< 2 Chronicles 6 >

1 Then Solomon said, O Lord, to the sun you have given the heaven for a living-place, but your living-place was not seen by men,
Potem je Salomon rekel: » Gospod je rekel, da bo prebival v gosti temi.
2 So I have made for you a living-place, a house in which you may be for ever present.
Toda jaz sem zate zgradil hišo prebivališča in prostor za tvoje prebivanje na veke.«
3 Then, turning his face about, the king gave a blessing to all the men of Israel; and they were all on their feet together.
Kralj je obrnil svoj obraz in blagoslovil celotno Izraelovo skupnost in celotna Izraelova skupnost je stala.
4 And he said, Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, who himself gave his word to my father David, and with his strong hand has made his word come true, saying,
Rekel je: »Blagoslovljen bodi Gospod, Izraelov Bog, ki je s svojimi rokami izpolnil to, kar je s svojimi usti govoril mojemu očetu Davidu, rekoč:
5 From the day when I took my people out of the land of Egypt, no town in all the tribes of Israel has been marked out by me for the building of a house for the resting-place of my name; and I took no man to be a ruler over my people Israel;
›Od dneva, ko sem svoje ljudstvo privedel iz egiptovske dežele, nisem izbral nobenega mesta med vsemi Izraelovimi rodovi, da bi v njem zgradil hišo, da bi bilo tam lahko moje ime niti nisem izbral nobenega človeka, da bi bil vladar nad mojim ljudstvom Izraelom,
6 But now I have made selection of Jerusalem, that my name might be there, and of David, to be over my people Israel.
toda izbral sem Jeruzalem, da bo tam lahko moje ime in izbral sem Davida, da bo nad mojim ljudstvom Izraelom.‹
7 Now it was in the heart of my father David to put up a house for the name of the Lord, the God of Israel.
Torej, to je bilo na srcu mojega očeta Davida, da zgradi hišo za ime Gospoda, Izraelovega Boga.
8 But the Lord said to David my father, You did well to have in your heart the desire to make a house for my name:
Toda Gospod je mojemu očetu Davidu rekel: ›Ker je bilo to na tvojem srcu, da zgradiš hišo za moje ime, si storil dobro v tem, da je bilo to na tvojem srcu,
9 But you yourself will not be the builder of the house; but your son, the offspring of your body, he it is who will put up a house for my name.
vendar hiše ne boš gradil ti, temveč tvoj sin, ki bo izšel iz tvojih ledij, on bo zgradil hišo za moje ime.‹
10 And the Lord has kept his word; for I have taken my father David's place on the seat of the kingdom of Israel, as the Lord gave his word; and I have made the house for the name of the Lord the God of Israel.
Gospod je torej izpolnil svojo besedo, ki jo je govoril, kajti vzdignjen sem na mesto svojega očeta Davida in postavljen sem na Izraelov prestol, kakor je obljubil Gospod in zgradil sem hišo za ime Gospoda, Izraelovega Boga.
11 And there I have put the ark, in which is the agreement of the Lord, which he made with the people of Israel.
Vanjo sem položil skrinjo, v kateri je Gospodova zaveza, ki jo je sklenil z Izraelovimi otroki.«
12 Then he took his place in front of the altar of the Lord, all the men of Israel being present,
Stal je pred Gospodovim oltarjem v prisotnosti vse Izraelove skupnosti in razprostrl svoji roki,
13 (For Solomon had made a brass stage, five cubits long, five cubits wide and three cubits high, and had put it in the middle of the open space; on this he took his place and went down on his knees before all the meeting of Israel, stretching out his hands to heaven.)
kajti Salomon je naredil bronast oder, pet komolcev dolg, pet komolcev širok in tri komolce visok ter ga postavil v sredo dvora. Na njem je stal in pokleknil na svoja kolena pred vso Izraelovo skupnostjo in svoji roki razprostrl proti nebu
14 And he said, O Lord, the God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven or on earth; keeping faith and mercy unchanging for your servants, while they go in your ways with all their hearts;
in rekel: »Oh Gospod, Izraelov Bog, tebi ni podobnega Boga ne v nebesih, ne na zemlji, ki se držiš zaveze in izkazuješ usmiljenje svojim služabnikom, ki z vsemi svojimi srci hodijo pred teboj.
15 For you have kept the word which you gave to your servant David, my father; with your mouth you said it and with your hand you have made it come true this day.
Ti, ki si ohranil svojemu služabniku Davidu, mojemu očetu, to, kar si mu obljubil in govoriš s svojimi usti in si to izpolnil s svojo roko, kakor je to danes.
16 So now, O Lord, the God of Israel, let your word to your servant David, my father, come true, when you said, You will never be without a man to take his place before me on the seat of the kingdom of Israel; if only your children give attention to their ways, walking in my law, as you have done before me.
Zdaj torej, oh Gospod, Izraelov Bog, ohrani svojemu služabniku Davidu, mojemu očetu, to, kar si mu obljubil, rekoč: ›Ne bo ti zmanjkalo moža v mojem pogledu, da sedi na Izraelovem prestolu, vendar tako, da bodo tvoji otroci pazili na svojo pot, da hodijo po moji postavi, kakor si ti hodil pred menoj.
17 So now, O Lord, the God of Israel, make your word come true which you said to your servant David.
Sedaj torej, oh Gospod, Izraelov Bog, naj bo tvoja beseda, ki si jo govoril svojemu služabniku Davidu, podprta.
18 But is it truly possible that God may be housed with men on earth? see, heaven and the heaven of heavens are not wide enough to be your resting-place: how much less this house which I have made:
Toda mar bo Bog zagotovo prebival z ljudmi na zemlji? Glej, nebo in nebesa nebes te ne morejo vsebovati, kako veliko manj ta hiša, ki sem jo zgradil!
19 Still, let your heart be turned to the prayer of your servant and to his prayer for grace, O Lord my God, and give ear to the cry and the prayer which your servant makes before you;
Ozri se na molitev svojega služabnika in k njegovi ponižni prošnji, oh Gospod, moj Bog, da prisluhneš joku in molitvi, ki jo tvoj služabnik moli pred teboj,
20 That your eyes may be open to this house day and night, to this place of which you have said that you would put your name there; to give ear to the prayer which your servant may make, turning to this place.
da bodo tvoje oči lahko odprte nad to hišo podnevi in ponoči, na kraju, o katerem si rekel, da boš tam položil svoje ime, da prisluhneš molitvi, ki jo tvoj služabnik moli proti temu kraju.
21 And give ear to the prayers of your servant and of your people Israel, when they make their prayers, turning to this place; give ear from heaven your living-place; and hearing have mercy.
Prisluhni torej ponižnim prošnjam svojega služabnika in svojega ljudstva Izraela, ki jih bodo naredili proti temu kraju. Poslušaj iz svojega prebivališča, celó iz nebes in ko slišiš, odpusti.
22 If a man does wrong to his neighbour and has to take an oath, and comes before your altar to take his oath in this house:
Če človek greši zoper svojega bližnjega in je prisega položena nanj, ki ga primora priseči in prisega pride pred tvoj oltar v tej hiši,
23 Then let your ear be open in heaven, and be the judge of your servants, giving punishment to the wrongdoer, so that his sin may come on his head; and, by your decision, keeping from evil him who has done no wrong.
potem poslušaj iz nebes, stori in sodi [med] svojima služabnikoma s povračilom zlobnemu, tako da položiš njegovo pot na njegovo lastno glavo in opravičiš pravičnega, tako da mu daš glede na njegovo pravičnost.
24 And if your people Israel are overcome in war, because of their sin against you; if they are turned to you again, honouring your name, making prayers and requesting your grace in this house:
Če bo tvoje ljudstvo Izrael poraženo pred sovražnikom, ker so grešili zoper tebe in se bo vrnilo ter priznalo tvoje ime in molilo in naredilo ponižno prošnjo pred teboj v tej hiši,
25 Then give ear from heaven, and let the sin of your people Israel have forgiveness, and take them back again to the land which you gave to them and to their fathers.
tedaj prisluhni iz nebes in odpusti greh svojega ljudstva Izraela ter jih ponovno privedi v deželo, ki si jo dal njim in njihovim očetom.
26 When heaven is shut up and there is no rain, because of their sin against you: if they make prayers with their faces turned to this place, honouring your name and turning away from their sin when you send trouble on them:
Ko je nebo zaprto in ni dežja, ker so grešili zoper tebe; vendar če molijo proti temu kraju in priznajo tvoje ime in se odvrnejo od svojega greha, ko si jih prizadel,
27 Then give ear from heaven, so that the sin of your servants and the sin of your people Israel may have forgiveness, when you make clear to them the good way in which they are to go; and send rain on your land which you have given to your people for their heritage.
potem poslušaj iz nebes in odpusti greh svojih služabnikov in svojega ljudstva Izraela, ko si jih učil dobre poti, po kateri naj bi hodili in pošlji dež na svojo deželo, ki si jo dal svojemu ljudstvu za dediščino.
28 If there is no food in the land, if there is disease, if the fruits of the earth are damaged by heat or water, locust or worm; if their towns are shut in by their attackers: whatever trouble or whatever disease there may be:
Če bo v deželi pomanjkanje, kužna bolezen, če bo kvarjenje ali plesen, leteče kobilice ali gosenice, če jih njihovi sovražniki oblegajo v mestih njihove dežele, kakršenkoli udarec ali kakršnakoli bolezen bo tam,
29 Whatever prayer or request for your grace is made by any man, or by all your people Israel, whatever his trouble may be, whose hands are stretched out to this house:
potem kakršnakoli molitev ali kakršnakoli ponižna prošnja bo narejena od kateregakoli človeka ali od vsega tvojega ljudstva Izraela, ko bo vsak spoznal svoj lastni udarec in svojo lastno bolečino in bo razprostrl svoji roki v tej hiši,
30 Then give ear from heaven your living-place, answering with forgiveness, and give to every man, whose secret heart is open to you, the reward of all his ways; (for you, and you only, have knowledge of the hearts of the children of men; )
tedaj prisluhni iz nebes, svojega prebivališča, odpusti in povrni vsakemu človeku glede na njegove lastne poti, katerega srce ti poznaš (kajti samo ti poznaš srca človeških otrok),
31 So that they may give you worship, walking in your ways, as long as they are living in the land which you gave to our fathers.
da se te bodo lahko bali, da hodijo po tvojih poteh tako dolgo, dokler živijo v deželi, ki si jo dal našim očetom.
32 And as for the man from a strange land, who is not of your people Israel but comes from a far country because of the glory of your name and your strong hand and your outstretched arm; when he comes to make his prayer, turning to this house:
Poleg tega glede tujca, ki ni iz tvojega ljudstva Izraela, temveč je prišel iz daljne dežele zaradi tvojega velikega imena, tvoje mogočne roke in tvojega iztegnjenega lakta; če pridejo in molijo v tej hiši,
33 Then give ear from heaven your living-place, and give him his desire, whatever it may be; so that all the peoples of the earth may have knowledge of your name, worshipping you as do your people Israel, and may see that this house which I have made is truly named by your name.
tedaj prisluhni iz nebes, celó iz svojega prebivališča in stôri glede na vse, za kar tujec kliče k tebi, da bo vse ljudstvo zemlje poznalo tvoje ime in se te balo kakor tvoje ljudstvo Izrael in bo lahko vedelo, da je ta hiša, ki sem jo zgradil, imenovana po tvojem imenu.
34 If your people go out to war against their attackers, by whatever way you may send them, if they make their prayers to you turning their faces to this town of yours and to this house which I have put up for your name:
Če gre tvoje ljudstvo na vojno zoper svoje sovražnike po poti, po kateri jih boš poslal in molijo k tebi obrnjeni k temu mestu, ki si ga izbral in k hiši, ki sem jo zgradil za tvoje ime,
35 Then give ear from heaven to their prayer and their cry for grace, and see right done to them.
tedaj prisluhni iz nebes njihovi molitvi in njihovim ponižnim prošnjam ter obravnavaj njihov primer.
36 If they do wrong against you, (for no man is without sin, ) and you are angry with them, and give them up into the power of those who are fighting against them, so that they take them away prisoners to a land far off or near;
Če grešijo zoper tebe (kajti nobenega človeka ni, ki ne greši) in si jezen nad njimi in jih izročiš pred njihove sovražnike in jih oni ujete odvedejo v deželo daleč proč ali blizu,
37 And if they take thought, in the land where they are prisoners, turning again to you, crying out in prayer to you in that land, and saying, We are sinners, we have done wrong, we have done evil;
vendar če si premislijo v deželi, kamor so odvedeni ujetniki in se obrnejo in molijo k tebi v deželi svojega ujetništva, rekoč: ›Grešili smo, napačno smo storili in počeli zlobno; ‹
38 If with all their heart and soul they are turned again to you, in the land where they are prisoners, the land where they have been taken, and make their prayers, turning their eyes to their land which you gave to their fathers, and to the town which you took for yourself, and the house which I have made for your name:
če se vrnejo k tebi z vsem svojim srcem in z vso svojo dušo, v deželi svojega ujetništva, kamor so jih odvedli ujete in molijo k njihovi deželi, ki si jo dal njihovim očetom in k mestu, ki si ga izbral in k hiši, ki sem jo zgradil za tvoje ime,
39 Then give ear from heaven your living-place to their prayer and their cry, and see right done to them, answering with forgiveness your people who have done wrong against you.
tedaj prisluhni iz nebes, celó iz svojega prebivališča, njihovi molitvi in njihovim ponižnim prošnjam in obravnavaj njihov primer in odpusti svojemu ljudstvu, ki je grešilo zoper tebe.
40 Now, O my God, may your eyes be open and your ears awake to the prayers made in this place.
Sedaj, moj Bog, naj bodo, rotim te, tvoje oči odprte in naj bodo tvoja ušesa pozorna na molitev, ki je narejena na tem kraju.
41 Up! now, O Lord God, come back to your resting-place, you and the ark of your strength: let your priests, O Lord God, be clothed with salvation, and let your saints be glad in what is good.
Sedaj torej vzdigni se, oh Gospod Bog, v svoje počivališče, ti in skrinja tvoje moči. Naj bodo tvoji duhovniki, oh Gospod Bog, oblečeni z rešitvijo duš in naj se tvoji sveti veselijo v dobroti.
42 O Lord God, let him whom you have taken for yourself never be given up by you: keep in mind your mercies to David your servant.
Oh Gospod Bog, svojega obraza ne obrni od svojega maziljenca. Spomni se usmiljenj svojega služabnika Davida.‹«

< 2 Chronicles 6 >