< Song of Solomon 8 >

1 O that you were to me like a brother who nursed at my mother’s breasts! If I found you outdoors, I would kiss you, and no one would despise me.
Aue me i rite koe ki toku tungane i ngote nei i nga u o toku whaea! Ka kite ahau i a koe i waho, ka kihia koe e ahau; ae, e kore tetahi e whakahawea ki ahau.
2 I would lead you and bring you to the house of my mother who taught me. I would give you spiced wine to drink, the nectar of my pomegranates.
Ka aratakina koe e ahau, ka kawea ki te whare o toku whaea, ko ia ano hei whakaako i ahau; ka whakainumia koe e ahau ki te waina whakaranu, ki te wai o taku pamekaranete.
3 His left hand is under my head, and his right arm embraces me.
Ko tona maui ki raro i toku matenga, ko tona matau ki te awhi i ahau.
4 O daughters of Jerusalem, I adjure you: Do not arouse or awaken love until the time is right.
He ki atu tenei naku ki a koutou, e nga tamahine o Hiruharama, kaua e whakaohokia, kaua e whakaarahia taku e aroha nei, kia pai ra ano ia.
5 Who is this coming up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved? I roused you under the apple tree; there your mother conceived you; there she travailed and brought you forth.
Ko wai tenei e haere mai nei i te koraha e taupuhipuhi nei ki tana i aroha ai? Naku koe i whakaara ake i raro i te aporo; ko te wahi tena i puta mai ai koe i roto i tou whaea; i puta mai ano koe i reira i roto i te wahine i whanau ai koe.
6 Set me as a seal over your heart, as a seal upon your arm. For love is as strong as death, its jealousy as unrelenting as Sheol. Its sparks are fiery flames, the fiercest blaze of all. (Sheol h7585)
Waiho ahau hei hiri ki tou ngakau, hei hiri ki tou ringa; rite tahi hoki ki to te mate te kaha o te aroha; nanakia tonu te hae, ano ko te urupa, ko ona hiko, he hiko ahi, he mura pu na Ihowa. (Sheol h7585)
7 Mighty waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. If a man were to give all the wealth of his house for love, his offer would be utterly scorned.
Nui te wai, e kore te aroha e taea te tinei, e kore ano e ngaro i nga awa: ahakoa i hoatu e te tangata nga rawa katoa o tona whare mo te aroha, ka whakahaweatia rawatia.
8 We have a little sister, and her breasts are not yet grown. What shall we do for our sister on the day she is spoken for?
He teina nohinohi to matou, kahore hoki ona u: me pehea matou ki to matou teina i te ra e korerotia ai ia?
9 If she is a wall, we will build a tower of silver upon her. If she is a door, we will enclose her with panels of cedar.
Ki te mea he taiepa ia, ka hanga e tatou he pourewa ki runga ki a ia, he mea hiriwa: ki te mea he tatau ia, ka whakakopakina ia e tatou ki nga papa hita.
10 I am a wall, and my breasts are like towers. So I have become in his eyes like one who brings peace.
He taiepa ahau, ko oku u, ano ko ona pourewa; no reira, ki tana titiro mai, i rite ahau ki tetahi kua kite i te ata noho.
11 Solomon had a vineyard in Baal-hamon. He leased it to the tenants. For its fruit, each was to bring a thousand shekels of silver.
He mara waina ta Horomona i Paarahamono, tukua atu ana e ia te mara ki nga kaitiaki; kotahi mano nga hiriwa hei kawenga mai ma tenei, ma tenei hei utu mo ona hua.
12 But my own vineyard is mine to give; the thousand shekels are for you, O Solomon, and two hundred are for those who tend its fruit.
Ko taku mara, ko taku ake, kei toku aroaro: mau, e Horomona, te kotahi mano, a ma nga kaitiaki o ona hua e rua rau.
13 You who dwell in the gardens, my companions are listening for your voice. Let me hear it!
E koe e noho nei i nga kari, e whakarongo ana nga hoa ki tou reo: meinga kia rongo ahau.
14 Come away, my beloved, and be like a gazelle or a young stag on the mountains of spices.
Kia hohoro, e taku e aroha nei, kia rite koe ki te anaterope, ki te kuao hata ranei i runga i nga maunga kinaki kakara.

< Song of Solomon 8 >