< Revelation 12 >

1 And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.
Lino kayi cingashilo cinene ciyosha calaboneka mwilu. Kwalaboneka mutukashi walikuba wafwala lisuba, walikuba wekala kali walyata myendo yakendi pa mwenshi, ku mutwi walikuba wafwala cishoti ca bwami cikute nyenyenshi likumi ne shibili.
2 She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth.
Walikukute libunda, nomba mutukashuyo mpwalikuba pepi kutumbuka, walikulila cebo cakubabwa kwa pakutumbuka.
3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: a huge red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven royal crowns on his heads.
Lino kayi cingashilo nacimbi calaboneka mwilu. Ndalabona cishinshimwe cinene calikukute mitwi isanu ne ibili ne meca likumi kayi ne tushoti tusanu ne tubili twa bwami ku mutwi umo ne umo.
4 His tail swept a third of the stars from the sky, tossing them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, ready to devour her child as soon as she gave birth.
Mucila waco walakulumuna mbasu shitatu sha nyenyenshi mwilu ne kushiwala pa cishi capanshi. Cishinshimwe ico calatankamana kuntangu pepi ne mutukashi kwambeti atumbukowa cimulye mwana.
5 And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was caught up to God and to His throne.
Usa mutukashi walatumbuka mwana mutuloba, eshakendeleshe mishobo yonse ne nkoli ya cela. Nomba mwanoyo walasompolwa ne kutwalwa kuli Lesa kuya kwikala pa cipuna cakendi ca bwami.
6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place for her to be nourished for 1,260 days.
Neye mutukashi walafwambila ku cinyika, uko Lesa nkwalamubambila musena wakumulelelako kwa masuba cina cimo ne myanda ibili ne makumi asanu ne limo.
7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.
Lino nkondo yalabalamuka kwilu. Mikayeli ne bangelo bakendi balalwana ne Shinshimwe, nendi Shinshimwe walikuba ne bangelo bakendi balalwanisha,
8 But the dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any place found in heaven for him and his angels.
nomba Shinshimwe ne bangelo baco balakomwa, nkabalasuminishiwa kwikala mumusena wabo kwilu.
9 And the great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
Cishinshimwe cinene calawalwa panshi, Shinshimwe wakaindi mwipishi ukute kukwiweti Satana, Muyungaushi wacishi capanshi conse. Balaciwala pa cishi capanshi pamo ne bangelo bakendi.
10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven saying: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ. For the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down— he who accuses them day and night before our God.
Pa cindi copeleco, ndalanyumfwa liswi lyakompolola kwilu akwambeti, Lino Lesa latupulushu! Lesa laleshe ngofu shakendi sha Bwami! Lino neye Wananikwa laleshe bwendeleshi bwakendi! Pakwinga usa wemananga pa menso a Lesa wetu, Wabepeshelanga banse betu pamenso a Lesa munshi ne mashiku lawalwa pa cishi capanshi.
11 They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. And they did not love their lives so as to shy away from death.
Banse betu balamukomo cebo ca milopa ya Mwana Mbelele kayi ne cancine ncine ncebali kukambauka. Balikuba balibambila kuyaba buyumi bwabo pacindi ncebali kulangana ne lufu.
12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea; with great fury the devil has come down to you, knowing he has only a short time.”
“Neco kokondwa obe kwilu, ne mwense mwekala kwiluko! Nsombi malele kuli njamwe mwekala pa cishi capanshi ne pa lwenje! Muyungaushi, lesa uko panshi kulinjamwe, wesula ne bukalu pakwinga ucinsheti kacindi nikang'ana kalamushalili.”
13 And when the dragon saw that he had been thrown to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child.
Lino cishinshimwe mpocalenshibeti cilawalwa pa cishi capanshi, calatatika kukonka usa mutukashi walatumbuka mwana mutuloba.
14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle to fly from the presence of the serpent to her place in the wilderness, where she was nourished for a time, and times, and half a time.
Mutukashuyo walapewa mapepe abili alyeti acikumbula munene, kwambeti acikonshe kuluka kuya ku musena wakendi ku cinyika. Nkwalakalelwa cena kwa byaka bitatu ne cintimbwi kuyuba cishinshimwe cisa.
15 Then from the mouth of the serpent spewed water like a river to overtake the woman and sweep her away in the torrent.
Lino cishinshimwe pakukonka mutukashi calapomona menshi angi mu mulomo waco alabeti mulonga kwambeti mutukashi usa enga ne menshi.
16 But the earth helped the woman and opened its mouth to swallow up the river that had poured from the dragon’s mouth.
Nomba cishi capanshi calamunyamfwa mutukashi, calacaluka ne kumina menshi ngocalapomona cishinshimwe mu mulomo waco.
17 And the dragon was enraged at the woman, and went to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea.
Ici ecalapesheti cishinshimwe cikalale cikamba ne mutukashi usa, neco calaya kulwana ne banabendi mutukashi kayi ne bantu bonse balanyumfwilinga milawo ya Lesa abo bashoma cancinencine calayubululwa ne Yesu.

< Revelation 12 >