret arts, and the Chaldaeans, and the readers of signs;
Ima èovjek u tvom carstvu, u kom je duh svetijeh bogova; i u vrijeme oca tvojega naðe se u njega vidjelo i razum i mudrost, kakova je u bogova, i car Navuhodonosor otac tvoj, care, postavi ga glavarem vraèarima, zvjezdarima, Haldejima i gatarima;
12 Because a most special spirit, and knowledge and reason and the power of reading dreams and unfolding dark sayings and answering hard questions, were seen to be in him, even in Daniel (named Belteshazzar by the king): now let Daniel be sent for, and he will make clear the sense of the writing.
Jer velik duh i znanje i razum za kazivanje sanova i pogaðanje zagonetaka i razmršivanje zamršenijeh stvari naðe se u Danila, kojemu car nadje ime Valtasar; neka sada dozovu Danila, i on æe kazati što znaèi.
13 Then they took Daniel in before the king; the king made answer and said to Daniel, So you are that Daniel, of the prisoners of Judah, whom my father took out of Judah.
Tada Danilo bi doveden pred cara. Car progovori Danilu i reèe: jesi li ti Danilo izmeðu roblja Judina koje dovede iz Judejske car otac moj?
14 And I have had news of you, that the spirit of the gods is in you, and that light and reason and special wisdom have been seen in you.
Èuh za tebe da je duh svetijeh bogova u tebi, i vidjelo i razum i mudrost velika da se naðe u tebe.
15 And now the wise men, the users of secret arts, have been sent in before me for the purpose of reading this writing and making clear to me the sense of it: but they are not able to make clear the sense of the thing:
A sada su dovedeni preda me mudarci, zvjezdari, da proèitaju pismo i kažu mi što znaèi; ali ne mogu da kažu što to znaèi.
16 And I have had news of you, that you have the power of making things clear, and of answering hard questions: now if you are able to make out the writing and give me the sense of it, you will be clothed in purple and have a gold chain round your neck and be a ruler of high authority in the kingdom.
A za tebe ja èuh da možeš protumaèiti, i zamršene stvari razmrsiti. Ako dakle možeš proèitati ovo pismo i kazati mi što znaèi, obuæi æeš se u skerlet, i zlatnu verižicu nosiæeš o vratu, i biæeš treæi gospodar u carstvu.
17 Then Daniel made answer and said to the king, Keep your offerings for yourself, and give your rewards to another; but I, after reading the writing to the king, will give him the sense of it.
Tada odgovori Danilo i reèe pred carem: darovi tvoji neka tebi, i podaj drugomu poklone svoje; a pismo æu ja proèitati caru i kazati što znaèi.
18 As for you, O King, the Most High God gave to Nebuchadnezzar, your father, the kingdom and great power and glory and honour:
Care, Bog višnji dade carstvo i velièinu i slavu i èast Navuhodonosoru ocu tvojemu.
19 And because of the great power he gave him, all peoples and nations and languages were shaking in fear before him: some he put to death and others he kept living, at his pleasure, lifting up some and putting others down as it pleased him.
I od velièine koju mu dade svi narodi, plemena i jezici drktahu pred njim i bojahu ga se; ubijaše koga hoæaše, i ostavljaše u životu koga hoæaše, uzvišivaše koga hoæaše, i poniživaše koga hoæaše.
20 But when his heart was lifted up and his spirit became hard with pride, he was put down from his place as king, and they took his glory from him:
Ali kada mu se podiže srce i duh mu se posili u oholosti, bi smetnut s carskoga prijestola svojega, i uzeše mu slavu.
21 And he was sent out from among the sons of men; and his heart was made like the beasts', and he was living with the asses of the fields; he had grass for his food like the oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till he was certain that the Most High is ruler in the kingdom of men, and gives power over it to anyone at his pleasure.
I bi prognan izmeðu ljudi i srce mu posta kao u zvijeri, i stan mu bijaše s divljim magarcima, hraniše ga travom kao goveda, i rosa nebeska kvasi mu tijelo, dokle pozna da Bog višnji vlada carstvom ljudskim, i koga hoæe postavlja nad njim.
22 And you, his son, O Belshazzar, have not kept your heart free from pride, though you had knowledge of all this;
A ti, Valtasare, sine njegov, nijesi ponizio srca svojega premda si znao sve ovo.
23 But you have been lifting yourself up against the Lord of heaven, and they have put the vessels of his house before you, and you and your lords, your wives and your women, have taken wine in them; and you have given praise to gods of silver and gold, of brass and iron and wood and stone, who are without the power of seeing or hearing, and without knowledge: and to the God in whose hand your breath is, and whose are all your ways, you have not given glory;
Nego si se podigao na Gospoda nebeskoga, i sudove doma njegova donesoše preda te, i piste iz njih vino ti i knezovi tvoji, žene tvoje i inoèe tvoje, i ti hvali bogove srebrne i zlatne, mjedene, gvozdene, drvene i kamene, koji ne vide niti èuju niti razumiju, a ne slavi Boga, u èijoj je ruci duša tvoja i svi putovi tvoji.
24 Then the part of the hand was sent out from before him, and this writing was recorded.
Zato od njega bi poslana ruka i ovo pismo bi napisano.
25 And this is the writing which was recorded, Mene, tekel, peres.
A ovo je pismo napisano: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UFARSIN.
26 This is the sense of the words: Mene; your kingdom has been numbered by God and ended.
A ovo znaèe te rijeèi: MENE, brojio je Bog tvoje carstvo, i do kraja izbrojio.
27 Tekel; you have been put in the scales and seen to be under weight.
TEKEL, izmjeren si na mjerila, i našao si se lak.
28 Peres; your kingdom has been cut up and given to the Medes and Persians.
FERES, razdijeljeno je carstvo tvoje, i dano Midijanima i Persijanima.
29 Then, by the order of Belshazzar, they put a purple robe on Daniel, and a gold chain round his neck, and a public statement was made that he was to be a ruler of high authority in the kingdom.
Tada zapovjedi Valtasar, te obukoše Danila u skerlet, i metnuše mu zlatnu verižicu oko vrata, i proglasiše za nj da je treæi gospodar u carstvu.
30 That very night Belshazzar, the king of the Chaldaeans, was put to death.
Istu noæ bi ubijen Valtasar car Haldejski.
31 And Darius the Mede took the kingdom, being then about sixty-two years old.
A Darije Midijanin preuze carstvo, i bješe mu oko šezdeset i dvije godine.

< Daniel 5 >