< Acts 3 >

1 Now Peter and John were going up to the Temple at the ninth hour, the hour of prayer;
t. rtiiyayaamavelaayaa. m satyaa. m praarthanaayaa. h samaye pitarayohanau sambhuuya mandira. m gacchata. h|
2 And a certain man who from birth had had no power in his legs, was taken there every day, and put down at the door of the Temple which is named Beautiful, requesting money from those who went into the Temple;
tasminneva samaye mandiraprave"sakaanaa. m samiipe bhik. saara. naartha. m ya. m janmakha njamaanu. sa. m lokaa mandirasya sundaranaamni dvaare pratidinam asthaapayan ta. m vahantastadvaara. m aanayan|
3 He then, seeing Peter and John going into the Temple, made a request to them.
tadaa pitarayohanau mantira. m prave. s.tum udyatau vilokya sa kha njastau ki ncid bhik. sitavaan|
4 And Peter, looking at him, with John, said, Keep your eyes on us.
tasmaad yohanaa sahita. h pitarastam ananyad. r.s. tyaa niriik. sya proktavaan aavaa. m prati d. r.s. ti. m kuru|
5 And he gave attention to them, hoping to get something from them.
tata. h sa ki ncit praaptyaa"sayaa tau prati d. r.s. ti. m k. rtavaan|
6 But Peter said, I have no silver or gold, but what I have, that I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up on your feet.
tadaa pitaro gaditavaan mama nika. te svar. naruupyaadi kimapi naasti kintu yadaaste tad dadaami naasaratiiyasya yii"sukhrii. s.tasya naamnaa tvamutthaaya gamanaagamane kuru|
7 And he took him by his right hand, lifting him up; and straight away his feet and the bones of his legs became strong,
tata. h para. m sa tasya dak. si. nakara. m dh. rtvaa tam udatolayat; tena tatk. sa. naat tasya janasya paadagulphayo. h sabalatvaat sa ullamphya protthaaya gamanaagamane. akarot|
8 And, jumping up, he got on to his feet and went into the Temple with them, walking and jumping and giving praise to God.
tato gamanaagamane kurvvan ullamphan ii"svara. m dhanya. m vadan taabhyaa. m saarddha. m mandira. m praavi"sat|
9 And all the people saw him walking and praising God:
tata. h sarvve lokaasta. m gamanaagamane kurvvantam ii"svara. m dhanya. m vadanta nca vilokya
10 And they saw that it was the man who made requests for money at the door of the Temple, and they were full of wonder and surprise at what had taken place.
mandirasya sundare dvaare ya upavi"sya bhik. sitavaan saevaayam iti j naatvaa ta. m prati tayaa gha. tanayaa camatk. rtaa vismayaapannaa"scaabhavan|
11 And while he kept his hands on Peter and John, all the people came running together to the covered way which is named Solomon's, full of wonder.
ya. h kha nja. h svasthobhavat tena pitarayohano. h karayordh. tatayo. h sato. h sarvve lokaa sannidhim aagacchan|
12 And when Peter saw it he said to the people, You men of Israel, why are you so greatly surprised at this man? or why are you looking at us as if by our power or virtue we had given him the use of his legs?
tad d. r.s. tvaa pitarastebhyo. akathayat, he israayeliiyalokaa yuuya. m kuto. anenaa"scaryya. m manyadhve? aavaa. m nija"saktyaa yadvaa nijapu. nyena kha njamanu. syamena. m gamitavantaaviti cintayitvaa aavaa. m prati kuto. ananyad. r.s. ti. m kurutha?
13 The God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has given glory to his servant Jesus; whom you gave up, turning your backs on him, when Pilate had made the decision to let him go free.
ya. m yii"su. m yuuya. m parakare. su samaarpayata tato ya. m piilaato mocayitum ecchat tathaapi yuuya. m tasya saak. saan naa"ngiik. rtavanta ibraahiima ishaako yaakuuba"sce"svaro. arthaad asmaaka. m puurvvapuru. saa. naam ii"svara. h svaputrasya tasya yii"so rmahimaana. m praakaa"sayat|
14 But you would have nothing to do with the Holy and Upright One, and made request for a man of blood to be given to you,
kintu yuuya. m ta. m pavitra. m dhaarmmika. m pumaa. msa. m naa"ngiik. rtya hatyaakaari. nameka. m svebhyo daatum ayaacadhva. m|
15 And put to death the Lord of life; whom God gave back from the dead; of which fact we are witnesses.
pa"scaat ta. m jiivanasyaadhipatim ahata kintvii"svara. h "sma"saanaat tam udasthaapayata tatra vaya. m saak. si. na aasmahe|
16 And his name, through faith in his name, has made this man strong, whom you see and have knowledge of: yes, the faith which is through him has made him well, before you all.
ima. m ya. m maanu. sa. m yuuya. m pa"syatha paricinutha ca sa tasya naamni vi"svaasakara. naat calana"sakti. m labdhavaan tasmin tasya yo vi"svaasa. h sa ta. m yu. smaaka. m sarvve. saa. m saak. saat sampuur. naruupe. na svastham akaar. siit|
17 And now, my brothers, I am conscious that you did this, as did your rulers, without knowledge.
he bhraataro yuuya. m yu. smaakam adhipataya"sca aj naatvaa karmmaa. nyetaani k. rtavanta idaanii. m mamai. sa bodho jaayate|
18 But the things which God had made clear before, by the mouth of all the prophets, that the Christ would have to undergo, he has put into effect in this way.
kintvii"svara. h khrii. s.tasya du. hkhabhoge bhavi. syadvaadinaa. m mukhebhyo yaa. m yaa. m kathaa. m puurvvamakathayat taa. h kathaa ittha. m siddhaa akarot|
19 So then, let your hearts be changed and be turned to God, so that your sins may be completely taken away, and times of blessing may come from the Lord;
ata. h sve. saa. m paapamocanaartha. m kheda. m k. rtvaa manaa. msi parivarttayadhva. m, tasmaad ii"svaraat saantvanaapraapte. h samaya upasthaasyati;
20 And that he may send the Christ who was marked out for you from the first, even Jesus:
puna"sca puurvvakaalam aarabhya pracaarito yo yii"sukhrii. s.tastam ii"svaro yu. smaan prati pre. sayi. syati|
21 Who is to be kept in heaven till the time when all things are put right, of which God has given word by the mouth of his holy prophets, who have been from the earliest times. (aiōn g165)
kintu jagata. h s. r.s. timaarabhya ii"svaro nijapavitrabhavi. syadvaadiga. nona yathaa kathitavaan tadanusaare. na sarvve. saa. m kaaryyaa. naa. m siddhiparyyanta. m tena svarge vaasa. h karttavya. h| (aiōn g165)
22 For Moses said, The Lord will give you a prophet from among your people, like me; you will give ear to everything which he will say to you.
yu. smaaka. m prabhu. h parame"svaro yu. smaaka. m bhraat. rga. namadhyaat matsad. r"sa. m bhavi. syadvaktaaram utpaadayi. syati, tata. h sa yat ki ncit kathayi. syati tatra yuuya. m manaa. msi nidhaddhva. m|
23 And every soul who does not give attention to that prophet, will be cut off from among the people.
kintu ya. h ka"scit praa. nii tasya bhavi. syadvaadina. h kathaa. m na grahii. syati sa nijalokaanaa. m madhyaad ucchetsyate," imaa. m kathaam asmaaka. m puurvvapuru. sebhya. h kevalo muusaa. h kathayaamaasa iti nahi,
24 And all the prophets from Samuel and those who came after, every one of them, gave word of these days.
"simuuyelbhavi. syadvaadinam aarabhya yaavanto bhavi. syadvaakyam akathayan te sarvvaeva samayasyaitasya kathaam akathayan|
25 You are the sons of the prophets, and of the agreement which God made with your fathers, saying to Abraham, Through your seed a blessing will come on all the families of the earth.
yuuyamapi te. saa. m bhavi. syadvaadinaa. m santaanaa. h, "tava va. m"sodbhavapu. msaa sarvvade"siiyaa lokaa aa"si. sa. m praaptaa bhavi. syanti", ibraahiime kathaametaa. m kathayitvaa ii"svarosmaaka. m puurvvapuru. sai. h saarddha. m ya. m niyama. m sthiriik. rtavaan tasya niyamasyaadhikaari. nopi yuuya. m bhavatha|
26 To you, first, God sent his servant, blessing you by turning every one of you from his sins.
ata ii"svaro nijaputra. m yii"sum utthaapya yu. smaaka. m sarvve. saa. m svasvapaapaat paraavarttya yu. smabhyam aa"si. sa. m daatu. m prathamatasta. m yu. smaaka. m nika. ta. m pre. sitavaan|

< Acts 3 >