< 1 Chronicles 27 >

1 Now the number of the children of Israel, that is, the heads of families, and the captains of thousands and of hundreds, and the men in authority who were servants of the king in anything to do with the divisions which came in and went out month by month through all the months of the year, in every division were twenty-four thousand.
Ary ny amin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely araka ny isany, dia ny lohan’ ny fianakaviany sy ny mpifehy arivo sy ny mpifehy zato ary ny mpifehy azy, izay nanompo ny mpanjaka tamin’ izay raharahany rehetra isan-tokony, Izay nifandimby isam-bolana mandritra ny herintaona, dia efatra arivo amby roa alina avy no isan’ ny isan-tokony.
2 Over the first division for the first month was Ishbaal, the son of Zabdiel; and in his division were twenty-four thousand.
Ny nifehy ny antokony voalohany, ho amin’ ny volana voalohany, dia Jasobeama, zanak’ i Zabdiela, ary ny antokony dia efatra arivo amby roa alina;
3 He was of the sons of Perez, and the chief of all the captains of the army for the first month.
isan’ ny taranak’ i Fareza izy sady lohan’ ny mpifehy rehetra tamin’ ny miaramila amin’ ny volana voalohany.
4 And over the division for the second month was Eleazar, the son of Dodai the Ahohite, the ruler; and in his division were twenty-four thousand.
Ary ny nifehy ny antokony ho amin’ ny volana faharoa dia Dodo Ahohita; Miklota andriandahy no isan’ ny antokony; ary ny antokon’ ny Ahohita dia efatra arivo amby roa alina.
5 The third captain of the army for the third month was Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada the priest; and in his division were twenty-four thousand.
Ny komandin’ ny antokony fahatelo tamin’ ny miaramila, ho amin’ ny volana fahatelo, dia Benaia lohany, zanak’ i Joiada mpisorona; ary ny antokony dia efatra arivo amby roa alina.
6 This is the same Benaiah who was the great man of the thirty, chief of the thirty; and in his division was Ammizabad his son.
Io no ilay Benaia, izay nahery sady ambony tamin’ izy telo-polo lahy; Amizabada zanany no isan’ ny antokony.
7 The fourth captain for the fourth month was Asahel, the brother of Joab, and Zebadiah his son after him; and in his division were twenty-four thousand.
Ny fahefatra, ho amin’ ny volana fahefatra, dia Asahela, rahalahin’ i Joaba, ary Zebadia zanany no nanarakaraka azy; ary ny antokony dia efatra arivo amby roa alina.
8 The fifth captain for the fifth month was Shamhuth the Izrahite; and in his division were twenty-four thousand.
Ny fahadimy, ho amin’ ny volana fahadimy, dia Samihota Jizarita; ary ny antokony dia efatra arivo amby roa alina.
9 The sixth captain for the sixth month was Ira, the son of Ikkesh the Tekoite; and in his division were twenty-four thousand.
Ny fahenina, ho amin’ ny volana fahenina, dia Ira, zanak’ Ikesy Tekoïta; ary ny antokony dia efatra arivo amby roa alina.
10 The seventh captain for the seventh month was Helez the Pelonite, of the sons of Ephraim; and in his division were twenty-four thousand.
Ny fahafito, ho amin’ ny volana fahafito, dia Heleza Pelonita, isan’ ny taranak’ i Efraima; ary ny antokony dia efatra arivo amby roa alina.
11 The eighth captain for the eighth month was Sibbecai the Hushathite, of the Zerahites; and in his division were twenty-four thousand.
Ny fahavalo, ho amin’ ny volana fahavalo, dia Sibekay Hosatita, isan’ ny Zerita; ary ny antokony dia efatra arivo amby roa alina.
12 The ninth captain for the ninth month was Abiezer the Anathothite, of the Benjamites; and in his division were twenty-four thousand.
Ny fahasivy, ho amin’ ny volana fahasivy, dia Abiezera Anatotita, Isan’ ny Benjamita; ary ny antokony dia efatra arivo amby roa alina.
13 The tenth captain for the tenth month was Maharai the Netophathite, of the Zerahites; and in his division were twenty-four thousand.
Ny fahafolo, ho amin’ ny volana fahafolo, dia Maharay Netofatita, isan’ ny Zerita; ary ny antokony dia efatra arivo amby roa alina.
14 The eleventh captain for the eleventh month was Benaiah the Pirathonite, of the sons of Ephraim; and in his division were twenty-four thousand.
Ny fahiraika ambin’ ny folo, ho amin’ ny volana fahiraika ambin’ ny folo, dia Benaia Piratonita, isan’ ny taranak’ i Efraima; ary ny antokony dia efatra arivo amby roa alina.
15 The twelfth captain for the twelfth month was Heldai the Netophathite, of Othniel; and in his division were twenty-four thousand.
Ny faharoa ambin’ ny folo, ho amin’ ny volana faharoa ambin’ ny folo, dia Helday Netofatita, isan’ ny taranak’ i Otniela; ary ny antokony dia efatra arivo amby roa alina.
16 And over the tribes of Israel: the ruler of the Reubenites was Eliezer, the son of Zichri; of the Simeonites, Shephatiah, the son of Maacah;
Ary izao no lohan ny firenen’ Isiraely: Tamin’ ny Robenita dia Eliezera, zanakalahin’ i Zikry; tamin’ ny Simeonita dia Sefatia, zanakalahin’ i Maka;
17 Of Levi, Hashabiah, the son of Kemuel; of Aaron, Zadok;
tamin’ ny Levita dia Hasabia, zanakalahin’ i Kemoela; tamin’ ny Aronita dia Zadoka;
18 Of Judah, Elihu, one of the brothers of David; of Issachar, Omri, the son of Michael;
tamin’ ny Joda dia Eliho, izay isan’ ny rahalahin’ i Davida; tamin’ ny Isakara dia Omry, zanakalahin’ i Mikaela;
19 Of Zebulun, Ishmaiah, the son of Obadiah; of Naphtali, Jerimoth, the son of Azriel;
tamin’ ny Zebolona dia Jismala, zanakalahin’ i Obadia; tamin’ ny Naftaly dia Jerimota, zanakalahin’ i Azriela;
20 Of the children of Ephraim, Hoshea, the son of Azaziah; of the half-tribe of Manasseh, Joel, the son of Pedaiah;
tamin’ ny taranak’ i Efraima dia Hosea, zanakalahin’ i Azazia; tamin’ ny antsasaky ny firenen’ i Manase dia Joela, zanakalahin’ i Pedaia;
21 Of the half-tribe of Manasseh in Gilead, Iddo, the son of Zechariah; of Benjamin, Jaasiel, the son of Abner;
tamin’ ny antsasaky ny firenen’ i Manase tao Gileada dia Ido, zanakalahin’ i Zakaria; tamin’ ny Benjamina dia Jasiela, zanakalahin’ i Abnera;
22 Of Dan, Azarel, the son of Jeroham. These were the captains of the tribes of Israel.
tamin’ ny Dana dia Azarela, zanakalahin’ i Jerohama. Ireo no lohan’ ny firenen’ Isiraely.
23 But David did not take the number of those who were under twenty years old, for the Lord had said that he would make Israel like the stars of heaven in number.
Nefa tsy nanisa ny hatramin’ ny roa-polo taona no ho midìna Davida; fa Jehovah efa nilaza fa hampitombo ny Isiraely ho tahaka ny kintana eny amin’ ny lanitra Izy.
24 The numbering was started by Joab, the son of Zeruiah, but he did not go on to the end; and because of it, wrath came on Israel and the number was not recorded in the history of King David.
Joaba, zanak’ i Zeroia, nanomboka nanisa, fa tsy nahefa, satria nisy fahatezerana nihatra tamin’ ny Isiraely tamin’ izany, ka dia tsy voasoratra ao amin’ ny bokin’ ny tantaran’ i Davida mpanjaka ny isany.
25 And Azmaveth, the son of Adiel, was controller of the king's property; Jonathan, the son of Uzziah, had control of all store-houses in country places and in the towns and little towns and strong places;
Ary ny tonian’ ny rakitry ny mpanjaka dia Azmaveta, zanak’ i Adiela; ary ny tonian ny trano firaiketana tany ambany vohitra, na tamin’ ny tanàna, na tamin’ ny vohitra, na tamin’ ny tilikambo, dia Jonatana, zanak’ i Ozia;
26 Ezri, the son of Chelub, had authority over the field-workers and farmers;
ary ny mpifehy ny mpiasa tany an-tsaha hiasa ny tany dia Ezry, zanak’ i Keloba;
27 Shimei the Ramathite was responsible for the vine-gardens; Zabdi the Shiphmite was responsible for the produce of the vine-gardens and for all the stores of wine;
ary ny tonian’ ny tanim-boaloboka dia Simey Ramatita; ary ny tonian’ ny divay tehirizina any amin’ ny tanim-boaloboka dia Zebdy Sifmita;
28 Baal-hanan the Gederite was responsible for the olive-trees and the sycamore-trees in the lowlands; and Joash for the stores of oil;
ary ny tonian’ ny hazo oliva sy ny aviavy eny amin’ ny tany lemaka amoron-tsiraka dia Bala-hanana Gaderita; ary ny tonian’ ny diloilo tehirizina dia Joasy;
29 And Shitrai the Sharonite was responsible for the herds in the grass-lands of Sharon, and Shaphat, the son of Adlai, for those in the valleys;
ary ny tonian’ ny omby nandrasana tany Sarôna dia Sitray Sarônita; ary ny tonian’ ny omby tany an-dohasaha dia Safata, zanak’ i Adlay;
30 Obil the Ishmaelite had control of the camels and Jehdeiah the Meronothite of the she-asses;
ary ny tonian’ ny rameva dia Obila Ismaelita; ary ny tonian’ ny borikivavy dia Jedda Meronotita;
31 The flocks were in the care of Jaziz the Hagarite. All these were the controllers of King David's property.
ary ny tonian’ ny ondry aman’ osy dia Jaziza Hagarita. Ireo rehetra ireo no tonian’ ny fananan’ i Davida mpanjaka.
32 Now Jonathan, David's father's brother, expert in discussion, and a man of good sense, was a scribe; and Jehiel the son of Hachmoni, had the care of the king's sons;
Ary Jonatana, rahalahin-drain’ i Davida, dia mpanolo-tsaina, lehilahy hendry sady be fahalalana izy; ary Jehiela, zanak’ i Hakmony, dia teo amin’ ny zanaky ny mpanjaka;
33 And Ahithophel was the king's expert in discussion and Hushai the Archite was the king's friend.
ary Ahitofela dia mpanolo-tsaina ny mpanjaka; ary Hosay Arkita no sakaizan’ ny mpanjaka;
34 After Ahithophel was Jehoiada, the son of Benaiah, and Abiathar; and the captain of the king's army was Joab.
ary ny manarakaraka an’ i Ahitofela dia Joiada, zanak’ i Benaia, sy Abiatara; ary ny komandin’ ny miaramilan’ ny mpanjaka dia Joaba.

< 1 Chronicles 27 >