< 1 Chronicles 22 >

1 Then David said, This is the house of the Lord God, and this is the altar for Israel's burned offerings.
तब दाऊदले भने, “इस्राएलको निम्‍ति होमबलिको वेदी सहितको परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वरका मन्‍दिरको ठाउँ यहीं हुनेछ ।”
2 And David gave orders to get together all the men from strange lands who were in the land of Israel; and he put stone-cutters to work, cutting stones for building the house of God.
यसैले दाऊदले आफ्ना सेवकहरूलाई इस्राएलमा बसोबास गर्ने परदेशीहरूलाई भेला गराउने हुकुम गरे । तिनले उनीहरूलाई परमेश्‍वरको मन्दिर बनाउन ढुङ्गा काटेर तयार गर्ने काममा खटाए ।
3 And he got together a great store of iron, for the nails for the doors and for the joins; and brass, more in weight than might be measured;
तिनले ढोकाहरू र चौकोसहरूका लागि कीला बनाउनका निम्‍ति धेरै मात्रामा फलाम दिए । तिनले जोख्‍न सक्‍नेभन्‍दा धेरै काँसा,
4 And cedar-trees without number, for the Zidonians and the men of Tyre came with a great amount of cedar-trees for David.
र गन्‍न सक्‍नेभन्‍दा धेरै देवदारुका काठ पनि दिए (सीदोनी र टुरोसका मानिसहरूले गन्‍नै नसक्‍ने गरी प्रशस्‍त मात्रामा देवदारु दाऊदकहाँ ल्‍याइदिए) ।
5 And David said, Solomon my son is young and untested, and the house which is to be put up for the Lord is to be very great, a thing of wonder and glory through all countries; so I will make ready what is needed for it. So David got ready a great store of material before his death.
दाऊदले भने, “मेरो छोरो सोलोमन कलिलै र अनुभवहीन छ, र परमप्रभुको निम्‍ति निर्माण गरिने भवन विशेष रूपले भव्य हुनुपर्छ, ताकि यो अरू सबै देशमा प्रसिद्ध र महिमित हुनेछ । यसैले यसको भवन निर्माणको तयारी म नै गर्नेछु ।” यसैले दाऊदले आफ्‍नो मृत्‍यु हुनुअगि ठुलो तयारी गरे ।
6 Then he sent for his son Solomon, and gave him orders for the building of a house for the Lord, the God of Israel.
तब तिनले आफ्‍नो छोरा सोलोमनलाई बोलाए र परमप्रभु इस्राएलका परमेश्‍वरको निम्‍ति एउटा मन्‍दिर बनाउने आज्ञा दिए ।
7 And David said to Solomon, My son, it was my desire to put up a house for the name of the Lord my God.
दाऊदले सोलोमनलाई भने, “ए मेरो छोरो, परमप्रभु मेरा परमेश्‍वरका नाउँको निम्‍ति एउटा मन्‍दिर बनाउने मेरो इच्‍छा थियो ।
8 But the word of the Lord came to me saying, You have taken lives without number and made great wars; I will not let you be the builder of a house for my name, because of the lives you have taken on the earth before my eyes.
तर परमप्रभुले मकहाँ आउनुभयो र भन्‍नुभयो, ‘तैंले धेरै रक्तपात गरेको र धेरै युद्ध गरेको छस्‌ । मेरो नाउँको निम्‍ति मन्‍दिर तैंले बनाउनेछैनन्, किनभने मेरो दृष्‍टिमा तैंले पृथ्‍वीमा धेरै रगत बगाएको छस्‌ ।
9 But you will have a son who will be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from wars on every side. His name will be Solomon, and in his time I will give Israel peace and quiet;
तापनि, तेरो एउटा छोरो हुनेछ जो शान्तिप्रिय मानिस हुनेछ । उसका चारैतिरका शत्रुहरूबाट म उसलाई आराम दिनेछु । किनकि उसको नाउँ सोलोमन हुनेछ, र उसको समयमा म इस्राएललाई शान्‍ति र चैन दिनेछु ।
10 He will be the builder of a house for my name; he will be to me a son, and I will be to him a father; and I will make the seat of his rule over Israel certain for ever.
मेरो नाउँको निम्‍ति एउटा मन्दिर उसैले बनाउनेछ । ऊ मेरो छोरो हुनेछ, र म उसका पिता हुनेछु । म उसको राज्यको सिंहासन इस्राएलमा सदासर्वदाको स्थापित गर्नेछु ।’
11 Now, my son, may the Lord be with you; and may you do well, and put up the house of the Lord your God, as he has said of you.
अब ए मेरो छोरो, परमप्रभु तँसँग रहनुभएको होस् र तँलाई सफलता दिनुभएको होस् । परमप्रभु तेरा परमेश्‍वरको मन्‍दिर तैंले नै बनाउनेछस् भनी उहाँले भन्‍नुभएझैं तैंले त्‍यो बनाउनेछस्।
12 Only may the Lord give you wisdom, and knowledge of his orders for Israel, so that you may keep the law of the Lord your God.
परमप्रभुले नै तँलाई अन्तर्दृष्‍टि र समझ दिनुभएको होस्, ताकि उहाँले तँलाई इस्राएलमाथि अधिकार दिनुहुँदा तैंले परमप्रभु तेरा परमेश्‍वरको व्‍यवस्‍था पालन गर्नेछस् ।
13 And all will go well for you, if you take care to keep the laws and the rules which the Lord gave to Moses for Israel: be strong and take heart; have no fear and do not be troubled.
तब इस्राएलको निम्‍ति परमप्रभुले मोशालाई दिनुभएका विधि र नियमहरूलाई तैंले होशियारसाथ पालन गरिस् भने तँ सफल हुनेछस् । बलियो र साहसी हो । नडरा वा निरुत्‍साहित नहो ।
14 Now see, poor though I am, I have got ready for the house of the Lord a hundred thousand talents of gold and a million talents of silver; and a weight of brass and iron greater than may be measured; and wood and stone have I made ready, and you may put more to it.
अब हेर्, ज्‍यादै प्रयत्‍नका साथ मैले परमप्रभुका मन्‍दिरको निम्‍ति एक लाख तोडा सुन, दश लाख तोडा चाँदी, धेरै मात्रामा काँसा र फलाम तयार गरेको छु । मैले काठपात र ढुङ्गा पनि तयार गरिराखेको छु । यी सबैमा तैंले अरू थप्‍नुपर्छ ।
15 And you have a great number of workmen, cutters and workers of stone and wood, and experts in every sort of work,
तँसित धेरै कामगर्ने मानिसहरू छन्: ढुङ्गा काट्‌नेहरू, डकर्मीहरू, सिकर्मीहरू, र हरेक किसिमका शिल्पकारहरू अनगिन्ती छन्,
16 In gold and silver and brass and iron more than may be numbered. Up! then, and to work; and may the Lord be with you.
जसले सुन, चाँदी, काँसा र फलामका काम गर्न सक्छन् । उठ् र काम सुरु गर्, र परमप्रभु तँसित हुनुभएको होस् ।”
17 Then David gave orders to all the chiefs of Israel to give their help to Solomon his son, saying,
दाऊदले इस्राएलका सबै अगुवाहरूलाई आफ्‍ना छोरा सोलोमनलाई सघाउन भनी यसो भनेर आदेश दिए,
18 Is not the Lord your God with you? and has he not given you rest on every side? for the Lord has given the people of the land into my hands, and the land is overcome before the Lord and before his people.
“परमप्रभु तिमीहरूका परमेश्‍वर तिमीहरूसँग हुनुहुन्‍छ र उहाँले तिमीहरूलाई चारैतिरबाट शान्‍ति दिनुभएको छ । उहाँले यस क्षेत्रका बासिन्‍दाहरूलाई मेरो हातमा दिनुभएको छ । यो क्षेत्र परमप्रभु र उहाँका मानिसहरूका अधीनमा छन्‌ ।
19 Now give your heart and soul to the worship of the Lord your God; and get to work on the building of the holy place of the Lord God, so that you may put the ark of the Lord's agreement and the holy vessels of God in the house which is to be made for the name of the Lord.
अब आफ्‍नो सारा हृदय र आफ्‍नो प्राणले परमप्रभु आफ्‍ना परमेश्‍वरको खोजी गर । उठ र परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वरको पवित्रस्‍थान निर्माण गर । त्यसपछि तिमीहरूले परमप्रभुका करारको सन्‍दूक र परमेश्‍वरका पवित्र कुराहरू परमेश्‍वरको नाउँको निम्‍ति बनाइएको मन्‍दिरमा ल्‍याओ ।”

< 1 Chronicles 22 >