< Acts 25 >

1 So Festus, having come into that part of the country which was under his rule, after three days went up to Jerusalem from Caesarea.
Leleꞌ naa, hofernor feuꞌ a, nara na Festus, lali Kaisarea neu fo nae parenda. Ana leo fai teluꞌ a mia naa ma, ana lao nakandoo Yerusalem neu.
2 And the chief priests and the chief men of the Jews made statements against Paul,
Sia naa, malangga agama Yahudi malanga nara ma malangga feaꞌ ra reu randaa ro e fo rahine e. Ara o ola-olaꞌ Paulus dedꞌea na sia sira neꞌebꞌue na naa.
3 Requesting Festus to give effect to their design against him, and send him to Jerusalem, when they would be waiting to put him to death on the way.
Ara o roꞌe, mete ma bisa naa, hofernor denu atahori nara ro baliꞌ Paulus Yerusalem nema, huu ara rala ralaꞌ ena rae tao risa Paulus sia dalaꞌ taladꞌa na.
4 But Festus, in answer, said that Paul was being kept in prison at Caesarea, and that in a short time he himself was going there.
Te hofernor nataa oi, “Ama nggaree. Taꞌo ia. Hela fo ara ranea e sia Kaisarea dei. Te au o ae haelai baliꞌ naa uu boe.
5 So, he said, let those who have authority among you go with me, and if there is any wrong in the man, let them make a statement against him.
De mete ma hei se hambu koasa fo nggero dedꞌeat ia, naa, tungga mo au Kaisarea uu. Mete ma atahori ia tao salaꞌ saa, naa, hei bisa midꞌedꞌea mo e sia naa.”
6 And when he had been with them not more than eight or ten days, he went down to Caesarea; and on the day after, he took his place on the judge's seat, and sent for Paul.
Basa ma, Festus leo mbei ma fai sanahulu mia Yerusalem, dei de feꞌe baliꞌ nisiꞌ Kaisarea. Atahori Yahudi hira tungga e. Mbilaꞌ na ma, hofernor nae paresaꞌ dedꞌeat naa. De ana denu ro Paulus rala neu nandaa no e. Paulus rala neu ma, atahori Yahudi ra rambariiꞌ rereoꞌ rala e, de fee salaꞌ mataꞌ-mataꞌ neu e. Te ara nda ratudꞌu bukti saa saꞌ boe.
7 And when he came, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem came round him, and made all sorts of serious statements against him, which were not supported by the facts.
8 Then Paul, in his answer to them, said, I have done no wrong against the law of the Jews, or against the Temple, or against Caesar.
Boe ma Paulus nasalaꞌe ao na nae, “Ama hofernor. Au nda feꞌe tao deꞌulakaꞌ saa saꞌ boe. Au o nda tao saa labꞌan hai atoran agama Yahudi ma sa. Au nda tao unggenggeo Lamatualain Uma Hule-oꞌe Huu Na sia Yerusalem. Ma au o nda tao saa labꞌan mana parenda Roma ra atoran na sa.”
9 But Festus, desiring to get the approval of the Jews, said to Paul, Will you go up to Jerusalem, and be judged before me there in connection with these things?
Te hofernor nae haꞌi ralaꞌ no atahori Yahudi ra. Naa de, ana natane Paulus oi, “Ho duꞌa taꞌo bee? Mete ma au nggero dedꞌea ma sia Yerusalem, naa, ho nau, do hokoꞌ?”
10 And Paul said, I am before the seat of Caesar's authority where it is right for me to be judged: I have done no wrong to the Jews, as you are well able to see.
Paulus rena hofernor natane taꞌo naa ma, ana nataa oi, “Amaꞌ hofernor, au ia, atahori Roma. De ia naa, au umburiꞌ sia amaꞌ hofernor mia manaparenda Roma. Manaparenda Roma mana naꞌena hak nggero au dedꞌea ngga tungga atoran na. Dadꞌi au nda nau isiꞌ Yerusalem, fo neꞌetuꞌ dedꞌea ngga sia naa sa. Amaꞌ bubꞌuluꞌ, au nda tao salaꞌ saa saꞌ boe, labꞌan neu atahori Yahudi ia ra.
11 If, then, I am a wrongdoer and there is a cause of death in me, I am ready for death: if it is not as they say against me, no man may give me up to them. Let my cause come before Caesar.
Mete ma au tao salaꞌ, nandaa no hukun mate, naa, au simbo. Te mete ma saa fo ara olaꞌ naa, nda tebꞌe sa, tungga atoran Roma, nda hambu esa bisa fee au uu atahori ia ra lima nara sa. Ara sanggaꞌ a dalaꞌ, fo rae risa au parsumaꞌ a. De ia naa, tungga au hak ngga, au endi dedꞌeat ia nisiꞌ mamana nggengero dedꞌeat huuꞌ a, fo mane monaeꞌ Kaisar sia Roma, naꞌetuꞌ dedꞌeat ia!”
12 Then Festus, having had a discussion with the Jews, made answer, You have said, Let my cause come before Caesar; to Caesar you will go.
Hofernor rena Paulus naꞌo naa ma, ana noꞌe dudꞌuꞌat mia nonoo mana tungga nggero dedꞌeat naa. Basa ma, ana nafadꞌe Paulus nae, “Huu moꞌe hene misiꞌ Kaisar, de ho musi muu sia Roma.” Olaꞌ basa ma, hofernor nateꞌe neꞌebꞌuet naa.
13 Now when some days had gone by, King Agrippa and Bernice came to Caesarea and went to see Festus.
Basa ma, atahori Yahudi ra mane na, nara na Agripa, no feto na, nara na Bernike, rema sia Kaisarea, fo rae fee hadꞌat neu hofernor feuꞌ a.
14 And as they were there for some days, Festus gave them Paul's story, saying, There is a certain man here who was put in prison by Felix:
Ara numban fai hira ro hofernor Festus. Faiꞌ esa, Festus dui Paulus dedꞌea na neu ruꞌa se. Ana oi, “Ama maneꞌ! Sia Kaisarea ia, hai minea atahori sa, nara na Paulus. Dalahulu na, hofernor mbaraaꞌ a nda feꞌe naꞌetuꞌ dedꞌea na sa.
15 Against whom the chief priests and the rulers of the Jews made a statement when I was at Jerusalem, requesting me to give a decision against him.
Feꞌe lai-laiꞌ ia, au Yerusalem uu ma, malangga agama Yahudi malangga ra ro lasi-lasi adat ra, rema kalaak Paulus, de roꞌe au hukun e.
16 To whom I gave answer that it is not the Roman way to give a man up, till he has been face to face with those who are attacking him, and has had a chance to give an answer to the statements made against him.
Te ufadꞌe se ae, ‘Tungga mana parenda Roma atoran na, au musi paresaꞌ dedꞌeat ia dei. Atahori mana radꞌedꞌeaꞌ ra musi randaa dei. Au ae rena hei fee salaꞌ saa neu e. Ma ana musi hambu nasalaꞌe ao na boe. Dei fo au bisa uꞌetuꞌ dedꞌeat naa, ma utudꞌaꞌ hukun saa neu e.’
17 So, when they had come together here, straight away, on the day after, I took my place on the judge's seat and sent for the man.
Au baliꞌ Kaisarea uma ma, atahori Yahudi hira tungga boe. Mbilaꞌ na ma, au paresaꞌ tuteꞌ dedꞌeat naa. Au denu se ro Paulus nema nandaa no au, fo au bisa bubꞌuluꞌ dedꞌeat ia huu-pata na.
18 But when they got up they said nothing about such crimes as I had in mind:
Boe ma, atahori Yahudi ra rambariiꞌ de dui Paulus sala nara. Te saa fo rafadꞌeꞌ neu auꞌ a, bera na nda onaꞌ au dꞌuꞌaꞌ a sa.
19 But had certain questions against him in connection with their religion, and about one Jesus, now dead, who, Paul said, was living.
Ara ratofa, huu ara nda ralaꞌ esa soꞌal agama nara sa. Ma, rareresi ro Paulus akaꞌ atahori sa, nara na Yesus. Tungga atahori Yahudi ra, Yesus mate ena. Te Paulus toꞌu nahereꞌ oi Yesus naa, nasodꞌa baliꞌ ena.
20 And as I had not enough knowledge for the discussion of these things, I made the suggestion to him to go to Jerusalem and be judged there.
Ara rareresi taꞌo naa, te huu au atahori feuꞌ, de nda itaꞌ ae uꞌetuꞌ dedꞌeat agama ia taꞌo bee saꞌ boe. Naa de au utane Paulus ae, ‘Ona bee na, au uꞌetuꞌ dedꞌea ma ia sia Yerusalem, do?’
21 But when Paul made a request that he might be judged by Caesar, I gave orders for him to be kept till I might send him to Caesar.
Te ana nda nau sa. Ana noꞌe hene nisiꞌ keser. Naa de au uꞌungge uhereꞌ e, losa kaꞌe ala dei fo haitua e Roma neu.”
22 And Agrippa said to Festus, I have a desire to give the man a hearing myself. Tomorrow, he said, you may give him a hearing.
Ara rena Festus dudꞌui na ma, Mane Agripa oi, “Mete ma bisa naa, au ae rena ao ngga mia atahori naa.” Festus nataa oi, “Bisa! Dei fo au ator fo fetu na, amaꞌ bisa rena ao ma mia atahori naa.”
23 So on the day after, when Agrippa and Bernice in great glory had come into the public place of hearing, with the chief of the army and the chief men of the town, at the order of Festus, Paul was sent for.
Mbilaꞌ ma, hofernor Festus ator, fo mane Agripa rena Paulus oꞌola na. Ana o ator fo atahori naeꞌ bisa rena Paulus oꞌola na boe. Malangga soldꞌadꞌu ra ma atahori monaen sia kota Kaisarea, basa se rema rena Paulus. Boe ma, mane Agripa no Bernike masoꞌ rala rema ro bua-bau mane nara. Basa atahori fee hadꞌat neu ruꞌa se. Basa se raꞌabꞌue ena ma, hofernor denu ro Paulus rala neu.
24 And Festus said, King Agrippa, and all those who are present here with us, you see this man, about whom all the Jews have made protests to me, at Jerusalem and in this place, saying that it is not right for him to be living any longer.
Ara ro Paulus ma, hofernor olaꞌ oi, “Mane Agripa, ama nggara, ma toronoo susue nggare. Atahori ia, nara na Paulus. Malangga Yahudi hira radꞌedꞌea ro e. Ruma sia Yerusalem ma ruma sia ia, ara risiꞌ au, fo raꞌasusuuꞌ au rae, atahori ia, nda nandaa nasodꞌa sa ena.
25 But, in my opinion, there is no cause of death in him, and as he himself has made a request to be judged by Caesar, I have said that I would send him.
Naa de au paresaꞌ e, te nda hambu sala na nandaa no hukun mate sa. Te ana noꞌe hene nisiꞌ mana parenda ataꞌ. Naa de, nau nda nau sa, au musi fee ne Roma neu.
26 But I have no certain account of him to send to Caesar. So I have sent for him to come before you, and specially before you, King Agrippa, so that after the business has been gone into, I may have something to put in writing.
Mete ma au haitua e, naa, au musi tao susura. Te ia na, au musi suraꞌ saa, fee mane monaeꞌ a? Naa de au uꞌubꞌue basa amaꞌ se, fo rena e. Basa naa, au oꞌe ama maneꞌ Agripa fee au dudꞌuꞌat, fo suraꞌ uhine susura fee neu mane monaeꞌ a. Au duꞌa na nda maloleꞌ sa, mete ma au fee dedꞌeat ia nisiꞌ kaisar, te nda ufadꞌe atahori ia sala na sa. Au oꞌola ngga, baꞌu a ia. Makasi.”
27 For it seems to me against reason to send a prisoner without making clear what there is against him.

< Acts 25 >