< 2 Timothy 2 >
1 So then, my child, be strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus.
Ti torej, moj sin, bodi močan v milosti, ki je v Kristusu Jezusu.
2 And the things which I have said to you before a number of witnesses, give to those of the faith, so that they may be teachers of others.
Stvari pa, ki si jih med mnogimi pričami slišal od mene, iste izroči zvestim ljudem, ki bodo zmožni tudi druge poučiti.
3 Be ready to do without the comforts of life, as one of the army of Christ Jesus.
Ti torej prenašaj trdoto kot dober vojak Jezusa Kristusa.
4 A fighting man, when he is with the army, keeps himself free from the business of this life so that he may be pleasing to him who has taken him into his army.
Noben človek, ki se bojuje, se ne zapleta z zadevami tega življenja, da lahko ugodi njemu, ki ga je izbral, da bi bil vojak.
5 And if a man takes part in a competition he does not get the crown if he has not kept the rules.
In če si človek prav tako prizadeva za zmago, kljub temu ni okronan, razen če si ne prizadeva zakonito.
6 It is right for the worker in the fields to be the first to take of the fruit.
Poljedelec, ki dela, mora biti prvi udeleženec sadov.
7 Give thought to what I say; for the Lord will give you wisdom in all things.
Preudari, kar pravim in Gospod naj ti da razumevanje v vseh stvareh.
8 Keep in mind Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, who came back from the dead, as my good news gives witness:
Spominjaj se, da je bil Jezus Kristus, iz Davidovega semena, obujen od mrtvih glede na moj evangelij,
9 In which I put up with the hardest conditions, even prison chains, like one who has done a crime; but the word of God is not in chains.
za katerega prenašam stisko kakor hudodelec, celó do vezi; toda Gospodova beseda ni zvezana.
10 But I undergo all things for the saints, so that they may have salvation in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. (aiōnios )
Zato zaradi izvoljenih prenašam vse stvari, da bi lahko tudi oni dosegli rešitev duš, ki je v Kristusu Jezusu z večno slavo. (aiōnios )
11 This is a true saying: If we undergo death with him, then will we be living with him:
To je zvest izrek: ›Kajti če smo z njim umrli, bomo z njim tudi živeli.
12 If we go on to the end, then we will be ruling with him: if we say we have no knowledge of him, then he will say he has no knowledge of us:
Če trpimo, bomo z njim tudi kraljevali. Če ga zatajimo, nas bo tudi on zatajil.
13 If we are without faith, still he keeps faith, for he will never be untrue to himself.
Če ne verujemo, vendar on ostaja zvest; sebe ne more zatajiti.‹
14 Put these things before them, giving them orders in the name of the Lord to keep themselves from fighting about words, which is of no profit, only causing error in their hearers.
Spominjaj jih o teh stvareh in naročaj jim pred Gospodom, da se ne pričkajo glede besed, kar ne koristi, temveč spodkopava poslušalce.
15 Let it be your care to get the approval of God, as a workman who has no cause for shame, giving the true word in the right way.
Prizadevaj si, da se pokažeš potrjenega Bogu, delavca, ki se mu ni treba sramovati, ki pravilno razdeljuje besedo resnice.
16 But take no part in wrong and foolish talk, for those who do so will go farther into evil,
Toda izogibaj se oskrunjenih in praznih blebetanj, ker se bodo okrepila k večji brezbožnosti.
17 And their words will be like poisoned wounds in the flesh: such are Hymenaeus and Philetus;
In njihova beseda bo razjedala kakor rak; izmed katerih sta Himénaj in Filét,
18 Men whose ideas are all false, who say that the coming back from the dead has even now taken place, overturning the faith of some.
ki sta zašla glede resnice, rekoč, da je vstajenje že minilo; in zrušila vero nekaterih.
19 But God's strong base is unchanging, having this sign, The Lord has knowledge of those who are his: and, Let everyone by whom the name of the Lord is named be turned away from evil.
Kljub temu Božji temelj trdno stoji in ima ta pečat: »Gospod pozna te, ki so njegovi.« In: »Naj se vsak, kdor imenuje Kristusovo ime, odreče krivičnosti.«
20 Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but others of wood and earth, and some which are honoured and some without honour.
Toda v veliki hiši niso samo posode iz zlata in iz srebra, temveč tudi iz lesa in iz ila; in nekatere v čast, nekatere pa v nečast.
21 If a man makes himself clean from these, he will be a vessel for honour, made holy, ready for the master's use, ready for every good work.
Če se človek torej očisti od le-teh, bo postal posoda v čast, posvečena ter primerna za gospodarjevo uporabo in pripravljena za vsako dobro delo.
22 But keep yourself from those desires of the flesh which are strong when the body is young, and go after righteousness, faith, love, peace, with those whose prayers go up to the Lord from a clean heart.
Béži tudi pred mladostnimi poželenji, toda sledi pravičnosti, veri, ljubezni, miru, s tistimi, ki iz čistega srca kličejo h Gospodu.
23 And put away foolish and uncontrolled questionings, seeing that they are a cause of trouble.
Toda izogibaj se nespametnih in primitivnih razprav, ker veš, da povzročajo prepire.
24 For it is not right for the Lord's servant to make trouble, but he is to be gentle to all, ready in teaching, putting up with wrong,
In Gospodov služabnik se ne sme prepirati, temveč [mora] biti blag do vseh ljudi, zmožen za poučevanje, potrpežljiv,
25 Gently guiding those who go against the teaching; if by chance God may give them a change of heart and true knowledge,
da v krotkosti vzgaja te, ki nasprotujejo sebi; če jim bo Bog morda dal kesanje za priznanje resnice;
26 And so they may get themselves free from the net of the Evil One, being made the prisoners of the Lord's servant, for the purpose of God.
in da bodo lahko prišli k sebi, ven iz zanke hudiča, ki jih je ujel v svojo voljo.