< Zechariah 14 >

1 Behold, a day of the LORD is coming when your plunder will be divided in your presence.
Zuva raJehovha richauya zvawakapamba pazvichagoverwa pakati penyu.
2 For I will gather all the nations for battle against Jerusalem, and the city will be captured, the houses looted, and the women ravished. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be removed from the city.
Ndichaunganidza ndudzi dzose kuJerusarema kuti dzirwise; guta richatorwa, dzimba dzigopambwa, uye vakadzi vachachinyiwa. Hafu yeguta ichatapwa, asi vamwe vanhu vose havazobviswi muguta.
3 Then the LORD will go out to fight against those nations, as He fights in the day of battle.
Ipapo Jehovha achabuda kuti andorwisa ndudzi idzodzo, sokurwa kwaanoita pazuva rehondo.
4 On that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half the mountain moving to the north and half to the south.
Pazuva iroro tsoka dzake dzichamira paGomo reMiorivhi, kumabvazuva kweJerusarema, uye Gomo reMiorivhi richapamuka napakati kubva kumabvazuva kusvikira kumadokero, pagoita mupata mukuru kwazvo, imwe hafu yegomo ichatsedukira kurutivi rwokumusoro uye imwe hafu ichatsedukira zasi.
5 You will flee by My mountain valley, for it will extend to Azal. You will flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Then the LORD my God will come, and all the holy ones with Him.
Muchatiza nomumupata wegomo rangu, nokuti uchasvika kuAzeri. Muchatiza sokutiza kwamakaita pakudengenyeka kwenyika pamazuva aUzia mambo weJudha. Ipapo Jehovha Mwari wangu achauya, uye navatsvene vose pamwe chete naye.
6 On that day there will be no light, no cold or frost.
Pazuva iroro hakuzovi nechiedza, kutonhora kana chando.
7 It will be a day known only to the LORD, without day or night; but when evening comes, there will be light.
Richava zuva rakasiyana namamwe, risina nguva dzousiku kana nguva dzamasikati, zuva rinozivikanwa naJehovha. Kana madekwana asvika, chiedza chichavapo.
8 And on that day living water will flow out from Jerusalem, half of it toward the Eastern Sea and the other half toward the Western Sea, in summer and winter alike.
Pazuva iroro mvura mhenyu ichayerera ichibuda muJerusarema, hafu kugungwa rokumabvazuva uye imwe hafu kugungwa rokumadokero, muzhizha nomuchando.
9 On that day the LORD will become King over all the earth—the LORD alone, and His name alone.
Jehovha achava mambo panyika yose. Pazuva iroro pachava naJehovha mumwe chete, uye zita rake rigova zita rimwe chete roga.
10 All the land from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem will be turned into a plain, but Jerusalem will be raised up and will remain in her place, from the Benjamin Gate to the site of the First Gate to the Corner Gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the royal winepresses.
Nyika yose kubva kuGebha kusvikira kuRimoni, nechezasi kweJerusarema, ichava seArabha. Asi Jerusarema richasimudzirwa rigogara panzvimbo paro, kubva kuSuo raBhenjamini kusvikira kuSuo Rokutanga, kusvikirawo kuSuo Repakona, uye kubva kuShongwe yaHananeri kusvikira kuzvisviniro zvewaini zvamambo.
11 People will live there, and never again will there be an utter destruction. So Jerusalem will dwell securely.
Ichagarwa; haichazoparadzwizve. Jerusarema richachengetedzeka.
12 And this will be the plague with which the LORD strikes all the peoples who have warred against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.
Iri ndiro denda Jehovha raacharova naro ndudzi dzose dzakarwisa Jerusarema: Nyama yavo ichaora vachakamira namakumbo avo, maziso avo achaorera mumakomba awo, uye rurimi rwomumwe nomumwe wavo ruchaorera mumukanwa make.
13 On that day a great panic from the LORD will come upon them, so that each will seize the hand of another, and the hand of one will rise against the other.
Pazuva iroro varume vacharohwa naJehovha nokutya kukuru. Murume mumwe nomumwe achabata ruoko rwomumwe wake, vagorwisana.
14 Judah will also fight at Jerusalem, and the wealth of all the surrounding nations will be collected—gold, silver, and apparel in great abundance.
Judhawo icharwa paJerusarema. Upfumi hwendudzi dzose dzakakomberedza Jerusarema huchatorwa, goridhe rakawanda, sirivha yakawanda nenguo zhinji.
15 And a similar plague will strike the horses and mules, camels and donkeys, and all the animals in those camps.
Denda rakafanana nairori richarova mabhiza namanyurusi, ngamera nembongoro, uye nezvipfuwo zvose zviri mumisasa iyoyo.
16 Then all the survivors from the nations that came against Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the LORD of Hosts, and to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.
Ipapo vachararama kubva kundudzi dzose dzakarwisa Jerusarema vachaenda gore negore kundonamata Mambo, Jehovha Wamasimba Ose, uye nokundopemberera Mutambo waMatumba.
17 And should any of the families of the earth not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of Hosts, then the rain will not fall on them.
Kana marudzi ose avanhu vapanyika akasaenda kuJerusarema kundonamata Mambo, Jehovha Wamasimba Ose, mvura hainganayi munyika dzavo.
18 And if the people of Egypt will not go up and enter in, then the rain will not fall on them; this will be the plague with which the LORD strikes the nations who do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.
Kana vaIjipita vakasaenda uye vakasandonamatawo, mvura hainganayi munyika yavo. Jehovha achauyisa denda pamusoro pavo, denda raanorova naro ndudzi dzisingaendi kundopemberera Mutambo waMatumba.
19 This will be the punishment of Egypt and of all the nations that do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.
Ichi ndicho chichava chirango cheIjipiti uye nechirango chendudzi dzose dzisingaendi kundopemberera Mutambo waMatumba.
20 On that day, HOLY TO THE LORD will be inscribed on the bells of the horses, and the cooking pots in the house of the LORD will be like the sprinkling bowls before the altar.
Pazuva iroro pamabhero amabhiza pachanyorwa kuti, utsvene kuna jehovha, uye hari dzokubikira dziri mumba maJehovha dzichafanana nembiya tsvene dziri pamberi pearitari.
21 Indeed, every pot in Jerusalem and Judah will be holy to the LORD of Hosts, and all who sacrifice will come and take some pots and cook in them. And on that day there will no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the LORD of Hosts.
Hari imwe neimwe iri muJerusarema nomuJudha ichava tsvene kuna Jehovha Wamasimba Ose, uye vose vachauya kuzobayira vachatora dzimwe hari vagodzibikira. Uye pazuva iro hakuchazovazve nomuKenani muimba yaJehovha Wamasimba Ose.

< Zechariah 14 >