< Daniel 11 >

1 And as for me, in the first year of Darius the Mede I was on his side to make his position safe and make him strong.
Y en el año primero de Darío, el de Media, yo estuve para animarle, y fortalecerle.
2 And now I will make clear to you what is true. There are still three kings to come in Persia, and the fourth will have much greater wealth than all of them: and when he has become strong through his wealth, he will put his forces in motion against all the kingdoms of Greece.
Y ahora yo te mostraré la verdad: He aquí que aun tres reyes estarán en Persia; y el cuarto se enriquecerá de grandes riquezas, más que todos; y fortificándose con sus riquezas, despertará a todos contra el reino de Grecia.
3 And a strong king will come to power, ruling with great authority and doing whatever is his pleasure.
Y levantarse ha un rey valiente, el cual se enseñoreará sobre gran señorío, y hará a su voluntad.
4 And when he has become strong, his kingdom will be broken and parted to the four winds of heaven; but not to his offspring, for it will be uprooted; and his kingdom will be for the others and not for these: but not with the same authority as his.
Y cuando se hubiere enseñoreado, su reino será quebrantado, y será partido en los cuatro vientos del cielo, y no a su descendiente, ni según el señorío con que él se enseñoreó; porque su reino será arrancado, y para otros fuera de estos.
5 And the king of the south will be strong, but one of his captains will be stronger than he and will be ruler; and his rule will be a great rule.
Y hacerse ha fuerte el rey del mediodía y de sus principados, y sobrepujarle ha, y apoderarse ha, y su señorío será grande señorío.
6 And at the end of years they will be joined together; and the daughter of the king of the south will come to the king of the north to make an agreement: but she will not keep the strength of her arm; and his offspring will not keep their place; but she will be uprooted, with those who were the cause of her coming, and her son, and he who took her in those times.
Mas al cabo de algunos años se concertarán, y la hija del rey del mediodía vendrá al rey del norte, para hacer los conciertos: Mas no tendrá fuerza de brazo, ni permanecerá él, ni su brazo. Porque ella será entregada, y los que la hubieron traído, y su padre, y los que estaban de su parte en aquellos días.
7 But out of a branch from her roots one will come up to take his place, who will come against the army, forcing his way into the strong place of the king of the north, and he will take them in hand and overcome them:
Mas del renuevo de sus raíces se levantará sobre su silla, y vendrá al ejército, y entrará en la fortaleza del rey del norte, y hará en ellos a su voluntad, y corroborarse ha.
8 And their gods and their metal images and their fair vessels of silver and gold he will take away into the south; and for some years he will keep away from the king of the north.
Y aun los dioses de ellos, con sus príncipes, con sus vasos preciosos de plata y de oro, llevará cautivos a Egipto. Y por algunos años él se mantendrá contra el rey del norte.
9 And he will come into the kingdom of the king of the south, but he will go back to his land.
Y vendrá en el reino el rey del mediodía, y volverá a su tierra.
10 And his son will make war, and will get together an army of great forces, and he will make an attack on him, overflowing and going past: and he will again take the war even to his strong place.
Mas sus hijos se airarán, y juntarán multitud de muchos ejércitos, y vendrá a gran priesa, e inundará, y pasará, y tornará, y llegará con ira hasta su fortaleza.
11 And the king of the south will be moved with wrath, and will come out and make war on him, on this same king of the north: and he will get together a great army, but the army will be given into his hand.
Por lo cual el rey del mediodía se enojará, y saldrá, y peleará con el mismo rey del norte; y pondrá en campo gran multitud, y toda aquella multitud será entregada en su mano.
12 And the army will be taken away, and his heart will be uplifted: he will be the cause of the downfall of tens of thousands, but he will not be strong.
Por lo cual la multitud se ensoberbecerá, elevarse ha su corazón, y derribará muchos millares, y no prevalecerá.
13 And again the king of the north will get together an army greater than the first; and he will make an attack on him at the end of years, with a great army and much wealth.
Y volverá el rey del norte, y pondrá en campo mayor multitud que primero; y al cabo del tiempo de algunos años vendrá a gran priesa con grande ejército, y con muchas riquezas.
14 In those times, a number will take up arms against the king of the south: and the children of the violent among your people will be lifting themselves up to make the vision come true; but it will be their downfall.
Mas en aquellos tiempos muchos se levantarán contra el rey del mediodía; e hijos de disipadores de tu pueblo se levantarán para confirmar la profecía, y caerán.
15 So the king of the north will come, and put up earthworks and take a well-armed town: and the forces of the king of the south will make an attempt to keep their position, even the best of his army, but they will not have strength to do so.
Y vendrá el rey del norte, y fundará baluartes, y tomará la ciudad fuerte, y los brazos del mediodía no podrán permanecer, ni su pueblo escogido, ni habrá fortaleza que pueda resistir.
16 And he who comes against him will do his pleasure, and no one will be able to keep his place before him: he will take up his position in the beautiful land and in his hand there will be destruction.
Y el que vendrá contra él, hará a su voluntad, ni habrá quien se le pueda parar delante; y estará en la tierra deseable, la cual será consumida en su poder.
17 And it will be his purpose to come with the strength of all his kingdom, but in place of this he will make an agreement with him; and he will give him the daughter of women to send destruction on it; but this will not take place or come about.
Y pondrá su rostro para venir con la potencia de todo su reino, y hará con él cosas rectas, y darle ha una hija de sus mujeres para trastornarla: mas no estará, ni será por él.
18 After this, his face will be turned to the islands, and he will take a number of them: but a chief, by his destruction, will put an end to the shame offered by him; and more than this, he will make his shame come back on him.
Volverá después su rostro a las islas, y tomará muchas; y un príncipe le hará parar su vergüenza, y aun volverá sobre él su vergüenza.
19 Then his face will be turned to the strong places of his land: but his way will be stopped, causing his downfall, and he will not be seen again.
De aquí volverá su rostro a las fortalezas de su tierra; y tropezará, y caerá, y no parecerá más.
20 Then his place will be taken by one who will send out a man with the glory of a king to get wealth together; but after a short time destruction will overtake him, but not in wrath or in the fight.
Mas sucedará en su silla quien quitará las exacciones, el cual será gloria del reino: mas en pocos días será quebrantado, no en enojo, ni en batalla.
21 And his place will be taken by a low person, to whom the honour of the kingdom had not been given: but he will come in time of peace and will get the kingdom by fair words.
Y sucederá en su lugar un vil, al cual no darán la honra del reino: mas vendrá con paz, y tomará el reino con halagos.
22 And his forces will be completely taken away from before him and broken; and even the ruler of the agreement will have the same fate.
Y los brazos serán inundados de inundación delante de él; y serán quebrantados, y aun también el capitán del concierto.
23 And from the time when they make an agreement with him, he will be working falsely: for he will take up arms suddenly with a small force,
Y después de los conciertos con él, él hará engañó; y subirá, y saldrá vencedor con poca gente.
24 Against fertile places, and will make waste a part of the country; and he will do what his fathers have not done, or his fathers' fathers; he will make distribution among them of goods taken in war and by force, and of property: he will even make designs against the strong places for a time.
Estando la provincia en paz, y en abundancia, entrará, y hará lo que nunca hicieron sus padres, ni los padres de sus padres: presa, y despojos, y riqueza repartirá a sus soldados; y contra las fortalezas pensará con sus pensamientos; y esto por tiempo.
25 And he will put in motion his power and his strength against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south will go to war with a very great and strong army: but he will be forced to give way, because of their designs against him;
Y despertará sus fuerzas y su corazón contra el rey del mediodía con grande ejército; y el rey del mediodía será provocado a la guerra con grande ejército y muy fuerte: mas no prevalecerá, porque le harán traición.
26 And his fears will overcome him and be the cause of his downfall, and his army will come to complete destruction, and a great number will be put to the sword.
Y los que comerán su pan, le quebrantarán; y su ejército será destruido, y caerán muchos muertos.
27 And as for these two kings, their hearts will be fixed on doing evil and they will say false words at one table; but it will come to nothing: for the end will be at the time fixed.
Y el corazón de estos dos reyes será para hacer se mal; y en una misma mesa tratarán mentira: mas no servirá de nada; porque el plazo aun no es llegado.
28 And he will go back to his land with great wealth; and his heart will be against the holy agreement; and he will do his pleasure and go back to his land.
Y volverse ha a su tierra con grande riqueza; y su corazón será contra el santo concierto; y hará, y volverse ha a su tierra.
29 At the time fixed he will come back and come into the south; but in the later time it will not be as it was before.
Al tiempo señalado tornará al mediodía: mas no será la postrera venida como la primera.
30 For those who go out from the west will come against him, and he will be in fear and will go back, full of wrath against the holy agreement; and he will do his pleasure: and he will go back and be united with those who have given up the holy agreement.
Porque vendrán contra él naves de Quitim; y él se contristará, y tornarse ha, y enojarse ha contra el santo concierto, y hará; y volverse ha, y pensará contra los que habrán desamparado el santo concierto.
31 And armies sent by him will take up their position and they will make unclean the holy place, even the strong place, and take away the regular burned offering and put in its place an unclean thing causing fear.
Y serán puestos brazos de su parte, y contaminarán el santuario de fortaleza; y quitarán el continuo sacrificio, y pondrán la abominación espantosa.
32 And those who do evil against the agreement will be turned to sin by his fair words: but the people who have knowledge of their God will be strong and do well.
Y con lisonjas hará pecar a los violadores del concierto: mas el pueblo que conoce a su Dios se esforzará, y hará.
33 And those who are wise among the people will be the teachers of the mass of the people: but they will come to their downfall by the sword and by the flame, being made prisoners and undergoing loss for a long time.
Y los sabios del pueblo darán sabiduría a muchos; y morirán a cuchillo, a fuego, y cautividad, y saco, por algunos días.
34 Now at the time of their downfall they will have a little help, but numbers will be joined to them in the town, and in their separate heritages.
Y en su caer serán ayudados de pequeño socorro; y muchos se juntarán con ellos con lisonjas.
35 And some of those who are wise will have wisdom in testing themselves and making themselves clean, till the time of the end: for it is still for the fixed time.
Mas de los sabios caerán, para ser purgados, y limpiados, y emblanquecidos, hasta el tiempo determinado; porque aun para esto hay plazo.
36 And the king will do his pleasure; he will put himself on high, lifting himself over every god, and saying things to be wondered at against the God of gods; and all will be well for him till the wrath is complete; for what has been purposed will be done.
Y el rey hará a su voluntad; y ensoberbecerse ha, y engrandecerse ha sobre todo dios; y contra el Dios de los dioses hablará maravillas, y será prosperado, hasta que la ira sea acabada; porque hecha está determinación.
37 He will have no respect for the gods of his fathers or for the god desired by women; he will have no respect for any god: for he will put himself on high over all.
Y del Dios de sus padres no hará caso, ni del amor de las mujeres: ni se cuidará de Dios alguno; porque sobre todo se engrandecerá.
38 But in place of this he will give honour to the god of armed places, and to a god of whom his fathers had no knowledge he will give honour with gold and silver and jewels and things to be desired.
Mas al dios Mauzim honrará en su lugar, dios que sus padres no conocieron: honrarle ha con oro, y plata, y piedras preciosas, y con cosas de gran precio.
39 And he will make use of the people of a strange god to keep his strongest places; to those whom he takes note of he will give high honour: and he will make them rulers over the mass of the people, and will make division of the land for a price.
Y con el dios ajeno que conocerá, hará castillos fuertes, ensanchará su gloria, y hacerlos ha señores sobre muchos, y repartirá la tierra por precio.
40 And at the time of the end, the king of the south will make an attack on him: and the king of the north will come against him like a storm-wind, with war-carriages and horsemen and numbers of ships; and he will go through many lands like overflowing waters.
Mas al cabo del tiempo el rey del mediodía se acorneará con él, y el rey del norte levantará contra él tempestad, con carros, y gente de a caballo, y muchos navíos; y entrará por las tierras, e inundará, y pasará.
41 And he will come into the beautiful land, and tens of thousands will be overcome: but these will be kept from falling into his hands: Edom and Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon.
Y vendrá en la tierra deseable, y muchas provincias caerán: mas estas escaparán de su mano, Edom, y Moab, y lo primero de los hijos de Ammón.
42 And his hand will be stretched out on the countries: and the land of the south will not be safe from him.
Y extendará su mano a las tierras; y la tierra de Egipto no escapará.
43 But he will have power over the stores of gold and silver, and over all the valued things of the south: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians will be at his steps.
Y apoderarse ha de los tesoros de oro y plata, y de todas las cosas preciosas de Egipto, de Libia, y Etiopía por donde pasará.
44 But he will be troubled by news from the east and from the north; and he will go out in great wrath, to send destruction on, and put an end to, great numbers.
Mas nuevas de oriente y del norte le espantarán; y saldrá con grande ira para destruir y matar muchos.
45 He will put the tents of his great house between the sea and the beautiful holy mountain: but he will come to his end with no helper.
Y plantará las tiendas de su palacio entre los mares, en el monte deseable del santuario; y vendrá hasta su fin, y no tendrá quien le ayude.

< Daniel 11 >