< Zephaniah 2 >

1 Gather yourselves, gather together, O shameful nation,
Huihui, ae ra, huihui i a koutou, e te iwi kahore nei he whakama;
2 before the decree takes effect and the day passes like chaff, before the burning anger of the LORD comes upon you, before the Day of the LORD’s anger comes upon you.
I te mea kiano te ture i whai hua, a kiano i pahemo te ra ano he papapa, i te mea kiano i tae iho ki a koutou te mura o to Ihowa riri, i te mea kiano i tae iho ki a koutou te ra o to Ihowa riri.
3 Seek the LORD, all you humble of the earth who carry out His justice. Seek righteousness; seek humility. Perhaps you will be sheltered on the day of the LORD’s anger.
Rapua a Ihowa, e te hunga mahaki katoa o te whenua, e te hunga e mahi ana i tana i whakarite ai; rapua te tika, rapua te tikanga mahaki: me kahore koutou e piri i te ra o to Ihowa riri.
4 For Gaza will be abandoned, and Ashkelon left in ruins. Ashdod will be driven out at noon, and Ekron will be uprooted.
No te mea tera a Kaha ka mahue, ka ururuatia a Ahakerono: ka peia atu a Aharoro i te poutumarotanga, ka hutia atu hoki a Ekerono.
5 Woe to the dwellers of the seacoast, O nation of the Cherethites! The word of the LORD is against you, O Canaan, land of the Philistines: “I will destroy you, and no one will be left.”
Aue, te mate mo nga tangata i nga tahatika o te moana, mo te iwi o nga Kereti! Kua korero a Ihowa i te he mou, e Kanaana, e te whenua o nga Pirihitini; ka ngaro koe i ahau, kahore he tangata hei noho.
6 So the seacoast will become a land of pastures, with wells for shepherds and folds for sheep.
A ka waiho te tahatika o te moana hei haerenga hipi, me nga whare mo nga hepara, me nga taiepa mo nga hipi.
7 The coast will belong to the remnant of the house of Judah; there they will find pasture. They will lie down in the evening among the houses of Ashkelon, for the LORD their God will attend to them and restore their captives.
Ka waiho ano te tahatika mo nga toenga o te whare o Hura, ka whangaia e ratou a ratou hipi ki reira; ka takoto i te ahiahi i roto i nga whare o Ahakerono: no te mea ka tirotirohia ratou e Ihowa, e to ratou Atua, a ka whakahokia mai e ia i te whak arau.
8 “I have heard the reproach of Moab and the insults of the Ammonites, who have taunted My people and threatened their borders.
Kua rongo ahau i ta Moapa tawai, i nga taunu a nga tama a Amona, i ta ratou tawai ki taku iwi, i ta ratou whakatete mo to ratou rohe kia nui.
9 Therefore, as surely as I live,” declares the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel, “surely Moab will be like Sodom and the Ammonites like Gomorrah— a place of weeds and salt pits, a perpetual wasteland. The remnant of My people will plunder them; the remainder of My nation will dispossess them.”
Mo reira e ora ana ahau, e ai ta Ihowa o nga mano, ta te Atua o Iharaira, he pono ka rite a Moapa ki Horoma, nga tama a Amona ki Komora, hei tupuranga ongaonga, hei rua tote, hei ururua, a ake ake: ma nga toenga o taku iwi ratou e pahua, hei kain ga tupu ratou mo nga morehu o aku tangata.
10 This they shall have in return for their pride, for taunting and mocking the people of the LORD of Hosts.
Hei utu tenei ki a ratou mo to ratou whakapehapeha, mo ta ratou rawai, mo ta ratou whakakake ki te iwi o Ihowa o nga mano.
11 The LORD will be terrifying to them when He starves all the gods of the earth. Then the nations of every shore will bow in worship to Him, each in its own place.
Na ka wehingia a Ihowa e ratou, no te mea ka hiroki i a ia nga atua katoa o te whenua; a ka koropiko nga tangata katoa ki a ia i tona wahi, i tona wahi, ara nga motu katoa o nga tuaiwi.
12 “You too, O Cushites, will be slain by My sword.”
Ko koutou ano, e nga Etiopiana, ka werohia koutou ki taku hoari.
13 And He will stretch out His hand against the north and destroy Assyria; He will make Nineveh a desolation, as dry as a desert.
Ka totoro ano tona ringa ki te raki, a ka ngaro a Ahiria i a ia; a ka meinga a Ninewe hei ururua, ka maroke, ka pera i te koraha.
14 Herds will lie down in her midst, creatures of every kind. Both the desert owl and screech owl will roost atop her pillars. Their calls will sound from the window, but desolation will lie on the threshold, for He will expose the beams of cedar.
A ka tapapa nga kahui ki waenganui ona, nga kirehe katoa o nga tauiwi; ka noho te kawau raua ko te matuku ki ona puku whakapaipai; ka puaki to raua reo i nga matapihi; ka ururuatia nga kuwaha: no te mea ka tu tahanga nga mea hita i a ia.
15 This carefree city that dwells securely, that thinks to herself: “I am it, and there is none besides me,” what a ruin she has become, a resting place for beasts. Everyone who passes by her hisses and shakes his fist.
Ko te pa whakamanamana tenei i noho wehikore nei, i mea nei i roto i tona ngakau, Ko ahau tenei, kahore atu hoki, ko ahau anake: ano tona ururuatanga! he tapapatanga kirehe! ko te hunga katoa e tika ana na reira ka hi atu, ka tawhi i tona ringa.

< Zephaniah 2 >