< 1 Kings 1 >
1 Now King David was old and far on in years; and though they put covers over him, his body was cold.
Da Kong David var gammel og til års, kunne han ikke blive varm, skønt man dækkede ham til med Tæpper.
2 So his servants said to him, Let search be made for a young virgin for my lord the king, to take care of him and be waiting on him; and you may take her in your arms, and so my lord the king will be warm.
Da sagde hans Folk til ham: "Det er bedst, man søger efter en ung Jomfru til min Herre Kongen, for at hun kan være om Kongen og pleje ham; når hun ligger i din Favn, bliver min Herre Kongen varm!"
3 So after searching through all the land of Israel for a fair young girl, they saw Abishag the Shunammite, and took her to the king.
Så søgte de efter en smuk ung Pige i hele Israels Land og fandt Abisjag fra Sjunem og bragte hende til Kongen.
4 Now she was very beautiful; and she took care of the king, waiting on him at all times; but the king had no connection with her.
Hun var en såre smuk Pige: og hun plejede kongen og gik ham til Hånde; men Kongen havde ikke Omgang med hende.
5 Then Adonijah, the son of Haggith, lifting himself up in pride, said, I will become king; and he made ready his carriages of war and his horsemen, with fifty runners to go before him.
Adonija, Haggits Søn, dristede sig til at sige: "Jeg vil være Konge!" Og han skaffede sig Vogne og Heste og halvtredsindstyve Mænd til at løbe foran sig.
6 Now all his life his father had never gone against him or said to him, Why have you done so? and he was a very good-looking man, and younger than Absalom.
Hans Fader havde ingen Sinde irettesat ham og sagt: "Hvorfor bærer du dig således ad?" Han havde et såre smukt Ydre og var den ældste efter Absalom.
7 And he had talk with Joab, the son of Zeruiah, and with Abiathar the priest; and they were on his side and gave him their support.
Han underhandlede med Joab, Zerujas Søn, og Præsten Ebjatar; de tog Adonijas Parti og støttede ham,
8 But Zadok the priest, and Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, and Nathan the prophet and Shimei and Rei, and David's men of war did not take the side of Adonijah.
mens Præsten Zadok, Jojadas Søn Benaja, Profeten Natan, Sjim i og Re'i og Davids Kærnetropper ikke sluttede sig til Adonija.
9 Then Adonijah put to death sheep and oxen and fat beasts by the stone of Zoheleth, by En-rogel; and he sent for all his brothers, the king's sons, and all the men of Judah, the king's servants, to come to him:
Adonija lod nu slagte Små kvæg, Hornkvæg og Fedekvæg ved Slangestenen, der står ved Rogelkilden, og indbød alle sine Brødre, Kongesønnerne, og alle de judæiske Mænd, der stod i Kongens Tjeneste;
10 But he did not send for Nathan the prophet and Benaiah and the other men of war and Solomon his brother.
men Profeten Natan, Benaja, Kærnetropperne og sin Broder Salomo indbød han ikke.
11 Then Nathan said to Bath-sheba, the mother of Solomon, Has it not come to your ears that Adonijah, the son of Haggith, has made himself king without the knowledge of David our lord?
Da sagde Natan til Batseba, Salomos Moder: "Du har vel hørt, at Adonija, Haggits Søn, har opkastet sig til Konge uden vor Herre Davids Vidende?
12 So now, let me make a suggestion, so that you may keep your life safe and the life of your son Solomon.
Lad mig nu give dig et Råd, for at du kan redde dit eget og din søn Salomos Liv:
13 Come now, go to King David and say to him, Did you not, O my lord, take an oath to me, your servant, saying, Truly Solomon your son will be king after me, seated on the seat of my kingdom? why then is Adonijah acting as king?
Du skal gå ind til Kong David og sige til ham: Herre konge, du har jo tilsvoret din Trælkvinde: Din Søn Salomo skal være Konge efter mig og sidde på min Trone! Hvorfor har da Adonija opkastet sig til Konge?
14 And while you are still talking there with the king, see, I will come in after you and say that your story is true.
Og medens du endnu står og taler med Kongen, kommer jeg til og bekræfter dine Ord!"
15 Then Bath-sheba went into the king's room; now the king was very old, and Abishag the Shunammite was waiting on him.
Da gik Batseba ind til kongen i hans Værelse - Kongen var meget gammel, og Abisjag fra Sjunem gik ham til Hånde -
16 And Bath-sheba went down on her face on the earth before the king giving him honour. And he said, What is your desire?
og Batseba bøjede sig og kastede sig til Jorden for Kongen. Da sagde Kongen: "Hvad ønsker du?"
17 And she said to him, My lord, you took an oath by the Lord your God and gave your word to your servant, saying, Truly, Solomon your son will be king after me, seated on the seat of my kingdom.
Hun svarede: "Herre, du har jo tilsvoret din Trælkvinde ved HERREN din Gud: Din Søn Salomo skal være konge efter mig og sidde på min Trone!
18 And now, see, Adonijah has made himself king without my lord's knowledge;
Men se, nu har Adonija opkastet sig til Konge uden dit Vidende, Herre Konge!
19 And has put to death oxen and fat beasts and sheep in great numbers, and has sent for all the sons of the king, and Abiathar the priest, and Joab, the captain of the army; but he has not sent for Solomon your servant.
Han har ladet slagte Hornkvæg, Fedekvæg og Småkvæg i Mængde og indbudt alle Kongesønnerne, Præsten Ebjatar og Hærføreren Joab, men din Træl Salomo har han ikke indbudt.
20 And now, my lord the king, the eyes of all Israel are on you, waiting for you to say who is to take the place of my lord the king after him.
På dig, Herre Konge, er hele Israels Øjne rettet, for at du skal give dem til Kende, hvem der skal være din Efterfølger og sidde på min Herre Kongens Trone.
21 For as things are, it will come about, when my lord the king is sleeping with his fathers, that I and Solomon my son will be made outlaws.
Ellers gælder det mit og min Søn Salomos Liv, når min Herre Kongen har lagt sig til Hvile hos sine Fædre!"
22 And while she was still talking with the king, Nathan the prophet came in.
Medens hun endnu talte med Kongen, kom Profeten Natan,
23 And they said to the king, Here is Nathan the prophet. And when he came in before the king, he went down on his face on the earth.
og det blev meldt Kongen: "Profeten Natan er her!" Så trådte han frem for Kongen og kastede sig på sit Ansigt til Jorden for ham.
24 And Nathan said, O my lord king, have you said, Adonijah is to be king after me, seated on the seat of my kingdom?
Derpå sagde Natan: "Herre konge, du har vel sagt, at Adonija skal være Konge efter dig og sidde på din Trone?
25 Because today he has gone down and has put to death oxen and fat beasts and sheep in great numbers, and has sent for all the king's sons to come to him, with the captains of the army and Abiathar the priest; and they are feasting before him and crying, Long life to King Adonijah!
Thi han er i Dag draget ned og har ladet slagte Hornkvæg, Fedekvæg og Småkvæg i Mængde og indbudt alle Kongesønnerne, Hærførerne og Præsten Ebjatar, og nu spiser og drikker de sammen med ham og råber: Leve Kong Adonija!
26 But me, your servant, and Zadok the priest, and Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, and your servant Solomon, he has not sent for.
Men han har hverken indbudt mig, din Træl, eller Præsten Zadok eller Benaja, Jojadas Søn, eller din Træl Salomo!
27 Has this thing been done by my lord the king, without giving word to your servants who was to be placed on my lord the king's seat after him?
Er det virkelig sket efter min Herre Kongens Befaling, uden at du har ladet dine Trælle vide, hvem der skal sidde på min Herre Kongens Trone efter dig?"
28 Then King David in answer said, Send for Bath-sheba to come to me. And she came in and took her place before the king.
Da svarede Kong David: "Kald mig Batseba hid!" Og hun trådte frem for Kongen og stillede sig foran ham.
29 And the king took an oath, and said, By the living Lord, who has been my saviour from all my troubles,
Da svor Kongen og sagde: "Så sandt HERREN, der udløste mig af al min Nød, lever:
30 As I took an oath to you by the Lord, the God of Israel, saying, Certainly Solomon your son will become king after me, seated on my seat in my place; so will I do this day.
Som jeg tilsvor dig ved HERREN, Israels Gud, at din Søn Salomo skulde være Konge efter mig og sidde på min Trone i mit Sted, således vil jeg handle i Dag!"
31 Then Bath-sheba went down on her face on the earth before the king giving him honour, and said, May my lord King David go on living for ever.
Da bøjede Batseba sig med sit Ansigt til Jorden og faldt ned for Kongen og sagde: "Måtte min Herre, Kong David, leve evindelig!"
32 And King David said, Send for Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada. And they came before the king.
Derpå sagde Kong David: "Kald mig Præsten Zadok, Profeten Natan og Benaja, Jojadas Søn, hid!" Og de trådte frem for Kongen.
33 And the king said to them, Take with you the servants of your lord, and put Solomon my son on my beast, yes, mine, and take him down to Gihon;
Da sagde Kongen til dem: "Tag eders Herres Folk med eder, sæt min Søn Salomo på mit eget Muldyr og før ham ned til Gihon.
34 And there let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet put the holy oil on him to make him king over Israel; and sounding the horn say, Long life to King Solomon!
Der skal Præsten Zadok og Profeten Natan salve ham til Konge over Israel, og I skal støde i Hornet og råbe: Leve Kong Salomo!
35 Then come up after him and he will come in and take his place on the seat of my kingdom; for he is to be king in my place, and I have given orders that he is to be ruler over Israel and over Judah.
Så skal I følge ham herop, og han skal gå hen og sætte sig på min Trone og være Konge i mit Sted; thi det er ham, jeg har udset til Fyrste over Israel og Juda!"
36 And Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, answering the king, said, So be it: and may the Lord, the God of my lord the king, say so.
Da svarede Benaja, Jojadas Søn, Kongen: "Det ske! Måtte HERREN, min Herre Kongens Gud, gøre således!
37 As the Lord has been with my lord the king, even so may he be with Solomon and make the seat of his authority greater than that of my lord King David.
Måtte HERREN være med Salomo, som han har været med min Herre Kongen, og gøre hans Trone endnu mægtigere end min Herre kong Davids!"
38 So Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, and the Cherethites and the Pelethites, went down and put Solomon on King David's beast and took him to Gihon.
Derpå drog Præsten Zadok, Profeten Natan og Benaja, Jojadas Søn, og Kreterne og Pleterne ned og satte Salomo på Kong Davids Muldyr og førte ham til Gihon;
39 And Zadok the priest took the vessel of oil out of the Tent, and put the holy oil on Solomon. And when the horn was sounded, all the people said, Long life to King Solomon!
og Præsten Zadok tog Oliehornet fra Teltet og salvede Salomo; de stødte i Hornet, og hele Folket råbte: "Leve Kong Salomo!"
40 And all the people came up after him, piping with pipes, and they were glad with great joy, so that the earth was shaking with the sound.
Så fulgte hele Folket ham op og Folket spillede på Fløjter og jublede højt, så at Jorden var ved at revne af deres Råb.
41 And it came to the ears of Adonijah and all the guests who were with him, when their meal was ended. And Joab, hearing the sound of the horn, said, What is the reason of this noise as if the town was worked up?
Det hørte Adonija og alle hans Gæster, netop som de var færdige med Måltidet, og da Joab hørte Hornets klang, sagde han: "Hvorfor er der så stort Røre i Byen?"
42 And while the words were on his lips, Jonathan, the son of Abiathar the priest, came; and Adonijah said, Come in; for you are a man of good faith and the news which you have for us will be good.
Endnu medens han talte, kom Jonatan, Præsten Ebjatars Søn. Adonija sagde: "Kom herhen, thi du er en brav Mand og bringer godt nyt!"
43 And Jonathan, answering, said to Adonijah, Not so, but our lord King David has made Solomon king:
Men Jonatan svarede og sagde til Adonija: "Tværtimod; vor Herre Kong David har gjort Salomo til Konge!
44 And he sent with him Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, and the Cherethites and the Pelethites; and they put him on the king's beast:
Kongen sendte Præsten Zadok, Profeten Natan, Benaja, Jojadas Søn, og Kreterne og Pleterne med ham, og de satte ham på Kongens Muldyr;
45 And Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet put the holy oil on him and made him king in Gihon; and they came back from there with joy, and the town was all worked up. This is the noise which has come to your ears.
og Præsten Zadok og Profeten Natan salvede ham til Konge ved Gihon; derefter drog de under Jubel op derfra, og der blev Røre i Byen; det var den Larm, I hørte.
46 And now Solomon is seated on the seat of the kingdom.
Salomo satte sig også på Kongetronen;
47 And the king's servants came to our lord King David, blessing him and saying, May God make the name of Solomon better than your name, and the seat of his authority greater than your seat; and the king was bent low in worship on his bed.
tilmed kom Kongens Folk og lykønskede vor Herre Kong David med de Ord: Måtte din Gud gøre Salomos Navn endnu herligere end dit og hans Trone mægtigere end din! Og Kongen tilbad på sit Leje;
48 Then the king said, May the God of Israel be praised, who has given one of my seed to be king in my place this day and has let my eyes see it.
ydermere sagde han: Lovet være HERREN, Israels Gud, som i Dag har ladet en Mand sætte sig på min Trone, endnu medens jeg selv kan se det!"
49 And all the guests of Adonijah got up in fear and went away, every man to his place.
Da blev alle Adonijas Gæster skrækslagne og brød op og gik hver sin Vej;
50 And Adonijah himself was full of fear because of Solomon; and he got up and went to the altar, and put his hands on its horns.
men Adonija frygtede for Salomo og ilede hen og greb fat om Alterets Horn.
51 And they gave Solomon word of it, saying, See, Adonijah goes in such fear of King Solomon, that he has put his hands on the horns of the altar, saying, Let King Solomon first give me his oath that he will not put his servant to death with the sword.
Og man meldte Salomo: "Se, Adonija frygter for Kong Salomo, og se, han har grebet fat om Alterets Horn og siger: Kong Salomo skal først sværge mig til, at han ikke vil lade sin Træl slå ihjel med Sværd!"
52 And Solomon said, If he is seen to be a man of good faith, not a hair of him will be touched; but if any wrongdoing is seen in him, he is to be put to death.
Da sagde Salomo: "Dersom han opfører sig som en brav Mand, skal der ikke krummes et Hår på hans Hoved; men gribes han i noget ondt, skal han dø!"
53 So King Solomon sent, and they took him down from the altar. And he came and gave honour to King Solomon; and Solomon said to him, Go to your house.
Derpå sendte Kong Salomo Bud og lod ham hente ned fra Alteret; og han kom og kastede sig ned for Kong Salomo. Da sagde Salomo til ham: "Gå til dit Hjem!"