< 2 Chronicles 23 >

1 In the seventh year, Jehoiada made himself strong, and made an agreement with the captains of hundreds, Azariah, the son of Jeroham, Ishmael, the son of Jehohanan, Azariah, the son of Obed, Maaseiah, the son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat, the son of Zichri.
Bet septītā gadā Jojada iedrošinājās un cēla derību ar tiem virsniekiem pār simtiem, Azariju, Jeroama dēlu, un Ismaēli, Johanana dēlu, un Azariju, Obeda dēlu, un Maāseju, Adajas dēlu, un Elizavatu, Sihrus dēlu.
2 And they went through Judah, getting together the Levites and the heads of families in Israel from all the towns of Judah, and they came to Jerusalem.
Un tie gāja pa Jūdu apkārt un sapulcināja Levitus no visām Jūda pilsētām un Israēla tēvu namu virsniekus, un tie sanāca Jeruzālemē.
3 And all the people made an agreement with the king in the house of God. And he said to them, Truly, the king's son will be king, as the Lord has said about the sons of David.
Un visa draudze derēja derību Dieva namā ar ķēniņu, un viņš uz tiem sacīja: redzi, ķēniņa dēlam būs būt par ķēniņu, tā kā Tas Kungs runājis par Dāvida dēliem.
4 This is what you are to do: let a third of you, of the priests and Levites, who come in on the Sabbath, keep the doors;
To nu jums būs darīt: Trešdaļa no jums, kam svētdienā krīt kārta, no priesteriem un Levitiem, lai vakti tur pie durvīm.
5 And a third are to be stationed at the king's house; and a third at the doorway of the horses: while all the people are waiting in the open spaces round the house of the Lord.
Un trešdaļa lai stāv ķēniņa namā, un trešdaļa pie Pamatu vārtiem. Un visi ļaudis lai stāv Tā Kunga nama pagalmā.
6 But let no one come into the house of the Lord but only the priests and those of the Levites who have work to do there; they may go in for they are holy; but the rest of the people are to keep the orders of the Lord.
Bet nevienam nebūs Tā Kunga namā ieiet, kā vien priesteriem un Levitiem, kas kalpo; tie var ieiet, jo tie ir svēti, bet visi ļaudis lai tur Tā Kunga vakti.
7 And the Levites are to make a circle round the king, every man being armed; and any man who comes into the house is to be put to death; you are to keep with the king when he comes in and when he goes out.
Un Leviti lai stājās visapkārt ap ķēniņu, ikkatrs ar savu ieroci rokā, un kas namā ieiet, tam būs mirt, bet jums būs būt pie ķēniņa, kad tas ieiet un iziet.
8 So the Levites and all Judah did as Jehoiada the priest had given them orders: every one took with him his men, those who were to come in and those who were to go out on the Sabbath; for Jehoiada had not sent away the divisions.
Un Leviti un visa Jūda valsts darīja pēc visa, ko priesteris Jojada bija pavēlējis, un ikviens ņēma savus vīrus, kam svētdienā krita kārta un kam svētdienā kārta beidzās. Jo priesteris Jojada tiem kārtniekiem neļāva aiziet.
9 Then Jehoiada the priest gave to the captains of hundreds the spears and body-covers which had been King David's and which were kept in the house of God.
Un priesteris Jojada deva tiem virsniekiem pār simtniekiem šķēpus un priekšturamās bruņas un tās bruņas, kas ķēniņam Dāvidam bijušas, kas bija Dieva namā.
10 And he put all the people in position, every man with his instruments of war in his hand, from the right side of the house to the left, by the altar and the house and all round the king.
Un viņš nostādīja visus ļaudis, ikvienu ar savu ieroci rokā, no nama labās puses līdz nama kreisai pusei, līdz altārim un namam visapkārt ap ķēniņu.
11 Then they made the king's son come out, and they put the crown on his head and gave him the arm-bands and made him king: and Jehoiada and his sons put the holy oil on him and said, Long life to the king.
Un tie izveda to ķēniņa dēlu un viņam uzlika kroni un tam deva to liecības grāmatu un to cēla par ķēniņu. Un Jojada ar saviem dēliem to svaidīja un sacīja: lai dzīvo ķēniņš!
12 Now Athaliah, hearing the noise of the people running and praising the king, came to the people in the house of the Lord:
Kad nu Atalija to ļaužu kliegšanu dzirdēja, kas bija saskrējuši un ķēniņu slavēja, tad viņa nāca pie tiem ļaudīm Tā Kunga namā.
13 And looking, she saw the king in his place by the pillar at the doorway, and the captains and the horns by his side; and all the people of the land were giving signs of joy and sounding the horns; and the makers of melody were playing on instruments of music, taking the chief part in the song of praise. Then Athaliah, violently parting her robes, said, Broken faith, broken faith!
Un tā skatījās, un redzi, ķēniņš stāvēja savā vietā pie durvīm un lielkungi un taurētāji bija pie ķēniņa, un visi zemes ļaudis priecājās un pūta trumetes, un dziedātāji ar saviem rīkiem pavadīja tās slavas dziesmas. Tad Atalija saplēsa savas drēbes un sacīja: dumpis, dumpis!
14 Then Jehoiada the priest gave orders to the captains of hundreds who had authority over the army, saying, Take her outside the lines, and let anyone who goes after her be put to death with the sword. For the priest said, Let her not be put to death in the house of the Lord.
Bet priesteris Jojada lika iziet tiem virsniekiem pār simtiem, tiem kara vadoņiem, un uz tiem sacīja: izvediet to ārā no nama caur rindām, un kas viņai ies pakaļ, to būs ar zobenu nokaut. Jo tas priesteris bija sacījis: nenokaujiet to Tā Kunga namā.
15 So they put their hands on her, and she went to the king's house by the doorway of the king's horses; and there she was put to death.
Un tie tai deva ceļu atkāpdamies uz abējām pusēm, un kad tā ieejot pa tiem zirgu vārtiem nāca ķēniņa namā, tad tie viņu tur nokāva.
16 And Jehoiada made an agreement between the Lord and all the people and the king, that they would be the Lord's people.
Un Jojada derēja derību starp sevi un visiem ļaudīm un ķēniņu, ka tie būtu Tā Kunga ļaudis.
17 Then all the people went to the house of Baal and had it pulled down, and its altars and images broken up; and Mattan, the priest of Baal, they put to death before the altars.
Tad visi ļaudis gāja Baāla namā un to nolauzīja un viņa altārus, un sadauzīja viņa bildes un nokāva Matanu, Baāla priesteri, altāru priekšā.
18 And Jehoiada put the work and the care of the house of the Lord into the hands of the priests and the Levites, who had been grouped in divisions by David to make burned offerings to the Lord, as it is recorded in the law of Moses, with joy and song as David had said.
Un Jojada iecēla atkal par uzraugiem pie Tā Kunga nama priesterus, tos Levitus, ko Dāvids bija atšķīris Tā Kunga namam, upurēt Tam Kungam dedzināmos upurus, kā Mozus bauslībā rakstīts, ar prieku un ar dziesmām pēc Dāvida likuma.
19 And he put door-keepers at the doors of the Lord's house, to see that no one who was unclean in any way might come in.
Un viņš iecēla vārtu sargus pie Tā Kunga nama vārtiem, ka neviens tur neieietu, kas kaut kādas lietas dēļ nešķīsts.
20 Then he took the captains of hundreds and the chiefs and the rulers of the people and all the people of the land, and they came down with the king from the house of the Lord through the higher doorway into the king's house, and put the king on the seat of the kingdom.
Un viņš ņēma tos virsniekus pār simtiem un varenos un ļaužu lielkungus, arī visus zemes ļaudis, un noveda ķēniņu no Tā Kunga nama un gāja caur augšējiem vārtiem ķēniņa namā, un sēdināja ķēniņu uz valstības krēslu.
21 So all the people of the land were glad and the town was quiet, for they had put Athaliah to death with the sword.
Un visi zemes ļaudis priecājās, un pilsēta norima pēc tam, kad Ataliju bija nokāvuši ar zobenu.

< 2 Chronicles 23 >