< 1 Samuel 14 >

1 Now one day Jonathan, the son of Saul, said to the young man who was with him, looking after his arms, Come, let us go over to the Philistine force over there. But he said nothing to his father.
Chiengʼ moro achiel Jonathan wuod Saulo nowachone wuowi mane tingʼone gige lweny niya, “Bi mondo wadhi loka cha e kambi mar jo-Filistia.” To ne ok onyiso wuon-gi.
2 And Saul was still waiting in the farthest part of Geba, under the fruit-tree in Migron: there were about six hundred men with him;
Noyudo Saulo ojot oko mar Gibea e tiend yadh moro man-gi olemo mongʼinore e Migron. Ji madirom mia auchiel ne ni kode kuno,
3 And Ahijah, the son of Ahitub, brother of Ichabod, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eli, the priest of the Lord in Shiloh, who had the ephod. And the people had no idea that Jonathan had gone.
achiel kuom joma ne en godo kuno ne en Ahija mane orwako law mayom mar dolo miluongo ni efod. Ne en wuod owadgi Ikabod miluongo ni Ahitub wuod Finehas, ma wuod Eli, jadolo mar Jehova Nyasaye modak Shilo. Ne onge ngʼama ongʼeyo ni Jonathan ne osewuok.
4 Now between the narrow roads over the mountains by which Jonathan was making his way to the Philistines' forces, there was a sharp overhanging rock on one side, and a sharp rock on the other side: one was named Bozez and the other Seneh.
E dire koni gi kocha kuma ne Jonathan dwa ngʼado eka ochop e kambi jo-Filistia ne nitie geng got miluongo ni Bozez, to komachielo ne iluongo ni Sene.
5 The one rock went up on the north in front of Michmash and the other on the south in front of Geba.
Geng got achiel ne ni yo nyandwat mane omanyore gi Mikmash, to machielo ne ni yo milambo momanyore gi Geba.
6 And Jonathan said to his young servant who had his arms, Come, let us go over to the armies of these men who have no circumcision: it may be that the Lord will give us help, for there is no limit to his power; the Lord is able to give salvation by a great army or by a small band.
Jonathan ne owacho ne wuowi matingʼo gige lwenje niya, “Bi mondo waidh wadhi e kambi joma ok oter nyangugi. Kamoro dipo ka Jehova Nyasaye nyalo tiyo kodwa. Onge gima nyalo tamo Jehova Nyasaye reso kata ka gin ji mangʼeny kata ka gin ji manok.”
7 And his servant said to him, Do whatever is in your mind: see, I am with you in every impulse of your heart.
Jatingʼ gige lwenje nodwoke niya, “Tim atima gima ni e chunyi nikech an chunya gi pacha ni kodi.”
8 Then Jonathan said, Now we will go over to these men and let them see us.
Jonathan nowachone niya, “Koro bi, wangʼad wadhi irgi mondo omi ginewa.
9 If they say to us, Keep quiet where you are till we come to you; then we will keep our places and not go up to them.
Ka giwachonwa ni, ‘Rituru kanyo nyaka wabi iru,’ to wabiro chungʼ achungʼa kama wantie kendo ok wanadhi irgi.
10 But if they say, Come up to us; then we will go up, for the Lord has given them into our hands: and this will be the sign to us.
To kagiwacho ni, ‘Biuru irwa,’ to wabiro idho malo, nikech mano biro bedonwa ranyisi ni Jehova Nyasaye oseketogi e lwetwa.”
11 And they let the Philistine force see the two of them: and the Philistines said, Look! the Hebrews are coming out of the holes where they have taken cover.
Omiyo giduto ji ariyogo ne giwuok e lela mondo jo-Filistia manie kambigi onegi. Eka jo-Filistia nowacho niya, “Neuru! Jo-Hibrania mol kawuok ae buche mane gipondoe.”
12 And the armed men of the force gave Jonathan and his servant their answer, saying, Come up here to us, and we will let you see something. Then Jonathan said to his servant, Come up after me: for the Lord has given them up into the hands of Israel.
Eka ji duto mane ni e kambi nokok ni Jonathan gi jatingʼne gi lwenje niya, “Biuru irwa mondo une gima wabiro timonu.” Omiyo Jonathan nowacho ni jatingʼ gi lwenje niya, “Idh iluwa Jehova Nyasaye oseketogi e lwet jo-Israel.”
13 And Jonathan went up, gripping with his hands and his feet, his servant going up after him; and the Philistines gave way before Jonathan when he made an attack on them, and his servant put them to death after him.
Jonathan ne idho got kokonyore gi lwetene gi tiendene, to jatingʼ gige lwenje luwo bangʼe. Jo-Filistia nopodho e nyim Jonathan, ka jatingʼ gige lwenje luwo bangʼe kendo negogi.
14 And at their first attack, Jonathan and his servant put to the sword about twenty men, all inside the space of half an acre of land.
E kedo mokwongono Jonathan kaachiel gi jatingʼ gige lwenjene nonego ji piero ariyo e alwora mar nus heka.
15 And there was great fear in the tents and in the field and among all the men of the armed force, and the attackers were shaking with fear; even the earth was moved with a great shaking and there was a fear as from God.
Bwok maduongʼ nomako jolweny mane ni e kambi gi mago mane ni e paw lweny, kata mana mago mane ni e kambi matindo tindo kendo piny duto noyiengni. Ne en kihondko moor gi Nyasaye.
16 And the watchmen of Saul, looking out from Geba in the land of Benjamin, saw all the army flowing away and running here and there.
Jorito mag Saulo mane ni Gibea ei Benjamin noneno ka jolweny jo-Filistia ringo koni gi koni.
17 Then Saul said to the people who were with him, Let everyone be numbered and let us see who has gone from us. And when they had been numbered, it was seen that Jonathan and his servant were not there.
Saulo nonyiso joma ne ni kode niya kwanreuru mondo une ni ngʼatno mosewuok e dierwa ka, kane gisetimo kamano negiyudo ni en Jonathan gi jatingʼ gige lwenje ema onge kanyo.
18 And Saul said to Ahijah, Let the ephod come here. For he went before Israel with the ephod at that time.
Saulo nowachone Ahija ni kel Sandug Muma mar Nyasaye mane jo-Israel nigo e kindeno.
19 Now while Saul was talking to the priest, the noise in the tents of the Philistines became louder and louder; and Saul said to the priest, Take back your hand.
Kane Saulo pod wuoyo gi jadolo, to mahu mane ni e kambi jo-Filistia ne medore ameda. Omiyo Saulo nowachone jadolo niya, “Gol lweti ewi Sandug Muma.”
20 And Saul and all the people with him came together and went forward to the fight: and every man's sword was turned against the man at his side, and there was a very great noise.
Eka Saulo gi joge nochokore mi gidhi e lweny. Negiyudo ka jo-Filistia pachgi ok ti, kendo gingʼadore gi ligangla kendgi giwegi.
21 Then the Hebrews who had been with the Philistines for some time, and had gone up with them to their tents, turning round were joined to those who were with Saul and Jonathan.
Jo-Hibrania mane oyudo konyo jo-Filistia kedo mane ni kodgi e kambi, nodok ir jo-Israel mane nigi Saulo gi Jonathan.
22 And all the men of Israel who had taken cover in the hill-country of Ephraim, hearing that the Philistines had been put to flight, went after them, attacking them.
Kane jo-Israel duto mane oyudo opondo e piny gode man Efraim owinjo ni jo-Filistia ringo, negidonjo e lweny kendo ne gilawogi matek.
23 So the Lord made Israel safe that day: and the fight went over to Beth-aven.
Omiyo Jehova Nyasaye ne oreso jo-Israel chiengʼno, eka lweny nosudo mokadho Beth Aven.
24 And all the people were with Saul, about twenty thousand men, and the fight was general through all the hill-country of Ephraim; but Saul made a great error that day, by putting the people under an oath, saying, Let that man be cursed who takes food before evening comes and I have given punishment to those who are against me. So the people had not a taste of food.
Koro jo-Israel ne ool ahinya odiechiengno, nikech Saulo ne oketogi ma gikwongʼore ka owacho niya, “Okwongʼ ngʼato angʼata machiemo ka piny pok oyuso, kapok achulo kuor ni wasika!” Omiyo onge ngʼama nobilo chiemo.
25 And there was honey on the face of the field, and all the people came to the honey, the bees having gone from it;
To jolweny duto ne odonjo ei bungu to ne nitie mor kich piny.
26 But not a man put his hand to his mouth for fear of the curse.
Kane gidhi e bungu negineno mor kich ka chwer piny, to kata kamano onge ngʼama ne otero lwete mondo otere e dhoge, nikech negiluoro kwongʼ.
27 But Jonathan, having no knowledge of the oath his father had put on the people, stretching out the rod which was in his hand, put the end of it in the honey, and put it to his mouth; then his eyes were made bright.
Jonathan to ne ok owinjo ni wuon ne ose kwero ji gi kwongʼ, omiyo nochwowo pedni mar kich gi luth mane ni e lwete. Notingʼo lwete malo motero mor kich e dhoge mi chunye ne odwogo.
28 Then one of the people said to him, Your father put the people under an oath, saying, Let that man be cursed who takes any food this day. And the people were feeble, needing food.
Eka achiel kuom jolweny nowachone niya, “Wuoru nokwero jolweny matek gi kwongʼ kowacho ni, ‘Okwongʼ ngʼama ochamo chiemo kawuono! Mano ema omiyo ji ool.’”
29 Then Jonathan said, My father has made trouble come on the land: now see how bright my eyes have become because I have taken a little of this honey.
Jonathan nowacho niya, “Wuora osekelo chandruok ne piny. Ne kaka koro Awinjo maber bangʼ bilo mor kich matin.
30 How much more if the people had freely taken their food from the goods of those who were fighting against them! would there not have been much greater destruction among the Philistines?
Dine obedo maber manade ka dine ji ochamo gik mamoko moyaki kuom wasigu kawuono. Donge dine wanego jo-Filistia mangʼeny?”
31 That day they overcame the Philistines from Michmash to Aijalon: and the people were feeble from need of food.
E odiechiengno, bangʼ ka jo-Israel noseloyo jo-Filistia ne gilawogi koa Mikmash nyaka Aijalon kendo ne giol ahinya.
32 And rushing at the goods taken in the fight, the people took oxen and sheep and young oxen, and put them to death there on the earth, and had a meal, taking the flesh with the blood in it.
Negimuomore kuom gik moyaki, mine gikawo rombe, dhok, gi nyiroye, negiketogi piny migi yangʼogi kendo chamogi ka gitimo remo.
33 Then it was said to Saul, See, the people are sinning against the Lord, taking the blood with the flesh. And he said to those who gave him the news, Now let a great stone be rolled to me here.
Eka ngʼato nowachone Saulo niya, “Neye kaka ji timo richo ni Jehova Nyasaye ka gichamo ringʼo motimo remo.” Eka nowacho niya, “Useketho yie. Ngʼielnauru kidi maduongʼno ukel ka.”
34 And Saul said, Go about among the people and say to them, Let every man come here to me with his ox and his sheep, and put them to death here, and take his meal: do no sin against the Lord by taking the blood with the flesh. So all the people took their oxen with them that night and put them to death there.
Eka nowacho niya, “Dhiuru ir oganda kendo unyisgi ni, ‘Ngʼato ka ngʼato kuomu mondo okelna dhogene kod rombege, kendo oneg-gi ka mi uchamgi. Kik utim richo ne Jehova Nyasaye kuom chamo ringʼo motimo remo.’” Omiyo ngʼato ka ngʼato ne okelo rwadhe otienono mine giyangʼogi kanyo.
35 And Saul put up an altar to the Lord: this was the first altar which he put up to the Lord.
Eka Saulo nogero kendo mar misango ne Jehova Nyasaye, mano e chiengʼ mokwongo mane otime ma.
36 And Saul said, Let us go down after the Philistines by night, attacking them till the morning, till there is not a man of them living. And they said, Do whatever seems right to you. Then the priest said, Let us come near to God.
Saulo nowacho niya, “Wadhiuru mwalo mondo walaw jo-Filistia gotieno, mondo watiekgi nyaka kogwen kendo moro amora kuomgi kik dongʼ kangima.” Negidwoko niya, “Tim gima ineno ni berni.” To jadolo nowacho niya, “Wapenjuru Nyasaye wach mondi.”
37 And Saul, desiring directions from God, said, Am I to go down after the Philistines? will you give them up into the hands of Israel? But he gave him no answer that day.
Omiyo Saulo nopenjo Nyasaye niya, “Bende anyalo lawo jo-Filistia? Ibiro ketogi e lwet jo-Israel koso?” To Nyasaye ne ok odwoke chiengʼno.
38 And Saul said, Come near, all you chiefs of the people, and let us get word from God and see in whom is this sin today.
Saulo nowacho niya, “Biuru ka, un duto ma un jotelo mag jolweny, mondo wayud ni richo mane mosetim kawuono.
39 For, by the living Lord, the saviour of Israel, even if the sinner is Jonathan, my son, death will certainly be his fate. But not a man among all the people gave him any answer.
Adieri gi nying Jehova Nyasaye ma reso Israel, kata ka en wuoda Jonathan ema wachni omako to nyaka otho.” To onge ngʼat machielo mane owuoyo.
40 Then he said to all Israel, You be on one side, and I with Jonathan my son will be on the other side. And the people said to Saul, Do whatever seems good to you.
Saulo nowachone jo-Israel duto niya, “Un chungʼuru konchiel ka an kod Jonathan wuoda to wachungʼ bathe komachielo.” Ji nodwoko niya, “Tim gima ineno ni berni.”
41 Then Saul said to the Lord, the God of Israel, Why have you not given me an answer today? If the sin is in me or in Jonathan my son, O Lord God of Israel, give Urim, and if it is in your people Israel, give Thummim. And by the decision of the Lord, Saul and Jonathan were marked out, and the people went free.
Bangʼe Saulo nolamo Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasach Israel niya, “En angʼo momiyo pod ok idwoko jatichni kawuono? Ka dipo ni iyudo ketho moro kuoma kata kuom wuoda Jonathan, to chiw ombulu miluongo ni Urim, to ka dipo ni jo-Israel ema oketho, ni chiw ombulu miluongo ni Thumim.” Omiyo Saulo gi Jonathan ema noyier gi ombulu, to jo-Israel nowe.
42 And Saul said, Give your decision between my son Jonathan and me. And Jonathan was taken.
Saulo nowacho niya, “Gouru ombulu e kinda gi Jonathan wuoda.” Mi ombulu nolwar kuom Jonathan.
43 Then Saul said to Jonathan, Give me an account of what you have done. And Jonathan gave him the story and said, Certainly I took a little honey on the end of my rod; and now death is to be my fate.
Eka Saulo nowacho ni Jonathan niya, “Wachna gima isetimo.” Jonathan nowachone niya, “Ne abilo mor kich matin mane ni e dho ludha. Koro ochuno ni nyaka atho?”
44 And Saul said, May God's punishment be on me if death is not your fate, Jonathan.
Saulo nowacho niya, “Nyasaye mondo okweda, ka ok itho in Jonathan.”
45 And the people said to Saul, Is death to come to Jonathan, the worker of this great salvation for Israel? Let it not be so: by the living Lord, not one hair of his head is to be touched, for he has been working with God today. So the people kept Jonathan from death.
To ji nowachone Saulo niya, “Bende Jonathan ditho to en ema osekelo konyruok maduongʼ kama e Israel? Ok nyalre! Akwongʼora gi nying Jehova Nyasaye mangima ni kata yie wiye achiel ok nolwar piny nikech Jehova Nyasaye ema okonye timo ma.” Kamano ji noreso Jonathan kendo ne ok onege.
46 Then Saul, turning back, went after the Philistines no longer: and the Philistines went back to their place.
Eka Saulo noweyo lawo jo-Filistia mine gidok thurgi.
47 Now when Saul had taken his place as ruler of Israel, he made war on those who were against him on every side, Moab and the Ammonites and Edom and the kings of Zobah and the Philistines: and whichever way he went, he overcame them.
Bangʼ ka Saulo nosekawo loch e piny Israel, nokedo gi wasikgi koni gi koni kaka jo-Moab, jo-Amon, jo-Edom, gi ruodhi mag Zoba to gi jo-Filistia. Kamoro amora mane odhiye ne osandogi.
48 And he did great things, and overcame the Amalekites, and made Israel safe from the hands of their attackers.
Nokedo gi chir moloyo jo-Amalek, moreso jo-Israel oa e lwet joma nosebet ka yako gigegi.
49 Now the sons of Saul were Jonathan and Ishvi and Malchi-shua; and these are the names of his daughters: the older was named Merab and the younger Michal;
Yawuot Saulo ne gin Jonathan, Ishvi, gi Malki-Shua. Nying nyare maduongʼ ne en Merab to nyako ma chogo ne nyinge Mikal.
50 The name of Saul's wife was Ahinoam, the daughter of Ahimaaz; the captain of his army was Abner, the son of Ner, brother of Saul's father.
Chiege ne nyinge Ahinoam nyar Ahimaz. Jatend jolweny ne Abner wuod Ner, Ner ne en owadgi wuon Saulo.
51 Kish, the father of Saul, and Ner, the father of Abner, were sons of Abiel.
Wuon Saulo ma Kish gi wuon Abner ma wuon Ner ne yawuot Abiel.
52 All through the life of Saul there was bitter war against the Philistines; and whenever Saul saw any strong man or any good fighting man, he kept him near himself.
E ndalo duto mag Saulo ne nitie lweny malit ahinya e kinde gi jo-Filistia, kendo kinde ma Saulo noneno ngʼat maratego kata mathuon to ne okawe mondo obed jalwenje.

< 1 Samuel 14 >