< 2 Samuel 16 >

1 And when David had gone a little way past the top of the slope, Ziba, the servant of Mephibosheth, came to him, with two asses on which were two hundred cakes of bread and a hundred stems of dry grapes and a hundred summer fruits and a skin of wine.
Ko je David ravno prešel vrh hriba, glej, ga je srečal Mefibóšetov služabnik Cibá, s parom osedlanih oslov in na njih dvesto hlebov kruha, sto grozdov rozin, sto poletnih sadov in vinski meh.
2 And David said to Ziba, What is your reason for this? And Ziba said, The asses are for the use of the king's people, and the bread and the fruit are food for the young men; and the wine is for drink for those who are overcome by weariness in the waste land.
Kralj je rekel Cibáju: »Kaj nameravaš s tem?« Cibá je rekel: »Ti osli so za kraljevo družino, da jaha na njih. Kruh in poletno sadje za mladeniče, da jedo, in vino, da tisti, ki so v divjini oslabeli, lahko pijejo.«
3 And the king said, And where is your master's son? And Ziba said, He is still at Jerusalem: for he said, Today Israel will give back to me the kingdom of my father.
Kralj je rekel: »In kje je sin tvojega gospodarja?« Cibá je rekel kralju: »Glej, on ostaja v Jeruzalemu, kajti rekel je: ›Danes mi bo Izraelova hiša obnovila kraljestvo mojega očeta.‹«
4 Then the king said to Ziba, Truly everything which was Mephibosheth's is yours. And Ziba said, I give honour to my lord, may I have grace in your eyes, my lord, O king!
Potem je kralj rekel Cibáju: »Glej, tvoje je vse, kar pripada Mefibóšetu.« Cibá je rekel: »Ponižno te rotim, da lahko najdem milost v tvojem pogledu, moj gospod, oh kralj.«
5 And when King David came to Bahurim, a man of Saul's family named Shimei, the son of Gera, came out from there, calling curses after him.
Ko je kralj David prišel v Bahurím, glej, je od tam prišel mož iz družine Savlove hiše, katerega ime je bilo Šimí, Gerájev sin. Prišel je naprej in nenehno preklinjal, medtem ko je prihajal.
6 And he sent stones at David and at all the king's servants and at all the people and at all the men of war by his side, on the right hand and on the left.
V Davida in v vse služabnike kralja Davida je lučal kamne in vse ljudstvo in vsi mogočni možje so bili na njegovi desni roki in na njegovi levi.
7 And Shimei said, with curses, Be gone, be gone, you man of blood, you good-for-nothing:
Tako je govoril Šimí, ko je preklinjal: »Pridi ven, pridi ven, ti, krvoločen človek in ti, Beliálov človek.
8 The Lord has sent punishment on you for all the blood of the family of Saul, whose kingdom you have taken; and the Lord has given the kingdom to Absalom, your son: now you yourself are taken in your evil, because you are a man of blood.
Gospod je povrnil nad teboj vso kri Savlove hiše, namesto katerega si zakraljeval in Gospod je kraljestvo izročil v roko tvojega sina Absaloma. Glej, ujet si v svoji vragoliji, ker si krvoločen človek.«
9 Then Abishai, the son of Zeruiah, said to the king, Is this dead dog to go on cursing my lord the king? let me go over and take off his head.
Potem je Cerújin sin Abišáj rekel kralju: »Zakaj bi ta mrtvi pes preklinjal mojega gospoda kralja? Naj grem preko, prosim te in snamem njegovo glavo.«
10 And the king said, What have I to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah? Let him go on cursing, for the Lord has said, Put a curse on David, and who then may say, Why have you done so?
Kralj pa je rekel: »Kaj imam z vama, Cerújina sinova? Tako naj preklinja, ker mu je Gospod rekel: ›Preklinjaj Davida.‹ Kdo bo potem rekel: ›Čemu si tako storil?‹«
11 And David said to Abishai and to all his servants, You see how my son, the offspring of my body, has made designs against my life: how much more then may this Benjamite do so? Let him be, and let him go on cursing; for the Lord has given him orders.
David je rekel Abišáju in vsem svojim služabnikom: »Glejte, moj sin, ki je prišel iz moje notranjosti, mi streže po življenju. Kako mnogo bolj lahko sedaj to stori ta Benjaminovec? Pustite ga na miru in naj preklinja, kajti Gospod mu je zaukazal.
12 It may be that the Lord will take note of my wrongs, and give me back good in answer to his cursing of me today.
Morda bo Gospod pogledal na mojo stisko in da mi bo Gospod poplačal dobro za njegovo preklinjanje ta dan.«
13 So David and his men went on their way: and Shimei went by the hillside parallel with them, cursing and sending stones and dust at him.
Medtem ko so David in njegovi možje šli po poti, je Šimí hodil vzdolž, na drugi strani hriba, nasproti njemu in preklinjal, medtem ko je hodil in lučal kamne vanj in metal prah.
14 And the king and his people came tired to Jordan, and took their rest there.
Kralj in vse ljudstvo, ki so bili z njim, so prišli izmučeni in se tam osvežili.
15 And Absalom and the men of Israel came to Jerusalem, and Ahithophel was with him.
Absalom in vse ljudstvo Izraelovih mož pa so prišli v Jeruzalem in Ahitófel z njim.
16 Then Hushai the Archite, David's friend, came to Absalom and said, Long life to the king, long life to the king!
Pripetilo se je, ko je Davidov prijatelj Arkéjec Hušáj prišel k Absalomu, da je Hušáj rekel Absalomu: »Živel kralj, živel kralj.«
17 And Absalom said, Is this your love for your friend? why did you not go with your friend?
Absalom je rekel Hušáju: » Ali je to tvoja prijaznost do tvojega prijatelja? Zakaj nisi šel s svojim prijateljem?«
18 And Hushai said to Absalom, Not so; I am for that man whom the Lord and this people and all the men of Israel have taken as king, and I will take my place with him.
Hušáj je rekel Absalomu: »Ne, temveč katerega Gospod in to ljudstvo in vsi Izraelovi možje izberejo, njegov bom in z njim bom ostal.
19 And more than this! where is my place as a servant? is it not before his son? as I have been your father's servant, so will I be yours.
In ponovno, komu naj bi služil? Ali naj ne bi služil v prisotnosti njegovega sina? Kakor sem služil v prisotnosti tvojega očeta, tako bom v tvoji prisotnosti.«
20 Then Absalom said to Ahithophel, Give your opinion now, what are we to do?
Potem je Absalom rekel Ahitófelu: »Dajte nasvet med vami, kaj naj storimo.«
21 And Ahithophel said to Absalom, Go in to your father's women who are here looking after his house; then all Israel will have the news that you are hated by your father, and the hands of your supporters will be strong.
Ahitófel je rekel Absalomu: »Pojdi noter v priležnice svojega očeta, ki jih je pustil, da varujejo hišo in ves Izrael bo slišal, da si preziran od svojega očeta. Potem bodo močne roke vseh, ki so s teboj.«
22 So they put up the tent for Absalom on the top of the house, and Absalom went in to his father's women before the eyes of all Israel.
Tako so Absalomu razprostrli šotor na vrhu hiše in Absalom je šel v priležnice svojega očeta pred očmi vsega Izraela.
23 In those days the opinions of Ahithophel were valued as highly as if through him a man might get direction from God; so were they valued by David as much as by Absalom.
Nasvet Ahitófela, ki je v tistih dneh svetoval, je bil, kakor če bi človek poizvedoval pri Božjem oraklju, tako so bili vsi Ahitófelovi nasveti tako z Davidom kakor z Absalomom.

< 2 Samuel 16 >