< 2 Corinthians 11 >
1 Put up with me if I am a little foolish: but, truly, you do put up with me.
Ndipeekezya kuti ube aandime muli bumwi bufubafuba. Pesi nkasimpe kuti ulaandime!
2 For I have a very great care for you: because you have been married by me to one husband, and it is my desire to give you completely holy to Christ.
Nkaambo ndili aabbivwe anduwe. Ndikuchitila bbivwe lilaabunaLeza, nkaambo ndakakusyomezya lukwatano kumulumi omwe. Ndakasyomezya kukutondeezya kubantu mbuli nakalindu uumaninide kuli Kkilisito.
3 But I have a fear, that in some way, as Eve was tricked by the deceit of the snake, your minds may be turned away from their simple and holy love for Christ.
Pesi ndilikuyowa kuti muliimwi nzila, aawo mubbi sizibi nakeeneena Eva abusongo bwabumpelenge bwakwe, miyeyo yako ikonzya kusweeka kuzwa kukukomba kusinizizye alimwi kusalala kuliKkilisito.
4 For if anyone comes preaching another Jesus from the one whose preachers we are, or if you have got a different spirit, or a different sort of good news from those which came to you, how well you put up with these things.
Nkaambo kuti umwi muntu wasika wakambawuka uumwi Jesu kwiinda ooyo ngutwakakambawuka. Na kuti mwatambula uumbi muuya kwiinda ngumwakatambula kale kana kuti mwatambula limbi ijwi lisiyene kuli eelyo ndimwakatambula kale. Mbuli mbumukkala kamuzibona zintu eezi!
5 For in my opinion, I am in no way less than the most important of the Apostles.
Nkaambo ndiyeya kuti nsili aansi kababo baambwa kuti mbebatumwa bantu loko.
6 But though I am rough in my way of talking, I am not so in knowledge, as we have made clear to all by our acts among you.
Pesi nikuba kuti tendakayiya zyakwaambuula, tachaambi kuti nsikwe luzibo. Muli zyoonse nzila amuzintu zyoonse twakachita kuti eechi chizibwe kulindinywe.
7 Or did I do wrong in making myself low so that you might be lifted up, because I gave you the good news of God without reward?
Ndakabisya na kulibombya kuchitila kuti musumpulwe? Nkaambo ndakamukambawukilamijwi lyaLeza kakutakwe muulo.
8 I took money from other churches as payment for my work, so that I might be your servant;
Ndakabbida zimwi mbungano mukutambula lugwasyo lwabo kuti ndizoomubelekele.
9 And when I was present with you, and was in need, I let no man be responsible for me; for the brothers, when they came from Macedonia, gave me whatever was needed; and in everything I kept myself from being a trouble to you, and I will go on doing so.
Nindakali aandinywe alimwi nkebulide taakwe ngundakalemezya. Nkaambo nzindakali kuponaazyo zyakali kuzwa kubakwesu ibakwaza kuMasedoniya. Kuli zyoonse ndakalibamba kuti nsibi mukuli kulindinywe, alimwi ndiyochita mbubo lyoonse.
10 As the true word of Christ is in me, I will let no man take from me this my cause of pride in the country of Achaia.
Mbuli simpe lyaKkilisito mbulili mulindime, ooku kupakala kwangu takukoyoowumuzigwa pe muli amwi masena aaku Akkayiya.
11 Why? because I have no love for you? let God be judge.
Nkaambonzi? Nkaambo nsimuyandi pe? Leza nguuzi.
12 But what I do, that I will go on doing, so that I may give no chance to those who are looking for one; so that, in the cause of their pride, they may be seen to be the same as we are.
Alimwi nzichita ndiyoyinkilila kunembo akuzichita, kuchitila kuti ndikagonke mweenya wababo bayanda mweenya wakujanika kabali mbuli ndiswe muzintu nzibalidundiizya aatala anzizyo.
13 For such men are false Apostles, workers of deceit, making themselves seem like Apostles of Christ.
Nkaambo bantu baliboobu mbatumwa babeji alimwi mbabelesi balaalweeno. Balyeena kuti mbatumwa baKkilisito.
14 And it is no wonder; for even Satan himself is able to take the form of an angel of light.
Alimwi eezi tazigambyi pe, nkaambo alakwe Satani ulyeena kuti mungelo wa mumuni.
15 So it is no great thing if his servants make themselves seem to be servants of righteousness; whose end will be the reward of their works.
Tachili chigambyo chipati pe kuti abalabo babelesi bakwe balyeena kuti mbabelesi ba bulumami. Impindu yabo iyooba eezyo zyeendelana amilimo yabo.
16 I say again, Let me not seem foolish to anyone; but if I do, put up with me as such, so that I may take a little glory to myself.
Ndilaamba alimwi: Takubi muntu uyeya kuti ndili chifubafuba. Pesi kuti mboyeya, munditambule mbuli chifubafuba kuchitila kuti ndipakale buniini.
17 What I am now saying is not by the order of the Lord, but as a foolish person, taking credit to myself, as it seems.
Nzindilikwaamba akupakala ooku kwakudundula - nsili kwaambuula munzila njali kunowambuula aayo pe Mwaami - njindili kuti mbuli chifubafuba.
18 Seeing that there are those who take credit to themselves after the flesh, I will do the same.
Mbuli kuti bantu biingi bapakala zyeendelana anyama, ambebo ndiyoopakala.
19 For you put up with the foolish gladly, being wise yourselves.
Nkaambo mulabotelwa kubaamwi abantu bafubafuba. Inywe lwenu muli basongo!
20 You put up with a man if he makes servants of you, if he makes profit out of you, if he makes you prisoners, if he puts himself in a high place, if he gives you blows on the face.
Nkaambo muntu umuchita bazike, na wamunyonyoona, wamulya maanu, walisumpula, na kuti wamusinka lubayi kumenso.
21 I say this by way of shaming ourselves, as if we had been feeble. But if anyone puts himself forward (I am talking like a foolish person), I will do the same.
Ndiyowamba kumawuse eesu kuti twakalilekelela loko akuchita oobo. Anu kuti umwi muntu wapakala - Ndili kwaambula mbuli chifubafuba - Ambebo ndilapakala.
22 Are they Hebrews? so am I. Are they of Israel? so am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? so am I.
Mba Hibbulu na? Ambebo mbebede. Mba Izilayeli na? Ambebo mbebede. Mba mazyalane aa Abbulahamu na? Ambebo mbebede.
23 Are they servants of Christ? (I am talking foolishly) I am more so; I have had more experience of hard work, of prisons, of blows more than measure, of death.
Mbabelesi baKkilisito na? (Ndili kwaambula anga ndapenga.) Ndiliinda aawo: kumilimu miyumu, muntolongo nyingi, mukuumwa kwiindilide, mukuswanana antenda nyingi ziyosya.
24 Five times the Jews gave me forty blows but one.
Kuzwa kubaJuda ndakatambula tuli musanu “kunabbwa myoondo makumi one kakugwisigwa omwe.”
25 Three times I was whipped with rods, once I was stoned, three times the ship I was in came to destruction at sea, a night and a day I have been in the water;
Tutatu ndakawumwa atulamu. Lumwi nketululwa mabwe. Tutatu nkezapukilwa bwaato. Ndakakkala busiku azuba lyomwe aantanganana mulwizi.
26 In frequent travels, in dangers on rivers, in dangers from outlaws, in dangers from my countrymen, in dangers from the Gentiles, in dangers in the town, in dangers in the waste land, in dangers at sea, in dangers among false brothers;
Ndakeenda twiingi nketentuuka milonga, nketentuuka bajayi, nketentuuka kubantu bakulindiswe, nketentuuka kuli bamasi, nketentuuka mugunzi, nketentuuka mulusaka, nketentuuka kulwizi, nketentuuka kuli bakwesu babeji.
27 In hard work and weariness, in frequent watchings, going without food and drink, cold and in need of clothing.
Ndakabeleka mubuzike akoomba, mumansiku miingi akatali koonwa, munzala amunyota, twiingi kelyimya, mumpeyo amuchintanda.
28 In addition to all the other things, there is that which comes on me every day, the care of all the churches.
Kusiya kuli zyoonse zimwi, kuli kupengaana kwangu mazuba woonse nkeyeeya aatala ambungano zyoonse.
29 Who is feeble and I am not feeble? who is in danger of falling, and I am not angry?
Ngwani utakwe nguzu alimwi ime nsibulide nguzu? Ngwani wadadalisigwa, alimwi ime nsipyi?
30 If I have to take credit to myself, I will do so in the things in which I am feeble.
Kuti keyelede kupakala, ndiyopakala aatala azezyo zitondeezya kutasima kwangu.
31 The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be praise for ever, is witness that the things which I say are true. (aiōn )
Leza alimwi Wisi waMwaami Jesu, ooyo wakalongezegwa kutamani, ulizi kuti nsili kubeja pe! (aiōn )
32 In Damascus, the ruler under Aretas the king kept watch over the town of the people of Damascus, in order to take me:
Ku Damasikkasi, imuleli munsi lyaMwaami Aletasi wakali kulinda gunzi lyaDamasikkasi kuti andisunge.
33 And being let down in a basket from the wall through a window, I got free from his hands.
Pesi ndakaselezegwa muchizuma kuzwa kumpulunguzyo yabulambo, alimwi ndakafutuka kuzwa kumaboko aakwe.