< Acts 16 >

1 And he came to Derbe and Lystra: and there was a certain disciple there named Timothy, whose mother was one of the Jews of the faith, but his father was a Greek;
Paulo anu ejile aja Derbe na lysra; nulole, Aliya aliga alio obhiigisibhwa oyo aliga nabhilikilwa timotheo, nimusigaji oyo ebhuywe na nyilamwene wechiyaudi oyo Ali mwikilisha ne semwene wae ni Mgiliki,
2 Of whom the brothers at Lystra and Iconium had a high opinion.
Abhanu bha LIStra na Ikonia bhamsosisishe obhubhambasi bhwe kisi.
3 Paul had a desire for him to go with him, and he gave him circumcision because of the Jews who were in those parts: for they all had knowledge that his father was a Greek.
Paulo amwendele koleleki bhagende nage mlugendo kulwejo namugega no kumutenda kusonga ya bhayaudi bhaliga bhaliyeyo okubha bhona bhamumenyele ati esemwene wae ni mgiriki.
4 And on their way through the towns, they gave them the rules which had been made by the Apostles and the rulers of the church at Jerusalem, so that they might keep them.
Awo bhaliga ni bhagenda bhatulile ku musi no kusosha amalagililo ku makanisa koleleki bhagekilishe amalagililo ago gandikilwe na jintumwa na abhakaluka eyo Yerusalemu.
5 So the churches were made strong in the faith and were increased in number every day.
kwibhyo amakanisa ngakomesibhwa mulikilisha na bhalya bhekilisishe mbheyongesha kwo bhafu bhuli lunaku.
6 And after they had gone through the land of Phrygia and Galatia, the Holy Spirit did not let them take the word into Asia;
Paulo na bhejabho nibhagenda Firigia na galatia, kulwo kubha MWOYO wa Nyamuanga abhaganyishe okulasha omusango eyo mwijimbho lya Asia.
7 And having come to Mysia, they made an attempt to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not let them;
Bejile bhafogela misia, bhalegeja okugenda Bithinia, nawe Mwoyo Mwelu wa Yesu nabhaganya.
8 And going past Mysia, they came down to Troas.
kulwejo mbhatula misia bhaja mbhakinga mu musi gwa Troa.
9 And Paul had a vision in the night; a man of Macedonia came, requesting him, and saying, Come over into Macedonia and give us help.
Ebhilolo nibhimubhonekela Paulo mungeta, aliga Alio omunu wa makedonia emeleguyu, namubhilikila no kwaika “mje muchisakile enu makedonia.”
10 And when he had seen the vision, straight away we made the decision to go into Macedonia, for it seemed certain to us that God had sent us to give the good news to them.
Paulo ejile alola Ebhilolo, ni chimala ni chilabha okuja Makedonia, namenya ati Nyamuanga achibhilikie okuja okulasha omusango Gwo bwana.
11 So, from Troas we went straight by ship to Samothrace and the day after to Neapolis;
kwibyo nchisokayo eyo Troa, nchigenda gumwi gumwi nchikinga Samothrake, no lunaku olwo lwalubhie nchikinga mu musi ogwa Neapoli.
12 And from there to Philippi, which is the most important town of Macedonia and a Roman colony: and we were there for some days.
okusakao nchigenda Filipi nigwo gumwi no musi gwa makedonia, ni musi gwa insonga mu bhutunge bhwe chilumi na nchinyanja naku nyafuo.
13 And on the Sabbath we went outside the town, by the river, where we had an idea that there would be a place of prayer; and, being seated, we had talk with the women who had come together.
Ku lunaku olwa isabhato, chagendele anja mwilango ku njila yo mugela, kwi bhala linu chetogelaga ati echibhona libhala aokukolela lisabhwa. Chenyanjile ansi no kwaika na mai abhandi bhanu Bhejile amwi.
14 And a certain woman named Lydia, a trader in purple cloth of the town of Thyatira, and a God-fearing woman, gave ear to us: whose heart the Lord made open to give attention to the things which Paul was saying.
Omugasi umwi unu kabhilikilwa Lidia omukani wa jijambhalau okusoka mu musi gwa Tiatira, oyo kamulamya Nyamuwanga, achitegelesishe. Latabugenyi namwigula omwoyo gwae no kugwata emisango ejo ja ikilwe na Paulo.
15 And when she and her family had had baptism, she made a request to us, saying, If it seems to you that I am true to the Lord, come into my house and be my guests. And she made us come.
ejile Amala okubhatijibhwa, omwene na inyumbha yae yona, achisabhilwe naika,”labha mwandola anye kubha mulengelesi ku Latabugenyi, Mbe enibhelembheleja mwingile no kwinyanja ewani.” Nachilebheja muno.
16 And when we were going to the place of prayer, we came across a girl with a spirit which gave knowledge of the future, whose masters made great profit from her power.
Nibha ati, ao chaliga nichigenda okusabhwa, muyalakaji umwi unu aliga Ali na masambhwa go bhumenyi nabhonana neswe. amuletee esebugenyi wae ebhona lwafu mu kulagula.
17 She came after Paul and us, crying out and saying, These men are the servants of the Most High God, who are giving you news of the way of salvation.
Omugasi unu amulubhile Paulo amwi neswe, nayogana no kwaika “abhulume bhanu nibhakosi bha Nyamuanga unu ali mkulu, bhanu abhabhalasisha emwe emisango jo omwelulo.”
18 And this she did on a number of days. But Paul was greatly troubled and, turning, said to the spirit, I give you orders in the name of Jesus Christ, to come out of her. And it came out that very hour.
Akolele kutyo ku naku nyafu, nawe Paulo aliga abhiilisibhwe ne chikolwa echo, ekebhukie inyuma no kulibhila lisabhwa ati,”msokeko kulwa lisina lwa Yesu usoke munda yae. one ndisokako no kumusiga ku mwanya ogwo.
19 But when her masters saw that their hope of profit was gone, they took Paul and Silas, pulling them into the market-place before the rulers;
Bhesebhugenyi bae Bejile bhalola ati eliikanya lya libhona lyebhwe lyasokao, mbhabhagwatile Paulo na Sila no kubhakwese-la mwigulilo imbhele ya bhakulu.
20 And when they had taken them before the authorities, they said, These men, who are Jews, are greatly troubling our town;
Bhejile bhabhakingya ku bhalamusi, mbhaika,” abhalume bhanu mbhayaudi abhaletelesha injogele nene agati ya musi gweswe.
21 Teaching rules of living which it is not right for us to have or to keep, being Romans.
Abheigisha emisango jinu jitali mu bhilagilo bheswe okugalamila amwi kugalubha kuti Barumi.”
22 And the people made an attack on them all together: and the authorities took their clothing off them, and gave orders for them to be whipped.
liijo nilibhemukila litasikene ku Paulo na Sila, abhalamusi mbhatemula emyenda jebhwe no kubhafula no kulagilila bhabhumwe jisimbho
23 And when they had given them a great number of blows, they put them in prison, giving orders to the keeper of the prison to keep them safely:
Bejile bhamala okubhabhuma jisimbho nyafu, mbhabhalasa mwibhoyelo no kubhalamula abhasilikale bha mwibhoyelo bhabhalinde kisi.
24 And he, having such orders, put them into the inner prison with chains on their feet.
Bhejile bhamala okulamila echilagilo echo, abhasilikale bha mwibhoyelo mbhabhesa mu chumbha cha munda ya libhoyelo no kubhabhoya amagulu gebhe mwibhala linu abhabhikile.
25 But about the middle of the night, Paul and Silas were making prayers and songs to God in the hearing of the prisoners;
omwanya gwa mungeta agati, Paulo na sila bhaliga nibhasabhwa no kwimba jinyimbo jo kumukusha Nyamuanga, enu abhabhoywa abhandi nibhabhategelesha,
26 And suddenly there was an earth-shock, so that the base of the prison was moved: and all the doors came open, and everyone's chains came off.
mwanya mutoto nilibhonekana linyamutikima enene no lufuka lwa liboyelo Lwona nilunegena, emilyango ja libhoyelo nijiguka, na amabhoyelo ga abhabhoywa gona ngagela.
27 And the keeper, coming out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, took his sword and was about to put himself to death, fearing that the prisoners had got away.
Omulisi wa liboyelo nalafya okusoka muntilo nalola emilyango ja liboyelo jigukile; kwibyo nagega lipanga lwae kulwo kubha aliga nenda okwiita kwa insonga eganilisishe ati abhabhoywa Bhona bhatolokele,
28 But Paul said in a loud voice, Do yourself no damage, for we are all here.
Mbe nawe Paulo nayogana kwo bhulaka bhunene, naika “uteutasha kwa insonga Bona chilio anu”.
29 And he sent for lights and came rushing in and, shaking with fear, went down on his face before Paul and Silas,
omulisi wa liboyelo nasabhwa jitala jiletwe nengila munda ya libhoyelo, kwo bhangu, nayalala nokubhaya, nabhabwila Paulo na sila,
30 And took them out and said, Sirs, what have I to do to get salvation?
nabhaulusha Anja ya libhoyelo naika,” bhakulu, nikole atiki koleleki nibhone kukila?”
31 And they said, Have faith in the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will have salvation.
bhona mbhamubwila, ati “mwikilishe Latabugenyi Yesu nawe oukisibwa amwi na inyumba. yao”.
32 And they gave the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house.
Bhaikile omusango gwa Latabugenyi ewae, amwi na bhanu abha ika ewae,
33 And that same hour of the night, he took them, and when he had given attention to their wounds, he and all his family had baptism straight away.
omulisi wa mwibhoyelo abhagegele mugeta eyo no kubhosha olubhala olwo bhautalile, omwene amwi na bhanu bha ika ewae nibhabhatijibhwa ao.
34 And he took them into his house and gave them food, and he was full of joy, having faith in God with all his family.
Nabhaleta Paulo na sila ika ewae no kubhayana ebhilyo. omwene nabha no bhukondeleywe bunene amwi na bhanu bha ika ewae kwa insonga bhamwikilisishe Nyamuanga.
35 But when it was day, the authorities sent the police, saying, Let these men go.
Yalinga mu mwisi, abhalamusi bhatumile emisango ku mulisi ulya owa liboyelo bhaika,”mbhasige abhanu balya bhagende”,
36 And the keeper said to Paul, The authorities have given orders to let you go: come out now, and go in peace.
Omulisi wa liboyelo namumenyesha Paulo ingulu ye misango ejo ati,”Abhalamusi bhatumile emisango okubhabhwila bhagende; kwibyo muuluke Anja mugende kwo mulembe”
37 But Paul said to them, They have given us who are Romans a public whipping without judging us, and have put us in prison. Will they now send us out secretly? no, truly, let them come themselves and take us out.
Mbe nawe Paulo nabhabwila,” bhachibhumile abhwelu, abhanu abho bhaliga bhalumi obhutachilamula nawe mbhachesa mwibhoyelo: kaoli abhenda okuchisoshamo kwa imbhisike? Uli, jitakutulikana, abhene bhaje bhachisoshemo munu anu”.
38 And the police gave an account of these words to the authorities, and they were full of fear on hearing that they were Romans;
Abhalisi mbhabhamenyesha Abhalamusi ingulu ye misango ejo, abhalamusi nibhobhaya muno anu bhejile bhakamenya ati Paulo na Sila ni bhalumi.
39 Then they came and made prayers to them, requesting them, when they had taken them out, to go away from the town.
Abhalamusi mbhaja nibhabhalembeleja bhauluke bhejile bhabhaulusha Anja ya libhoyelo, bhabhasabhile Paulo na Sila bhauluke Anja yo musi gwebhwe.
40 And they came out of the prison and went to the house of Lydia: and when they had seen the brothers they gave them comfort and went away.
Kulwejo Paulo na Sila mbhauluka Anja ya libhoyelo mbhaja ika ewa Lidia. Paulo na Sila Bhejile bhabhalola abhasu bhabhasimbhagilisha omwoyo no kumala mbhasokao mu musi ogwo.

< Acts 16 >